module micro_mg2_0 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: ! MG microphysics version 2.0 - Update of MG microphysics with ! prognostic precipitation. ! ! Author: Andrew Gettelman, Hugh Morrison, Sean Santos ! Contributions from: Peter Caldwell, Xiaohong Liu and Steve Ghan ! Version 2 history: Sep 2011: Development begun. ! Feb 2013: Added of prognostic precipitation. ! Aug 2015: Published and released version ! ! invoked in CAM by specifying -microphys=mg2.0 ! ! References: ! ! Gettelman, A. and H. Morrison, Advanced Two-Moment Microphysics for Global Models. ! ! Part I: Off line tests and comparisons with other schemes. ! ! J. Climate, 28, 1268-1287. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00102.1, 2015. ! ! ! ! Gettelman, A., H. Morrison, S. Santos, P. Bogenschutz and P. H. Caldwell ! ! Advanced Two-Moment Microphysics for Global Models. ! ! Part II: Global model solutions and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions. ! ! J. Climate, 28, 1288-1307. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00103.1 , 2015. ! ! for questions contact Hugh Morrison, Andrew Gettelman ! e-mail:, !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! NOTE: Modified to allow other microphysics packages (e.g. CARMA) to do ice ! microphysics in cooperation with the MG liquid microphysics. This is ! controlled by the do_cldice variable. ! ! If do_cldice is false, then MG microphysics should not update CLDICE or ! NUMICE; it is assumed that the other microphysics scheme will have updated ! CLDICE and NUMICE. The other microphysics should handle the following ! processes that would have been done by MG: ! - Detrainment (liquid and ice) ! - Homogeneous ice nucleation ! - Heterogeneous ice nucleation ! - Bergeron process ! - Melting of ice ! - Freezing of cloud drops ! - Autoconversion (ice -> snow) ! - Growth/Sublimation of ice ! - Sedimentation of ice ! ! This option has not been updated since the introduction of prognostic ! precipitation, and probably should be adjusted to cover snow as well. ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Based on micro_mg (restructuring of former cldwat2m_micro) ! Author: Andrew Gettelman, Hugh Morrison. ! Contributions from: Xiaohong Liu and Steve Ghan ! December 2005-May 2010 ! Description in: Morrison and Gettelman, 2008. J. Climate (MG2008) ! Gettelman et al., 2010 J. Geophys. Res. - Atmospheres (G2010) ! for questions contact Hugh Morrison, Andrew Gettelman ! e-mail:, !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Code comments added by HM, 093011 ! General code structure: ! ! Code is divided into two main subroutines: ! subroutine micro_mg_init --> initializes microphysics routine, should be called ! once at start of simulation ! subroutine micro_mg_tend --> main microphysics routine to be called each time step ! this also calls several smaller subroutines to calculate ! microphysical processes and other utilities ! ! List of external functions: ! qsat_water --> for calculating saturation vapor pressure with respect to liquid water ! qsat_ice --> for calculating saturation vapor pressure with respect to ice ! gamma --> standard mathematical gamma function ! ......................................................................... ! List of inputs through use statement in fortran90: ! Variable Name Description Units ! ......................................................................... ! gravit acceleration due to gravity m s-2 ! rair dry air gas constant for air J kg-1 K-1 ! tmelt temperature of melting point for water K ! cpair specific heat at constant pressure for dry air J kg-1 K-1 ! rh2o gas constant for water vapor J kg-1 K-1 ! latvap latent heat of vaporization J kg-1 ! latice latent heat of fusion J kg-1 ! qsat_water external function for calculating liquid water ! saturation vapor pressure/humidity - ! qsat_ice external function for calculating ice ! saturation vapor pressure/humidity pa ! rhmini relative humidity threshold parameter for ! nucleating ice - ! ......................................................................... ! NOTE: List of all inputs/outputs passed through the call/subroutine statement ! for micro_mg_tend is given below at the start of subroutine micro_mg_tend. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Procedures required: ! 1) An implementation of the gamma function (if not intrinsic). ! 2) saturation vapor pressure and specific humidity over water ! 3) svp over ice #ifndef HAVE_GAMMA_INTRINSICS use shr_spfn_mod, only: gamma => shr_spfn_gamma #endif use wv_sat_methods, only: & qsat_water => wv_sat_qsat_water, & qsat_ice => wv_sat_qsat_ice ! Parameters from the utilities module. use micro_mg_utils, only: & r8, & pi, & omsm, & qsmall, & mincld, & rhosn, & rhoi, & rhow, & rhows, & ac, bc, & ai, bi, & aj, bj, & ar, br, & as, bs, & mi0, & rising_factorial implicit none private save public :: & micro_mg_init, & micro_mg_get_cols, & micro_mg_tend ! switch for specification rather than prediction of droplet and crystal number ! note: number will be adjusted as needed to keep mean size within bounds, ! even when specified droplet or ice number is used ! If constant cloud ice number is set (nicons = .true.), ! then all microphysical processes except mass transfer due to ice nucleation ! (mnuccd) are based on the fixed cloud ice number. Calculation of ! mnuccd follows from the prognosed ice crystal number ni. ! nccons = .true. to specify constant cloud droplet number ! nicons = .true. to specify constant cloud ice number logical, parameter, public :: nccons = .false. logical, parameter, public :: nicons = .false. !========================================================= ! Private module parameters !========================================================= ! parameters for specified ice and droplet number concentration ! note: these are local in-cloud values, not grid-mean real(r8), parameter :: ncnst = 100.e6_r8 ! droplet num concentration when nccons=.true. (m-3) real(r8), parameter :: ninst = 0.1e6_r8 ! ice num concentration when nicons=.true. (m-3) !Range of cloudsat reflectivities (dBz) for analytic simulator real(r8), parameter :: csmin = -30._r8 real(r8), parameter :: csmax = 26._r8 real(r8), parameter :: mindbz = -99._r8 real(r8), parameter :: minrefl = 1.26e-10_r8 ! minrefl = 10._r8**(mindbz/10._r8) ! autoconversion size threshold for cloud ice to snow (m) real(r8) :: dcs ! minimum mass of new crystal due to freezing of cloud droplets done ! externally (kg) real(r8), parameter :: mi0l_min = 4._r8/3._r8*pi*rhow*(4.e-6_r8)**3 !========================================================= ! Constants set in initialization !========================================================= ! Set using arguments to micro_mg_init real(r8) :: g ! gravity real(r8) :: r ! dry air gas constant real(r8) :: rv ! water vapor gas constant real(r8) :: cpp ! specific heat of dry air real(r8) :: tmelt ! freezing point of water (K) ! latent heats of: real(r8) :: xxlv ! vaporization real(r8) :: xlf ! freezing real(r8) :: xxls ! sublimation real(r8) :: rhmini ! Minimum rh for ice cloud fraction > 0. ! flags logical :: microp_uniform logical :: do_cldice logical :: use_hetfrz_classnuc real(r8) :: rhosu ! typical 850mn air density real(r8) :: icenuct ! ice nucleation temperature: currently -5 degrees C real(r8) :: snowmelt ! what temp to melt all snow: currently 2 degrees C real(r8) :: rainfrze ! what temp to freeze all rain: currently -5 degrees C ! additional constants to help speed up code real(r8) :: gamma_br_plus1 real(r8) :: gamma_br_plus4 real(r8) :: gamma_bs_plus1 real(r8) :: gamma_bs_plus4 real(r8) :: gamma_bi_plus1 real(r8) :: gamma_bi_plus4 real(r8) :: gamma_bj_plus1 real(r8) :: gamma_bj_plus4 real(r8) :: xxlv_squared real(r8) :: xxls_squared character(len=16) :: micro_mg_precip_frac_method ! type of precipitation fraction method real(r8) :: micro_mg_berg_eff_factor ! berg efficiency factor logical :: allow_sed_supersat ! Allow supersaturated conditions after sedimentation loop logical :: do_sb_physics ! do SB 2001 autoconversion or accretion physics !=============================================================================== contains !=============================================================================== subroutine micro_mg_init( & kind, gravit, rair, rh2o, cpair, & tmelt_in, latvap, latice, & rhmini_in, micro_mg_dcs, & microp_uniform_in, do_cldice_in, use_hetfrz_classnuc_in, & micro_mg_precip_frac_method_in, micro_mg_berg_eff_factor_in, & allow_sed_supersat_in, do_sb_physics_in, errstring) use micro_mg_utils, only: micro_mg_utils_init !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: ! initialize constants for MG microphysics ! ! Author: Andrew Gettelman Dec 2005 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: kind ! Kind used for reals real(r8), intent(in) :: gravit real(r8), intent(in) :: rair real(r8), intent(in) :: rh2o real(r8), intent(in) :: cpair real(r8), intent(in) :: tmelt_in ! Freezing point of water (K) real(r8), intent(in) :: latvap real(r8), intent(in) :: latice real(r8), intent(in) :: rhmini_in ! Minimum rh for ice cloud fraction > 0. real(r8), intent(in) :: micro_mg_dcs logical, intent(in) :: microp_uniform_in ! .true. = configure uniform for sub-columns ! .false. = use w/o sub-columns (standard) logical, intent(in) :: do_cldice_in ! .true. = do all processes (standard) ! .false. = skip all processes affecting ! cloud ice logical, intent(in) :: use_hetfrz_classnuc_in ! use heterogeneous freezing character(len=16),intent(in) :: micro_mg_precip_frac_method_in ! type of precipitation fraction method real(r8), intent(in) :: micro_mg_berg_eff_factor_in ! berg efficiency factor logical, intent(in) :: allow_sed_supersat_in ! allow supersaturated conditions after sedimentation loop logical, intent(in) :: do_sb_physics_in ! do SB autoconversion and accretion physics character(128), intent(out) :: errstring ! Output status (non-blank for error return) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dcs = micro_mg_dcs ! Initialize subordinate utilities module. call micro_mg_utils_init(kind, rh2o, cpair, tmelt_in, latvap, latice, & dcs, errstring) if (trim(errstring) /= "") return ! declarations for MG code (transforms variable names) g= gravit ! gravity r= rair ! dry air gas constant: note units(phys_constants are in J/K/kmol) rv= rh2o ! water vapor gas constant cpp = cpair ! specific heat of dry air tmelt = tmelt_in rhmini = rhmini_in micro_mg_precip_frac_method = micro_mg_precip_frac_method_in micro_mg_berg_eff_factor = micro_mg_berg_eff_factor_in allow_sed_supersat = allow_sed_supersat_in do_sb_physics = do_sb_physics_in ! latent heats xxlv = latvap ! latent heat vaporization xlf = latice ! latent heat freezing xxls = xxlv + xlf ! latent heat of sublimation ! flags microp_uniform = microp_uniform_in do_cldice = do_cldice_in use_hetfrz_classnuc = use_hetfrz_classnuc_in ! typical air density at 850 mb rhosu = 85000._r8/(rair * tmelt) ! Maximum temperature at which snow is allowed to exist snowmelt = tmelt + 2._r8 ! Minimum temperature at which rain is allowed to exist rainfrze = tmelt - 40._r8 ! Ice nucleation temperature icenuct = tmelt - 5._r8 ! Define constants to help speed up code (this limits calls to gamma function) gamma_br_plus1=gamma(1._r8+br) gamma_br_plus4=gamma(4._r8+br) gamma_bs_plus1=gamma(1._r8+bs) gamma_bs_plus4=gamma(4._r8+bs) gamma_bi_plus1=gamma(1._r8+bi) gamma_bi_plus4=gamma(4._r8+bi) gamma_bj_plus1=gamma(1._r8+bj) gamma_bj_plus4=gamma(4._r8+bj) xxlv_squared=xxlv**2 xxls_squared=xxls**2 end subroutine micro_mg_init !=============================================================================== !microphysics routine for each timestep goes here... subroutine micro_mg_tend ( & mgncol, nlev, deltatin, & t, q, & qcn, qin, & ncn, nin, & qrn, qsn, & nrn, nsn, & relvar, accre_enhan, & p, pdel, & cldn, liqcldf, icecldf, qsatfac, & qcsinksum_rate1ord, & naai, npccn, & rndst, nacon, & tlat, qvlat, & qctend, qitend, & nctend, nitend, & qrtend, qstend, & nrtend, nstend, & effc, effc_fn, effi, & sadice, sadsnow, & prect, preci, & nevapr, evapsnow, & am_evp_st, & prain, prodsnow, & cmeout, deffi, & pgamrad, lamcrad, & qsout, dsout, & lflx, iflx, & rflx, sflx, qrout, & reff_rain, reff_snow, & qcsevap, qisevap, qvres, & cmeitot, vtrmc, vtrmi, & umr, ums, & qcsedten, qisedten, & qrsedten, qssedten, & pratot, prctot, & mnuccctot, mnuccttot, msacwitot, & psacwstot, bergstot, bergtot, & melttot, homotot, & qcrestot, prcitot, praitot, & qirestot, mnuccrtot, pracstot, & meltsdttot, frzrdttot, mnuccdtot, & nrout, nsout, & refl, arefl, areflz, & frefl, csrfl, acsrfl, & fcsrfl, rercld, & ncai, ncal, & qrout2, qsout2, & nrout2, nsout2, & drout2, dsout2, & freqs, freqr, & nfice, qcrat, & errstring, & ! Below arguments are "optional" (pass null pointers to omit). tnd_qsnow, tnd_nsnow, re_ice, & prer_evap, & frzimm, frzcnt, frzdep) ! Constituent properties. use micro_mg_utils, only: & mg_liq_props, & mg_ice_props, & mg_rain_props, & mg_snow_props ! Size calculation functions. use micro_mg_utils, only: & size_dist_param_liq, & size_dist_param_basic, & avg_diameter ! Microphysical processes. use micro_mg_utils, only: & ice_deposition_sublimation, & sb2001v2_liq_autoconversion,& sb2001v2_accre_cld_water_rain,& kk2000_liq_autoconversion, & ice_autoconversion, & immersion_freezing, & contact_freezing, & snow_self_aggregation, & accrete_cloud_water_snow, & secondary_ice_production, & accrete_rain_snow, & heterogeneous_rain_freezing, & accrete_cloud_water_rain, & self_collection_rain, & accrete_cloud_ice_snow, & evaporate_sublimate_precip, & bergeron_process_snow !Authors: Hugh Morrison, Andrew Gettelman, NCAR, Peter Caldwell, LLNL ! e-mail:, ! input arguments integer, intent(in) :: mgncol ! number of microphysics columns integer, intent(in) :: nlev ! number of layers real(r8), intent(in) :: deltatin ! time step (s) real(r8), intent(in) :: t(mgncol,nlev) ! input temperature (K) real(r8), intent(in) :: q(mgncol,nlev) ! input h20 vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! note: all input cloud variables are grid-averaged real(r8), intent(in) :: qcn(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: qin(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: ncn(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud water number conc (1/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: nin(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud ice number conc (1/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: qrn(mgncol,nlev) ! rain mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: qsn(mgncol,nlev) ! snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: nrn(mgncol,nlev) ! rain number conc (1/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: nsn(mgncol,nlev) ! snow number conc (1/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: relvar(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud water relative variance (-) real(r8), intent(in) :: accre_enhan(mgncol,nlev) ! optional accretion ! enhancement factor (-) real(r8), intent(in) :: p(mgncol,nlev) ! air pressure (pa) real(r8), intent(in) :: pdel(mgncol,nlev) ! pressure difference across level (pa) real(r8), intent(in) :: cldn(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud fraction (no units) real(r8), intent(in) :: liqcldf(mgncol,nlev) ! liquid cloud fraction (no units) real(r8), intent(in) :: icecldf(mgncol,nlev) ! ice cloud fraction (no units) real(r8), intent(in) :: qsatfac(mgncol,nlev) ! subgrid cloud water saturation scaling factor (no units) ! used for scavenging ! Inputs for aerosol activation real(r8), intent(in) :: naai(mgncol,nlev) ! ice nucleation number (from microp_aero_ts) (1/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: npccn(mgncol,nlev) ! ccn activated number tendency (from microp_aero_ts) (1/kg*s) ! Note that for these variables, the dust bin is assumed to be the last index. ! (For example, in CAM, the last dimension is always size 4.) real(r8), intent(in) :: rndst(:,:,:) ! radius of each dust bin, for contact freezing (from microp_aero_ts) (m) real(r8), intent(in) :: nacon(:,:,:) ! number in each dust bin, for contact freezing (from microp_aero_ts) (1/m^3) ! output arguments real(r8), intent(out) :: qcsinksum_rate1ord(mgncol,nlev) ! 1st order rate for ! direct cw to precip conversion real(r8), intent(out) :: tlat(mgncol,nlev) ! latent heating rate (W/kg) real(r8), intent(out) :: qvlat(mgncol,nlev) ! microphysical tendency qv (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: qctend(mgncol,nlev) ! microphysical tendency qc (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: qitend(mgncol,nlev) ! microphysical tendency qi (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: nctend(mgncol,nlev) ! microphysical tendency nc (1/(kg*s)) real(r8), intent(out) :: nitend(mgncol,nlev) ! microphysical tendency ni (1/(kg*s)) real(r8), intent(out) :: qrtend(mgncol,nlev) ! microphysical tendency qr (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: qstend(mgncol,nlev) ! microphysical tendency qs (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: nrtend(mgncol,nlev) ! microphysical tendency nr (1/(kg*s)) real(r8), intent(out) :: nstend(mgncol,nlev) ! microphysical tendency ns (1/(kg*s)) real(r8), intent(out) :: effc(mgncol,nlev) ! droplet effective radius (micron) real(r8), intent(out) :: effc_fn(mgncol,nlev) ! droplet effective radius, assuming nc = 1.e8 kg-1 real(r8), intent(out) :: effi(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud ice effective radius (micron) real(r8), intent(out) :: sadice(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud ice surface area density (cm2/cm3) real(r8), intent(out) :: sadsnow(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud snow surface area density (cm2/cm3) real(r8), intent(out) :: prect(mgncol) ! surface precip rate (m/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: preci(mgncol) ! cloud ice/snow precip rate (m/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: nevapr(mgncol,nlev) ! evaporation rate of rain + snow (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: evapsnow(mgncol,nlev) ! sublimation rate of snow (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: am_evp_st(mgncol,nlev) ! stratiform evaporation area (frac) real(r8), intent(out) :: prain(mgncol,nlev) ! production of rain + snow (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: prodsnow(mgncol,nlev) ! production of snow (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: cmeout(mgncol,nlev) ! evap/sub of cloud (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: deffi(mgncol,nlev) ! ice effective diameter for optics (radiation) (micron) real(r8), intent(out) :: pgamrad(mgncol,nlev) ! ice gamma parameter for optics (radiation) (no units) real(r8), intent(out) :: lamcrad(mgncol,nlev) ! slope of droplet distribution for optics (radiation) (1/m) real(r8), intent(out) :: qsout(mgncol,nlev) ! snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(out) :: dsout(mgncol,nlev) ! snow diameter (m) real(r8), intent(out) :: lflx(mgncol,nlev+1) ! grid-box average liquid condensate flux (kg m^-2 s^-1) real(r8), intent(out) :: iflx(mgncol,nlev+1) ! grid-box average ice condensate flux (kg m^-2 s^-1) real(r8), intent(out) :: rflx(mgncol,nlev+1) ! grid-box average rain flux (kg m^-2 s^-1) real(r8), intent(out) :: sflx(mgncol,nlev+1) ! grid-box average snow flux (kg m^-2 s^-1) real(r8), intent(out) :: qrout(mgncol,nlev) ! grid-box average rain mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(out) :: reff_rain(mgncol,nlev) ! rain effective radius (micron) real(r8), intent(out) :: reff_snow(mgncol,nlev) ! snow effective radius (micron) real(r8), intent(out) :: qcsevap(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud water evaporation due to sedimentation (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: qisevap(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud ice sublimation due to sublimation (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: qvres(mgncol,nlev) ! residual condensation term to ensure RH < 100% (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: cmeitot(mgncol,nlev) ! grid-mean cloud ice sub/dep (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: vtrmc(mgncol,nlev) ! mass-weighted cloud water fallspeed (m/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: vtrmi(mgncol,nlev) ! mass-weighted cloud ice fallspeed (m/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: umr(mgncol,nlev) ! mass weighted rain fallspeed (m/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: ums(mgncol,nlev) ! mass weighted snow fallspeed (m/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: qcsedten(mgncol,nlev) ! qc sedimentation tendency (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: qisedten(mgncol,nlev) ! qi sedimentation tendency (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: qrsedten(mgncol,nlev) ! qr sedimentation tendency (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: qssedten(mgncol,nlev) ! qs sedimentation tendency (1/s) ! microphysical process rates for output (mixing ratio tendencies) (all have units of 1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: pratot(mgncol,nlev) ! accretion of cloud by rain real(r8), intent(out) :: prctot(mgncol,nlev) ! autoconversion of cloud to rain real(r8), intent(out) :: mnuccctot(mgncol,nlev) ! mixing ratio tend due to immersion freezing real(r8), intent(out) :: mnuccttot(mgncol,nlev) ! mixing ratio tend due to contact freezing real(r8), intent(out) :: msacwitot(mgncol,nlev) ! mixing ratio tend due to H-M splintering real(r8), intent(out) :: psacwstot(mgncol,nlev) ! collection of cloud water by snow real(r8), intent(out) :: bergstot(mgncol,nlev) ! bergeron process on snow real(r8), intent(out) :: bergtot(mgncol,nlev) ! bergeron process on cloud ice real(r8), intent(out) :: melttot(mgncol,nlev) ! melting of cloud ice real(r8), intent(out) :: homotot(mgncol,nlev) ! homogeneous freezing cloud water real(r8), intent(out) :: qcrestot(mgncol,nlev) ! residual cloud condensation due to removal of excess supersat real(r8), intent(out) :: prcitot(mgncol,nlev) ! autoconversion of cloud ice to snow real(r8), intent(out) :: praitot(mgncol,nlev) ! accretion of cloud ice by snow real(r8), intent(out) :: qirestot(mgncol,nlev) ! residual ice deposition due to removal of excess supersat real(r8), intent(out) :: mnuccrtot(mgncol,nlev) ! mixing ratio tendency due to heterogeneous freezing of rain to snow (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: pracstot(mgncol,nlev) ! mixing ratio tendency due to accretion of rain by snow (1/s) real(r8), intent(out) :: meltsdttot(mgncol,nlev) ! latent heating rate due to melting of snow (W/kg) real(r8), intent(out) :: frzrdttot(mgncol,nlev) ! latent heating rate due to homogeneous freezing of rain (W/kg) real(r8), intent(out) :: mnuccdtot(mgncol,nlev) ! mass tendency from ice nucleation real(r8), intent(out) :: nrout(mgncol,nlev) ! rain number concentration (1/m3) real(r8), intent(out) :: nsout(mgncol,nlev) ! snow number concentration (1/m3) real(r8), intent(out) :: refl(mgncol,nlev) ! analytic radar reflectivity real(r8), intent(out) :: arefl(mgncol,nlev) ! average reflectivity will zero points outside valid range real(r8), intent(out) :: areflz(mgncol,nlev) ! average reflectivity in z. real(r8), intent(out) :: frefl(mgncol,nlev) ! fractional occurrence of radar reflectivity real(r8), intent(out) :: csrfl(mgncol,nlev) ! cloudsat reflectivity real(r8), intent(out) :: acsrfl(mgncol,nlev) ! cloudsat average real(r8), intent(out) :: fcsrfl(mgncol,nlev) ! cloudsat fractional occurrence of radar reflectivity real(r8), intent(out) :: rercld(mgncol,nlev) ! effective radius calculation for rain + cloud real(r8), intent(out) :: ncai(mgncol,nlev) ! output number conc of ice nuclei available (1/m3) real(r8), intent(out) :: ncal(mgncol,nlev) ! output number conc of CCN (1/m3) real(r8), intent(out) :: qrout2(mgncol,nlev) ! copy of qrout as used to compute drout2 real(r8), intent(out) :: qsout2(mgncol,nlev) ! copy of qsout as used to compute dsout2 real(r8), intent(out) :: nrout2(mgncol,nlev) ! copy of nrout as used to compute drout2 real(r8), intent(out) :: nsout2(mgncol,nlev) ! copy of nsout as used to compute dsout2 real(r8), intent(out) :: drout2(mgncol,nlev) ! mean rain particle diameter (m) real(r8), intent(out) :: dsout2(mgncol,nlev) ! mean snow particle diameter (m) real(r8), intent(out) :: freqs(mgncol,nlev) ! fractional occurrence of snow real(r8), intent(out) :: freqr(mgncol,nlev) ! fractional occurrence of rain real(r8), intent(out) :: nfice(mgncol,nlev) ! fractional occurrence of ice real(r8), intent(out) :: qcrat(mgncol,nlev) ! limiter for qc process rates (1=no limit --> 0. no qc) real(r8), intent(out) :: prer_evap(mgncol,nlev) character(128), intent(out) :: errstring ! output status (non-blank for error return) ! Tendencies calculated by external schemes that can replace MG's native ! process tendencies. ! Used with CARMA cirrus microphysics ! (or similar external microphysics model) real(r8), intent(in) :: tnd_qsnow(:,:) ! snow mass tendency (kg/kg/s) real(r8), intent(in) :: tnd_nsnow(:,:) ! snow number tendency (#/kg/s) real(r8), intent(in) :: re_ice(:,:) ! ice effective radius (m) ! From external ice nucleation. real(r8), intent(in) :: frzimm(:,:) ! Number tendency due to immersion freezing (1/cm3) real(r8), intent(in) :: frzcnt(:,:) ! Number tendency due to contact freezing (1/cm3) real(r8), intent(in) :: frzdep(:,:) ! Number tendency due to deposition nucleation (1/cm3) ! local workspace ! all units mks unless otherwise stated ! local copies of input variables real(r8) :: qc(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud liquid mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8) :: qi(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8) :: nc(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud liquid number concentration (1/kg) real(r8) :: ni(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud liquid number concentration (1/kg) real(r8) :: qr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8) :: qs(mgncol,nlev) ! snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8) :: nr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain number concentration (1/kg) real(r8) :: ns(mgncol,nlev) ! snow number concentration (1/kg) ! general purpose variables real(r8) :: deltat ! sub-time step (s) real(r8) :: mtime ! the assumed ice nucleation timescale ! physical properties of the air at a given point real(r8) :: rho(mgncol,nlev) ! density (kg m-3) real(r8) :: dv(mgncol,nlev) ! diffusivity of water vapor real(r8) :: mu(mgncol,nlev) ! viscosity real(r8) :: sc(mgncol,nlev) ! schmidt number real(r8) :: rhof(mgncol,nlev) ! density correction factor for fallspeed ! cloud fractions real(r8) :: precip_frac(mgncol,nlev) ! precip fraction assuming maximum overlap real(r8) :: cldm(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud fraction real(r8) :: icldm(mgncol,nlev) ! ice cloud fraction real(r8) :: lcldm(mgncol,nlev) ! liq cloud fraction real(r8) :: qsfm(mgncol,nlev) ! subgrid cloud water saturation scaling factor ! mass mixing ratios real(r8) :: qcic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-cloud cloud liquid real(r8) :: qiic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-cloud cloud ice real(r8) :: qsic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-precip snow real(r8) :: qric(mgncol,nlev) ! in-precip rain ! number concentrations real(r8) :: ncic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-cloud droplet real(r8) :: niic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-cloud cloud ice real(r8) :: nsic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-precip snow real(r8) :: nric(mgncol,nlev) ! in-precip rain ! maximum allowed ni value real(r8) :: nimax(mgncol,nlev) ! Size distribution parameters for: ! cloud ice real(r8) :: lami(mgncol,nlev) ! slope real(r8) :: n0i(mgncol,nlev) ! intercept ! cloud liquid real(r8) :: lamc(mgncol,nlev) ! slope real(r8) :: pgam(mgncol,nlev) ! spectral width parameter ! snow real(r8) :: lams(mgncol,nlev) ! slope real(r8) :: n0s(mgncol,nlev) ! intercept ! rain real(r8) :: lamr(mgncol,nlev) ! slope real(r8) :: n0r(mgncol,nlev) ! intercept ! Rates/tendencies due to: ! Instantaneous snow melting real(r8) :: minstsm(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: ninstsm(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! Instantaneous rain freezing real(r8) :: minstrf(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: ninstrf(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! deposition of cloud ice real(r8) :: vap_dep(mgncol,nlev) ! deposition from vapor to ice PMC 12/3/12 ! sublimation of cloud ice real(r8) :: ice_sublim(mgncol,nlev) ! sublimation from ice to vapor PMC 12/3/12 ! ice nucleation real(r8) :: nnuccd(mgncol,nlev) ! number rate from deposition/cond.-freezing real(r8) :: mnuccd(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio ! freezing of cloud water real(r8) :: mnuccc(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: nnuccc(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! contact freezing of cloud water real(r8) :: mnucct(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: nnucct(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! deposition nucleation in mixed-phase clouds (from external scheme) real(r8) :: mnudep(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: nnudep(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! ice multiplication real(r8) :: msacwi(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: nsacwi(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! autoconversion of cloud droplets real(r8) :: prc(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: nprc(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration (rain) real(r8) :: nprc1(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration (cloud droplets) ! self-aggregation of snow real(r8) :: nsagg(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! self-collection of rain real(r8) :: nragg(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! collection of droplets by snow real(r8) :: psacws(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: npsacws(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! collection of rain by snow real(r8) :: pracs(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: npracs(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! freezing of rain real(r8) :: mnuccr(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: nnuccr(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! freezing of rain to form ice (mg add 4/26/13) real(r8) :: mnuccri(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: nnuccri(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! accretion of droplets by rain real(r8) :: pra(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: npra(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! autoconversion of cloud ice to snow real(r8) :: prci(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: nprci(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! accretion of cloud ice by snow real(r8) :: prai(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio real(r8) :: nprai(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration ! evaporation of rain real(r8) :: pre(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio ! sublimation of snow real(r8) :: prds(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio ! number evaporation real(r8) :: nsubi(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud ice real(r8) :: nsubc(mgncol,nlev) ! droplet real(r8) :: nsubs(mgncol,nlev) ! snow real(r8) :: nsubr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain ! bergeron process real(r8) :: berg(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio (cloud ice) real(r8) :: bergs(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio (snow) ! fallspeeds ! number-weighted real(r8) :: uns(mgncol,nlev) ! snow real(r8) :: unr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain ! air density corrected fallspeed parameters real(r8) :: arn(mgncol,nlev) ! rain real(r8) :: asn(mgncol,nlev) ! snow real(r8) :: acn(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud droplet real(r8) :: ain(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud ice real(r8) :: ajn(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud small ice ! Mass of liquid droplets used with external heterogeneous freezing. real(r8) :: mi0l(mgncol) ! saturation vapor pressures real(r8) :: esl(mgncol,nlev) ! liquid real(r8) :: esi(mgncol,nlev) ! ice real(r8) :: esn ! checking for RH after rain evap ! saturation vapor mixing ratios real(r8) :: qvl(mgncol,nlev) ! liquid real(r8) :: qvi(mgncol,nlev) ! ice real(r8) :: qvn ! checking for RH after rain evap ! relative humidity real(r8) :: relhum(mgncol,nlev) ! parameters for cloud water and cloud ice sedimentation calculations real(r8) :: fc(mgncol,nlev) real(r8) :: fnc(mgncol,nlev) real(r8) :: fi(mgncol,nlev) real(r8) :: fni(mgncol,nlev) real(r8) :: fr(mgncol,nlev) real(r8) :: fnr(mgncol,nlev) real(r8) :: fs(mgncol,nlev) real(r8) :: fns(mgncol,nlev) real(r8) :: faloutc(nlev) real(r8) :: faloutnc(nlev) real(r8) :: falouti(nlev) real(r8) :: faloutni(nlev) real(r8) :: faloutr(nlev) real(r8) :: faloutnr(nlev) real(r8) :: falouts(nlev) real(r8) :: faloutns(nlev) real(r8) :: faltndc real(r8) :: faltndnc real(r8) :: faltndi real(r8) :: faltndni real(r8) :: faltndqie real(r8) :: faltndqce real(r8) :: faltndr real(r8) :: faltndnr real(r8) :: faltnds real(r8) :: faltndns real(r8) :: rainrt(mgncol,nlev) ! rain rate for reflectivity calculation ! dummy variables real(r8) :: dum real(r8) :: dum1 real(r8) :: dum2 real(r8) :: dumni0 real(r8) :: dumns0 ! dummies for checking RH real(r8) :: qtmp real(r8) :: ttmp ! dummies for conservation check real(r8) :: ratio real(r8) :: tmpfrz ! dummies for in-cloud variables real(r8) :: dumc(mgncol,nlev) ! qc real(r8) :: dumnc(mgncol,nlev) ! nc real(r8) :: dumi(mgncol,nlev) ! qi real(r8) :: dumni(mgncol,nlev) ! ni real(r8) :: dumr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain mixing ratio real(r8) :: dumnr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain number concentration real(r8) :: dums(mgncol,nlev) ! snow mixing ratio real(r8) :: dumns(mgncol,nlev) ! snow number concentration ! Array dummy variable real(r8) :: dum_2D(mgncol,nlev) real(r8) :: pdel_inv(mgncol,nlev) ! loop array variables ! "i" and "k" are column/level iterators for internal (MG) variables ! "n" is used for other looping (currently just sedimentation) integer i, k, n ! number of sub-steps for loops over "n" (for sedimentation) integer nstep integer mdust ! Varaibles to scale fall velocity between small and regular ice regimes. real(r8) :: irad real(r8) :: ifrac !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! Return error message errstring = ' ' ! Process inputs ! assign variable deltat to deltatin deltat = deltatin ! Copies of input concentrations that may be changed internally. qc = qcn nc = ncn qi = qin ni = nin qr = qrn nr = nrn qs = qsn ns = nsn ! cldn: used to set cldm, unused for subcolumns ! liqcldf: used to set lcldm, unused for subcolumns ! icecldf: used to set icldm, unused for subcolumns if (microp_uniform) then ! subcolumns, set cloud fraction variables to one ! if cloud water or ice is present, if not present ! set to mincld (mincld used instead of zero, to prevent ! possible division by zero errors). where (qc >= qsmall) lcldm = 1._r8 elsewhere lcldm = mincld end where where (qi >= qsmall) icldm = 1._r8 elsewhere icldm = mincld end where cldm = max(icldm, lcldm) qsfm = 1._r8 else ! get cloud fraction, check for minimum cldm = max(cldn,mincld) lcldm = max(liqcldf,mincld) icldm = max(icecldf,mincld) qsfm = qsatfac end if ! Initialize local variables ! local physical properties rho = p/(r*t) dv = 8.794E-5_r8 * t**1.81_r8 / p mu = 1.496E-6_r8 * t**1.5_r8 / (t + 120._r8) sc = mu/(rho*dv) ! air density adjustment for fallspeed parameters ! includes air density correction factor to the ! power of 0.54 following Heymsfield and Bansemer 2007 rhof=(rhosu/rho)**0.54_r8 arn=ar*rhof asn=as*rhof acn=g*rhow/(18._r8*mu) ain=ai*(rhosu/rho)**0.35_r8 ajn=aj*(rhosu/rho)**0.35_r8 !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! Get humidity and saturation vapor pressures do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol call qsat_water(t(i,k), p(i,k), esl(i,k), qvl(i,k)) ! make sure when above freezing that esi=esl, not active yet if (t(i,k) >= tmelt) then esi(i,k)=esl(i,k) qvi(i,k)=qvl(i,k) else call qsat_ice(t(i,k), p(i,k), esi(i,k), qvi(i,k)) ! Scale the water saturation values to reflect subgrid scale ! ice cloud fraction, where ice clouds begin forming at a ! gridbox average relative humidity of rhmini (not 1). ! ! NOTE: For subcolumns and other non-subgrid clouds, qsfm willi ! be 1. qvi(i,k) = qsfm(i,k) * qvi(i,k) esi(i,k) = qsfm(i,k) * esi(i,k) qvl(i,k) = qsfm(i,k) * qvl(i,k) esl(i,k) = qsfm(i,k) * esl(i,k) end if end do end do relhum = q / max(qvl, qsmall) !=============================================== ! set mtime here to avoid answer-changing mtime=deltat ! initialize microphysics output qcsevap=0._r8 qisevap=0._r8 qvres =0._r8 cmeitot =0._r8 vtrmc =0._r8 vtrmi =0._r8 qcsedten =0._r8 qisedten =0._r8 qrsedten =0._r8 qssedten =0._r8 pratot=0._r8 prctot=0._r8 mnuccctot=0._r8 mnuccttot=0._r8 msacwitot=0._r8 psacwstot=0._r8 bergstot=0._r8 bergtot=0._r8 melttot=0._r8 homotot=0._r8 qcrestot=0._r8 prcitot=0._r8 praitot=0._r8 qirestot=0._r8 mnuccrtot=0._r8 pracstot=0._r8 meltsdttot=0._r8 frzrdttot=0._r8 mnuccdtot=0._r8 rflx=0._r8 sflx=0._r8 lflx=0._r8 iflx=0._r8 ! initialize precip output qrout=0._r8 qsout=0._r8 nrout=0._r8 nsout=0._r8 ! for refl calc rainrt = 0._r8 ! initialize rain size rercld=0._r8 qcsinksum_rate1ord = 0._r8 ! initialize variables for trop_mozart nevapr = 0._r8 prer_evap = 0._r8 evapsnow = 0._r8 am_evp_st = 0._r8 prain = 0._r8 prodsnow = 0._r8 cmeout = 0._r8 precip_frac = mincld lamc=0._r8 ! initialize microphysical tendencies tlat=0._r8 qvlat=0._r8 qctend=0._r8 qitend=0._r8 qstend = 0._r8 qrtend = 0._r8 nctend=0._r8 nitend=0._r8 nrtend = 0._r8 nstend = 0._r8 ! initialize in-cloud and in-precip quantities to zero qcic = 0._r8 qiic = 0._r8 qsic = 0._r8 qric = 0._r8 ncic = 0._r8 niic = 0._r8 nsic = 0._r8 nric = 0._r8 ! initialize precip at surface prect = 0._r8 preci = 0._r8 ! initialize precip fallspeeds to zero ums = 0._r8 uns = 0._r8 umr = 0._r8 unr = 0._r8 ! initialize limiter for output qcrat = 1._r8 ! Many outputs have to be initialized here at the top to work around ! ifort problems, even if they are always overwritten later. effc = 10._r8 lamcrad = 0._r8 pgamrad = 0._r8 effc_fn = 10._r8 effi = 25._r8 sadice = 0._r8 sadsnow = 0._r8 deffi = 50._r8 qrout2 = 0._r8 nrout2 = 0._r8 drout2 = 0._r8 qsout2 = 0._r8 nsout2 = 0._r8 dsout = 0._r8 dsout2 = 0._r8 freqr = 0._r8 freqs = 0._r8 reff_rain = 0._r8 reff_snow = 0._r8 refl = -9999._r8 arefl = 0._r8 areflz = 0._r8 frefl = 0._r8 csrfl = 0._r8 acsrfl = 0._r8 fcsrfl = 0._r8 ncal = 0._r8 ncai = 0._r8 nfice = 0._r8 !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! droplet activation ! get provisional droplet number after activation. This is used for ! all microphysical process calculations, for consistency with update of ! droplet mass before microphysics ! calculate potential for droplet activation if cloud water is present ! tendency from activation (npccn) is read in from companion routine ! output activated liquid and ice (convert from #/kg -> #/m3) !-------------------------------------------------- where (qc >= qsmall) nc = max(nc + npccn*deltat, 0._r8) ncal = nc*rho/lcldm ! sghan minimum in #/cm3 elsewhere ncal = 0._r8 end where where (t < icenuct) ncai = naai*rho elsewhere ncai = 0._r8 end where !=============================================== ! ice nucleation if activated nuclei exist at t<-5C AND rhmini + 5% ! ! NOTE: If using gridbox average values, condensation will not occur until rh=1, ! so the threshold seems like it should be 1.05 and not rhmini + 0.05. For subgrid ! clouds (using rhmini and qsfacm), the relhum has already been adjusted, and thus ! the nucleation threshold should also be 1.05 and not rhmini + 0.05. !------------------------------------------------------- if (do_cldice) then where (naai > 0._r8 .and. t < icenuct .and. & relhum*esl/esi > 1.05_r8) !if NAAI > 0. then set numice = naai (as before) !note: this is gridbox averaged nnuccd = (naai-ni/icldm)/mtime*icldm nnuccd = max(nnuccd,0._r8) nimax = naai*icldm !Calc mass of new particles using new crystal mass... !also this will be multiplied by mtime as nnuccd is... mnuccd = nnuccd * mi0 elsewhere nnuccd = 0._r8 nimax = 0._r8 mnuccd = 0._r8 end where end if !============================================================================= do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol ! calculate instantaneous precip processes (melting and homogeneous freezing) ! melting of snow at +2 C if (t(i,k) > snowmelt) then if (qs(i,k) > 0._r8) then ! make sure melting snow doesn't reduce temperature below threshold dum = -xlf/cpp*qs(i,k) if (t(i,k)+dum < snowmelt) then dum = (t(i,k)-snowmelt)*cpp/xlf dum = dum/qs(i,k) dum = max(0._r8,dum) dum = min(1._r8,dum) else dum = 1._r8 end if minstsm(i,k) = dum*qs(i,k) ninstsm(i,k) = dum*ns(i,k) dum1=-xlf*minstsm(i,k)/deltat tlat(i,k)=tlat(i,k)+dum1 meltsdttot(i,k)=meltsdttot(i,k) + dum1 qs(i,k) = max(qs(i,k) - minstsm(i,k), 0._r8) ns(i,k) = max(ns(i,k) - ninstsm(i,k), 0._r8) qr(i,k) = max(qr(i,k) + minstsm(i,k), 0._r8) nr(i,k) = max(nr(i,k) + ninstsm(i,k), 0._r8) end if end if end do end do do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol ! freezing of rain at -5 C if (t(i,k) < rainfrze) then if (qr(i,k) > 0._r8) then ! make sure freezing rain doesn't increase temperature above threshold dum = xlf/cpp*qr(i,k) if (t(i,k)+dum > rainfrze) then dum = -(t(i,k)-rainfrze)*cpp/xlf dum = dum/qr(i,k) dum = max(0._r8,dum) dum = min(1._r8,dum) else dum = 1._r8 end if minstrf(i,k) = dum*qr(i,k) ninstrf(i,k) = dum*nr(i,k) ! heating tendency dum1 = xlf*minstrf(i,k)/deltat tlat(i,k)=tlat(i,k)+dum1 frzrdttot(i,k)=frzrdttot(i,k) + dum1 qr(i,k) = max(qr(i,k) - minstrf(i,k), 0._r8) nr(i,k) = max(nr(i,k) - ninstrf(i,k), 0._r8) qs(i,k) = max(qs(i,k) + minstrf(i,k), 0._r8) ns(i,k) = max(ns(i,k) + ninstrf(i,k), 0._r8) end if end if end do end do do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol ! obtain in-cloud values of cloud water/ice mixing ratios and number concentrations !------------------------------------------------------- ! for microphysical process calculations ! units are kg/kg for mixing ratio, 1/kg for number conc if (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall) then ! limit in-cloud values to 0.005 kg/kg qcic(i,k)=min(qc(i,k)/lcldm(i,k),5.e-3_r8) ncic(i,k)=max(nc(i,k)/lcldm(i,k),0._r8) ! specify droplet concentration if (nccons) then ncic(i,k)=ncnst/rho(i,k) end if else qcic(i,k)=0._r8 ncic(i,k)=0._r8 end if if (qi(i,k).ge.qsmall) then ! limit in-cloud values to 0.005 kg/kg qiic(i,k)=min(qi(i,k)/icldm(i,k),5.e-3_r8) niic(i,k)=max(ni(i,k)/icldm(i,k),0._r8) ! switch for specification of cloud ice number if (nicons) then niic(i,k)=ninst/rho(i,k) end if else qiic(i,k)=0._r8 niic(i,k)=0._r8 end if end do end do !======================================================================== ! for sub-columns cldm has already been set to 1 if cloud ! water or ice is present, so precip_frac will be correctly set below ! and nothing extra needs to be done here precip_frac = cldm micro_vert_loop: do k=1,nlev if (trim(micro_mg_precip_frac_method) == 'in_cloud') then if (k /= 1) then where (qc(:,k) < qsmall .and. qi(:,k) < qsmall) precip_frac(:,k) = precip_frac(:,k-1) end where endif else if (trim(micro_mg_precip_frac_method) == 'max_overlap') then ! calculate precip fraction based on maximum overlap assumption ! if rain or snow mix ratios are smaller than threshold, ! then leave precip_frac as cloud fraction at current level if (k /= 1) then where (qr(:,k-1) >= qsmall .or. qs(:,k-1) >= qsmall) precip_frac(:,k)=max(precip_frac(:,k-1),precip_frac(:,k)) end where end if endif !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! get size distribution parameters based on in-cloud cloud water ! these calculations also ensure consistency between number and mixing ratio !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! cloud liquid !------------------------------------------- call size_dist_param_liq(mg_liq_props, qcic(:,k), ncic(:,k), rho(:,k), & pgam(:,k), lamc(:,k), mgncol) !======================================================================== ! autoconversion of cloud liquid water to rain ! formula from Khrouditnov and Kogan (2000), modified for sub-grid distribution of qc ! minimum qc of 1 x 10^-8 prevents floating point error if (.not. do_sb_physics) then call kk2000_liq_autoconversion(microp_uniform, qcic(:,k), & ncic(:,k), rho(:,k), relvar(:,k), prc(:,k), nprc(:,k), nprc1(:,k), mgncol) endif ! assign qric based on prognostic qr, using assumed precip fraction ! note: this could be moved above for consistency with qcic and qiic calculations qric(:,k) = qr(:,k)/precip_frac(:,k) nric(:,k) = nr(:,k)/precip_frac(:,k) ! limit in-precip mixing ratios to 10 g/kg qric(:,k)=min(qric(:,k),0.01_r8) ! add autoconversion to precip from above to get provisional rain mixing ratio ! and number concentration (qric and nric) where (qric(:,k).lt.qsmall) qric(:,k)=0._r8 nric(:,k)=0._r8 end where ! make sure number concentration is a positive number to avoid ! taking root of negative later nric(:,k)=max(nric(:,k),0._r8) ! Get size distribution parameters for cloud ice call size_dist_param_basic(mg_ice_props, qiic(:,k), niic(:,k), & lami(:,k), mgncol, n0=n0i(:,k)) ! Alternative autoconversion if (do_sb_physics) then call sb2001v2_liq_autoconversion(pgam(:,k),qcic(:,k),ncic(:,k), & qric(:,k),rho(:,k),relvar(:,k),prc(:,k),nprc(:,k),nprc1(:,k), mgncol) endif !....................................................................... ! Autoconversion of cloud ice to snow ! similar to Ferrier (1994) if (do_cldice) then call ice_autoconversion(t(:,k), qiic(:,k), lami(:,k), n0i(:,k), & dcs, prci(:,k), nprci(:,k), mgncol) else ! Add in the particles that we have already converted to snow, and ! don't do any further autoconversion of ice. prci(:,k) = tnd_qsnow(:,k) / cldm(:,k) nprci(:,k) = tnd_nsnow(:,k) / cldm(:,k) end if ! note, currently we don't have this ! inside the do_cldice block, should be changed later ! assign qsic based on prognostic qs, using assumed precip fraction qsic(:,k) = qs(:,k)/precip_frac(:,k) nsic(:,k) = ns(:,k)/precip_frac(:,k) ! limit in-precip mixing ratios to 10 g/kg qsic(:,k)=min(qsic(:,k),0.01_r8) ! if precip mix ratio is zero so should number concentration where (qsic(:,k) < qsmall) qsic(:,k)=0._r8 nsic(:,k)=0._r8 end where ! make sure number concentration is a positive number to avoid ! taking root of negative later nsic(:,k)=max(nsic(:,k),0._r8) !....................................................................... ! get size distribution parameters for precip !...................................................................... ! rain call size_dist_param_basic(mg_rain_props, qric(:,k), nric(:,k), & lamr(:,k), mgncol, n0=n0r(:,k)) where (lamr(:,k) >= qsmall) ! provisional rain number and mass weighted mean fallspeed (m/s) unr(:,k) = min(arn(:,k)*gamma_br_plus1/lamr(:,k)**br,9.1_r8*rhof(:,k)) umr(:,k) = min(arn(:,k)*gamma_br_plus4/(6._r8*lamr(:,k)**br),9.1_r8*rhof(:,k)) elsewhere umr(:,k) = 0._r8 unr(:,k) = 0._r8 end where !...................................................................... ! snow call size_dist_param_basic(mg_snow_props, qsic(:,k), nsic(:,k), & lams(:,k), mgncol, n0=n0s(:,k)) where (lams(:,k) > 0._r8) ! provisional snow number and mass weighted mean fallspeed (m/s) ums(:,k) = min(asn(:,k)*gamma_bs_plus4/(6._r8*lams(:,k)**bs),1.2_r8*rhof(:,k)) uns(:,k) = min(asn(:,k)*gamma_bs_plus1/lams(:,k)**bs,1.2_r8*rhof(:,k)) elsewhere ums(:,k) = 0._r8 uns(:,k) = 0._r8 end where if (do_cldice) then if (.not. use_hetfrz_classnuc) then ! heterogeneous freezing of cloud water !---------------------------------------------- call immersion_freezing(microp_uniform, t(:,k), pgam(:,k), lamc(:,k), & qcic(:,k), ncic(:,k), relvar(:,k), mnuccc(:,k), nnuccc(:,k), mgncol) ! make sure number of droplets frozen does not exceed available ice nuclei concentration ! this prevents 'runaway' droplet freezing where (qcic(:,k).ge.qsmall .and. t(:,k).lt.269.15_r8) where (nnuccc(:,k)*lcldm(:,k).gt.nnuccd(:,k)) ! scale mixing ratio of droplet freezing with limit mnuccc(:,k)=mnuccc(:,k)*(nnuccd(:,k)/(nnuccc(:,k)*lcldm(:,k))) nnuccc(:,k)=nnuccd(:,k)/lcldm(:,k) end where end where mdust = size(rndst,3) call contact_freezing(microp_uniform, t(:,k), p(:,k), rndst(:,k,:), & nacon(:,k,:), pgam(:,k), lamc(:,k), qcic(:,k), ncic(:,k), & relvar(:,k), mnucct(:,k), nnucct(:,k), mgncol, mdust) mnudep(:,k)=0._r8 nnudep(:,k)=0._r8 else ! Mass of droplets frozen is the average droplet mass, except ! with two limiters: concentration must be at least 1/cm^3, and ! mass must be at least the minimum defined above. mi0l = qcic(:,k)/max(ncic(:,k), 1.0e6_r8/rho(:,k)) mi0l = max(mi0l_min, mi0l) where (qcic(:,k) >= qsmall) nnuccc(:,k) = frzimm(:,k)*1.0e6_r8/rho(:,k) mnuccc(:,k) = nnuccc(:,k)*mi0l nnucct(:,k) = frzcnt(:,k)*1.0e6_r8/rho(:,k) mnucct(:,k) = nnucct(:,k)*mi0l nnudep(:,k) = frzdep(:,k)*1.0e6_r8/rho(:,k) mnudep(:,k) = nnudep(:,k)*mi0 elsewhere nnuccc(:,k) = 0._r8 mnuccc(:,k) = 0._r8 nnucct(:,k) = 0._r8 mnucct(:,k) = 0._r8 nnudep(:,k) = 0._r8 mnudep(:,k) = 0._r8 end where end if else mnuccc(:,k)=0._r8 nnuccc(:,k)=0._r8 mnucct(:,k)=0._r8 nnucct(:,k)=0._r8 mnudep(:,k)=0._r8 nnudep(:,k)=0._r8 end if call snow_self_aggregation(t(:,k), rho(:,k), asn(:,k), rhosn, qsic(:,k), nsic(:,k), & nsagg(:,k), mgncol) call accrete_cloud_water_snow(t(:,k), rho(:,k), asn(:,k), uns(:,k), mu(:,k), & qcic(:,k), ncic(:,k), qsic(:,k), pgam(:,k), lamc(:,k), lams(:,k), n0s(:,k), & psacws(:,k), npsacws(:,k), mgncol) if (do_cldice) then call secondary_ice_production(t(:,k), psacws(:,k), msacwi(:,k), nsacwi(:,k), mgncol) else nsacwi(:,k) = 0.0_r8 msacwi(:,k) = 0.0_r8 end if call accrete_rain_snow(t(:,k), rho(:,k), umr(:,k), ums(:,k), unr(:,k), uns(:,k), & qric(:,k), qsic(:,k), lamr(:,k), n0r(:,k), lams(:,k), n0s(:,k), & pracs(:,k), npracs(:,k), mgncol) call heterogeneous_rain_freezing(t(:,k), qric(:,k), nric(:,k), lamr(:,k), & mnuccr(:,k), nnuccr(:,k), mgncol) if (do_sb_physics) then call sb2001v2_accre_cld_water_rain(qcic(:,k), ncic(:,k), qric(:,k), & rho(:,k), relvar(:,k), pra(:,k), npra(:,k), mgncol) else call accrete_cloud_water_rain(microp_uniform, qric(:,k), qcic(:,k), & ncic(:,k), relvar(:,k), accre_enhan(:,k), pra(:,k), npra(:,k), mgncol) endif call self_collection_rain(rho(:,k), qric(:,k), nric(:,k), nragg(:,k), mgncol) if (do_cldice) then call accrete_cloud_ice_snow(t(:,k), rho(:,k), asn(:,k), qiic(:,k), niic(:,k), & qsic(:,k), lams(:,k), n0s(:,k), prai(:,k), nprai(:,k), mgncol) else prai(:,k) = 0._r8 nprai(:,k) = 0._r8 end if call evaporate_sublimate_precip(t(:,k), rho(:,k), & dv(:,k), mu(:,k), sc(:,k), q(:,k), qvl(:,k), qvi(:,k), & lcldm(:,k), precip_frac(:,k), arn(:,k), asn(:,k), qcic(:,k), qiic(:,k), & qric(:,k), qsic(:,k), lamr(:,k), n0r(:,k), lams(:,k), n0s(:,k), & pre(:,k), prds(:,k), am_evp_st(:,k), mgncol) call bergeron_process_snow(t(:,k), rho(:,k), dv(:,k), mu(:,k), sc(:,k), & qvl(:,k), qvi(:,k), asn(:,k), qcic(:,k), qsic(:,k), lams(:,k), n0s(:,k), & bergs(:,k), mgncol) bergs(:,k)=bergs(:,k)*micro_mg_berg_eff_factor !+++PMC 12/3/12 - NEW VAPOR DEP/SUBLIMATION GOES HERE!!! if (do_cldice) then call ice_deposition_sublimation(t(:,k), q(:,k), qi(:,k), ni(:,k), & icldm(:,k), rho(:,k), dv(:,k), qvl(:,k), qvi(:,k), & berg(:,k), vap_dep(:,k), ice_sublim(:,k), mgncol) berg(:,k)=berg(:,k)*micro_mg_berg_eff_factor where (vap_dep(:,k) < 0._r8 .and. qi(:,k) > qsmall .and. icldm(:,k) > mincld) nsubi(:,k) = vap_dep(:,k) / qi(:,k) * ni(:,k) / icldm(:,k) elsewhere nsubi(:,k) = 0._r8 end where ! bergeron process should not reduce nc unless ! all ql is removed (which is handled elsewhere) !in fact, nothing in this entire file makes nsubc nonzero. nsubc(:,k) = 0._r8 end if !do_cldice !---PMC 12/3/12 do i=1,mgncol ! conservation to ensure no negative values of cloud water/precipitation ! in case microphysical process rates are large !=================================================================== ! note: for check on conservation, processes are multiplied by omsm ! to prevent problems due to round off error ! conservation of qc !------------------------------------------------------------------- dum = ((prc(i,k)+pra(i,k)+mnuccc(i,k)+mnucct(i,k)+msacwi(i,k)+ & psacws(i,k)+bergs(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+berg(i,k))*deltat if (,k)) then ratio = qc(i,k)/deltat/((prc(i,k)+pra(i,k)+mnuccc(i,k)+mnucct(i,k)+ & msacwi(i,k)+psacws(i,k)+bergs(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+berg(i,k))*omsm prc(i,k) = prc(i,k)*ratio pra(i,k) = pra(i,k)*ratio mnuccc(i,k) = mnuccc(i,k)*ratio mnucct(i,k) = mnucct(i,k)*ratio msacwi(i,k) = msacwi(i,k)*ratio psacws(i,k) = psacws(i,k)*ratio bergs(i,k) = bergs(i,k)*ratio berg(i,k) = berg(i,k)*ratio qcrat(i,k) = ratio else qcrat(i,k) = 1._r8 end if !PMC 12/3/12: ratio is also frac of step w/ liquid. !thus we apply berg for "ratio" of timestep and vapor !deposition for the remaining frac of the timestep. if (qc(i,k) >= qsmall) then vap_dep(i,k) = vap_dep(i,k)*(1._r8-qcrat(i,k)) end if end do do i=1,mgncol !================================================================= ! apply limiter to ensure that ice/snow sublimation and rain evap ! don't push conditions into supersaturation, and ice deposition/nucleation don't ! push conditions into sub-saturation ! note this is done after qc conservation since we don't know how large ! vap_dep is before then ! estimates are only approximate since other process terms haven't been limited ! for conservation yet ! first limit ice deposition/nucleation vap_dep + mnuccd dum1 = vap_dep(i,k) + mnuccd(i,k) if (dum1 > 1.e-20_r8) then dum = (q(i,k)-qvi(i,k))/(1._r8 + xxls_squared*qvi(i,k)/(cpp*rv*t(i,k)**2))/deltat dum = max(dum,0._r8) if (dum1 > dum) then ! Allocate the limited "dum" tendency to mnuccd and vap_dep ! processes. Don't divide by cloud fraction; these are grid- ! mean rates. dum1 = mnuccd(i,k) / (vap_dep(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k)) mnuccd(i,k) = dum*dum1 vap_dep(i,k) = dum - mnuccd(i,k) end if end if end do do i=1,mgncol !=================================================================== ! conservation of nc !------------------------------------------------------------------- dum = (nprc1(i,k)+npra(i,k)+nnuccc(i,k)+nnucct(i,k)+ & npsacws(i,k)-nsubc(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)*deltat if (,k)) then ratio = nc(i,k)/deltat/((nprc1(i,k)+npra(i,k)+nnuccc(i,k)+nnucct(i,k)+& npsacws(i,k)-nsubc(i,k))*lcldm(i,k))*omsm nprc1(i,k) = nprc1(i,k)*ratio npra(i,k) = npra(i,k)*ratio nnuccc(i,k) = nnuccc(i,k)*ratio nnucct(i,k) = nnucct(i,k)*ratio npsacws(i,k) = npsacws(i,k)*ratio nsubc(i,k)=nsubc(i,k)*ratio end if mnuccri(i,k)=0._r8 nnuccri(i,k)=0._r8 if (do_cldice) then ! freezing of rain to produce ice if mean rain size is smaller than Dcs if (lamr(i,k) > qsmall .and. 1._r8/lamr(i,k) < Dcs) then mnuccri(i,k)=mnuccr(i,k) nnuccri(i,k)=nnuccr(i,k) mnuccr(i,k)=0._r8 nnuccr(i,k)=0._r8 end if end if end do do i=1,mgncol ! conservation of rain mixing ratio !------------------------------------------------------------------- dum = ((-pre(i,k)+pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k)+mnuccri(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)- & (pra(i,k)+prc(i,k))*lcldm(i,k))*deltat ! note that qrtend is included below because of instantaneous freezing/melt if (,k).and. & (-pre(i,k)+pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k)+mnuccri(i,k)).ge.qsmall) then ratio = (qr(i,k)/deltat+(pra(i,k)+prc(i,k))*lcldm(i,k))/ & precip_frac(i,k)/(-pre(i,k)+pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k)+mnuccri(i,k))*omsm pre(i,k)=pre(i,k)*ratio pracs(i,k)=pracs(i,k)*ratio mnuccr(i,k)=mnuccr(i,k)*ratio mnuccri(i,k)=mnuccri(i,k)*ratio end if end do do i=1,mgncol ! conservation of rain number !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Add evaporation of rain number. if (pre(i,k) < 0._r8) then dum = pre(i,k)*deltat/qr(i,k) dum = max(-1._r8,dum) nsubr(i,k) = dum*nr(i,k)/deltat else nsubr(i,k) = 0._r8 end if end do do i=1,mgncol dum = ((-nsubr(i,k)+npracs(i,k)+nnuccr(i,k)+nnuccri(i,k)-nragg(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)- & nprc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k))*deltat if (,k)) then ratio = (nr(i,k)/deltat+nprc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)/precip_frac(i,k))/ & (-nsubr(i,k)+npracs(i,k)+nnuccr(i,k)+nnuccri(i,k)-nragg(i,k))*omsm nragg(i,k)=nragg(i,k)*ratio npracs(i,k)=npracs(i,k)*ratio nnuccr(i,k)=nnuccr(i,k)*ratio nsubr(i,k)=nsubr(i,k)*ratio nnuccri(i,k)=nnuccri(i,k)*ratio end if end do if (do_cldice) then do i=1,mgncol ! conservation of qi !------------------------------------------------------------------- dum = ((-mnuccc(i,k)-mnucct(i,k)-mnudep(i,k)-msacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(prci(i,k)+ & prai(i,k))*icldm(i,k)-mnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k) & -ice_sublim(i,k)-vap_dep(i,k)-berg(i,k)-mnuccd(i,k))*deltat if (,k)) then ratio = (qi(i,k)/deltat+vap_dep(i,k)+berg(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k)+ & (mnuccc(i,k)+mnucct(i,k)+mnudep(i,k)+msacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+ & mnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k))/ & ((prci(i,k)+prai(i,k))*icldm(i,k)-ice_sublim(i,k))*omsm prci(i,k) = prci(i,k)*ratio prai(i,k) = prai(i,k)*ratio ice_sublim(i,k) = ice_sublim(i,k)*ratio end if end do end if if (do_cldice) then do i=1,mgncol ! conservation of ni !------------------------------------------------------------------- if (use_hetfrz_classnuc) then tmpfrz = nnuccc(i,k) else tmpfrz = 0._r8 end if dum = ((-nnucct(i,k)-tmpfrz-nnudep(i,k)-nsacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(nprci(i,k)+ & nprai(i,k)-nsubi(i,k))*icldm(i,k)-nnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)- & nnuccd(i,k))*deltat if (,k)) then ratio = (ni(i,k)/deltat+nnuccd(i,k)+ & (nnucct(i,k)+tmpfrz+nnudep(i,k)+nsacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+ & nnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k))/ & ((nprci(i,k)+nprai(i,k)-nsubi(i,k))*icldm(i,k))*omsm nprci(i,k) = nprci(i,k)*ratio nprai(i,k) = nprai(i,k)*ratio nsubi(i,k) = nsubi(i,k)*ratio end if end do end if do i=1,mgncol ! conservation of snow mixing ratio !------------------------------------------------------------------- dum = (-(prds(i,k)+pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)-(prai(i,k)+prci(i,k))*icldm(i,k) & -(bergs(i,k)+psacws(i,k))*lcldm(i,k))*deltat if (,k).and.-prds(i,k).ge.qsmall) then ratio = (qs(i,k)/deltat+(prai(i,k)+prci(i,k))*icldm(i,k)+ & (bergs(i,k)+psacws(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k))/ & precip_frac(i,k)/(-prds(i,k))*omsm prds(i,k)=prds(i,k)*ratio end if end do do i=1,mgncol ! conservation of snow number !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate loss of number due to sublimation ! for now neglect sublimation of ns nsubs(i,k)=0._r8 dum = ((-nsagg(i,k)-nsubs(i,k)-nnuccr(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)-nprci(i,k)*icldm(i,k))*deltat if (,k)) then ratio = (ns(i,k)/deltat+nnuccr(i,k)* & precip_frac(i,k)+nprci(i,k)*icldm(i,k))/precip_frac(i,k)/ & (-nsubs(i,k)-nsagg(i,k))*omsm nsubs(i,k)=nsubs(i,k)*ratio nsagg(i,k)=nsagg(i,k)*ratio end if end do do i=1,mgncol ! next limit ice and snow sublimation and rain evaporation ! get estimate of q and t at end of time step ! don't include other microphysical processes since they haven't ! been limited via conservation checks yet if ((pre(i,k)+prds(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)+ice_sublim(i,k) < -1.e-20_r8) then qtmp=q(i,k)-(ice_sublim(i,k)+vap_dep(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k)+ & (pre(i,k)+prds(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k))*deltat ttmp=t(i,k)+((pre(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k))*xxlv+ & (prds(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)+vap_dep(i,k)+ice_sublim(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k))*xxls)*deltat/cpp ! use rhw to allow ice supersaturation call qsat_water(ttmp, p(i,k), esn, qvn) ! modify ice/precip evaporation rate if q > qsat if (qtmp > qvn) then dum1=pre(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)/((pre(i,k)+prds(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)+ice_sublim(i,k)) dum2=prds(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)/((pre(i,k)+prds(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)+ice_sublim(i,k)) ! recalculate q and t after vap_dep and mnuccd but without evap or sublim qtmp=q(i,k)-(vap_dep(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k))*deltat ttmp=t(i,k)+((vap_dep(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k))*xxls)*deltat/cpp ! use rhw to allow ice supersaturation call qsat_water(ttmp, p(i,k), esn, qvn) dum=(qtmp-qvn)/(1._r8 + xxlv_squared*qvn/(cpp*rv*ttmp**2)) dum=min(dum,0._r8) ! modify rates if needed, divide by precip_frac to get local (in-precip) value pre(i,k)=dum*dum1/deltat/precip_frac(i,k) ! do separately using RHI for prds and ice_sublim call qsat_ice(ttmp, p(i,k), esn, qvn) dum=(qtmp-qvn)/(1._r8 + xxls_squared*qvn/(cpp*rv*ttmp**2)) dum=min(dum,0._r8) ! modify rates if needed, divide by precip_frac to get local (in-precip) value prds(i,k) = dum*dum2/deltat/precip_frac(i,k) ! don't divide ice_sublim by cloud fraction since it is grid-averaged dum1 = (1._r8-dum1-dum2) ice_sublim(i,k) = dum*dum1/deltat end if end if end do ! Big "administration" loop enforces conservation, updates variables ! that accumulate over substeps, and sets output variables. do i=1,mgncol ! get tendencies due to microphysical conversion processes !========================================================== ! note: tendencies are multiplied by appropriate cloud/precip ! fraction to get grid-scale values ! note: vap_dep is already grid-average values ! The net tendencies need to be added to rather than overwritten, ! because they may have a value already set for instantaneous ! melting/freezing. qvlat(i,k) = qvlat(i,k)-(pre(i,k)+prds(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)-& vap_dep(i,k)-ice_sublim(i,k)-mnuccd(i,k)-mnudep(i,k)*lcldm(i,k) tlat(i,k) = tlat(i,k)+((pre(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)) & *xxlv+(prds(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)+vap_dep(i,k)+ice_sublim(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k)+mnudep(i,k)*lcldm(i,k))*xxls+ & ((bergs(i,k)+psacws(i,k)+mnuccc(i,k)+mnucct(i,k)+msacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(mnuccr(i,k)+ & pracs(i,k)+mnuccri(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)+berg(i,k))*xlf) qctend(i,k) = qctend(i,k)+ & (-pra(i,k)-prc(i,k)-mnuccc(i,k)-mnucct(i,k)-msacwi(i,k)- & psacws(i,k)-bergs(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)-berg(i,k) if (do_cldice) then qitend(i,k) = qitend(i,k)+ & (mnuccc(i,k)+mnucct(i,k)+mnudep(i,k)+msacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(-prci(i,k)- & prai(i,k))*icldm(i,k)+vap_dep(i,k)+berg(i,k)+ice_sublim(i,k)+ & mnuccd(i,k)+mnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k) end if qrtend(i,k) = qrtend(i,k)+ & (pra(i,k)+prc(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(pre(i,k)-pracs(i,k)- & mnuccr(i,k)-mnuccri(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k) qstend(i,k) = qstend(i,k)+ & (prai(i,k)+prci(i,k))*icldm(i,k)+(psacws(i,k)+bergs(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(prds(i,k)+ & pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k) cmeout(i,k) = vap_dep(i,k) + ice_sublim(i,k) + mnuccd(i,k) ! add output for cmei (accumulate) cmeitot(i,k) = vap_dep(i,k) + ice_sublim(i,k) + mnuccd(i,k) ! assign variables for trop_mozart, these are grid-average !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! evaporation/sublimation is stored here as positive term evapsnow(i,k) = -prds(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k) nevapr(i,k) = -pre(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k) prer_evap(i,k) = -pre(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k) ! change to make sure prain is positive: do not remove snow from ! prain used for wet deposition prain(i,k) = (pra(i,k)+prc(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(-pracs(i,k)- & mnuccr(i,k)-mnuccri(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k) prodsnow(i,k) = (prai(i,k)+prci(i,k))*icldm(i,k)+(psacws(i,k)+bergs(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(& pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k) ! following are used to calculate 1st order conversion rate of cloud water ! to rain and snow (1/s), for later use in aerosol wet removal routine ! previously, wetdepa used (prain/qc) for this, and the qc in wetdepa may be smaller than the qc ! used to calculate pra, prc, ... in this routine ! qcsinksum_rate1ord = { rate of direct transfer of cloud water to rain & snow } ! (no cloud ice or bergeron terms) qcsinksum_rate1ord(i,k) = (pra(i,k)+prc(i,k)+psacws(i,k))*lcldm(i,k) ! Avoid zero/near-zero division. qcsinksum_rate1ord(i,k) = qcsinksum_rate1ord(i,k) / & max(qc(i,k),1.0e-30_r8) ! microphysics output, note this is grid-averaged pratot(i,k) = pra(i,k)*lcldm(i,k) prctot(i,k) = prc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k) mnuccctot(i,k) = mnuccc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k) mnuccttot(i,k) = mnucct(i,k)*lcldm(i,k) msacwitot(i,k) = msacwi(i,k)*lcldm(i,k) psacwstot(i,k) = psacws(i,k)*lcldm(i,k) bergstot(i,k) = bergs(i,k)*lcldm(i,k) bergtot(i,k) = berg(i,k) prcitot(i,k) = prci(i,k)*icldm(i,k) praitot(i,k) = prai(i,k)*icldm(i,k) mnuccdtot(i,k) = mnuccd(i,k)*icldm(i,k) pracstot(i,k) = pracs(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k) mnuccrtot(i,k) = mnuccr(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k) nctend(i,k) = nctend(i,k)+& (-nnuccc(i,k)-nnucct(i,k)-npsacws(i,k)+nsubc(i,k) & -npra(i,k)-nprc1(i,k))*lcldm(i,k) if (do_cldice) then if (use_hetfrz_classnuc) then tmpfrz = nnuccc(i,k) else tmpfrz = 0._r8 end if nitend(i,k) = nitend(i,k)+ nnuccd(i,k)+ & (nnucct(i,k)+tmpfrz+nnudep(i,k)+nsacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(nsubi(i,k)-nprci(i,k)- & nprai(i,k))*icldm(i,k)+nnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k) end if nstend(i,k) = nstend(i,k)+(nsubs(i,k)+ & nsagg(i,k)+nnuccr(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)+nprci(i,k)*icldm(i,k) nrtend(i,k) = nrtend(i,k)+ & nprc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)+(nsubr(i,k)-npracs(i,k)-nnuccr(i,k) & -nnuccri(i,k)+nragg(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k) ! make sure that ni at advanced time step does not exceed ! maximum (existing N + source terms*dt), which is possible if mtime < deltat ! note that currently mtime = deltat !================================================================ if (do_cldice .and. nitend(i,k),k)+nitend(i,k)*,k)) then nitend(i,k)=max(0._r8,(nimax(i,k)-ni(i,k))/deltat) end if end do ! End of "administration" loop end do micro_vert_loop ! end k loop !----------------------------------------------------- ! convert rain/snow q and N for output to history, note, ! output is for gridbox average qrout = qr nrout = nr * rho qsout = qs nsout = ns * rho ! calculate n0r and lamr from rain mass and number ! divide by precip fraction to get in-precip (local) values of ! rain mass and number, divide by rhow to get rain number in kg^-1 do k=1,nlev call size_dist_param_basic(mg_rain_props, qric(:,k), nric(:,k), lamr(:,k), mgncol, n0=n0r(:,k)) ! Calculate rercld ! calculate mean size of combined rain and cloud water call calc_rercld(lamr(:,k), n0r(:,k), lamc(:,k), pgam(:,k), qric(:,k), qcic(:,k), ncic(:,k), & rercld(:,k), mgncol) enddo ! Assign variables back to start-of-timestep values ! Some state variables are changed before the main microphysics loop ! to make "instantaneous" adjustments. Afterward, we must move those changes ! back into the tendencies. ! These processes: ! - Droplet activation (npccn, impacts nc) ! - Instantaneous snow melting (minstsm/ninstsm, impacts qr/qs/nr/ns) ! - Instantaneous rain freezing (minstfr/ninstrf, impacts qr/qs/nr/ns) !================================================================================ ! Re-apply droplet activation tendency nc = ncn nctend = nctend + npccn ! Re-apply rain freezing and snow melting. dum_2D = qs qs = qsn qstend = qstend + (dum_2D-qs)/deltat dum_2D = ns ns = nsn nstend = nstend + (dum_2D-ns)/deltat dum_2D = qr qr = qrn qrtend = qrtend + (dum_2D-qr)/deltat dum_2D = nr nr = nrn nrtend = nrtend + (dum_2D-nr)/deltat !............................................................................. !================================================================================ ! modify to include snow. in prain & evap (diagnostic here: for wet dep) nevapr = nevapr + evapsnow prain = prain + prodsnow do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol ! calculate sedimentation for cloud water and ice !================================================================================ ! update in-cloud cloud mixing ratio and number concentration ! with microphysical tendencies to calculate sedimentation, assign to dummy vars ! note: these are in-cloud values***, hence we divide by cloud fraction dumc(i,k) = (qc(i,k)+qctend(i,k)*deltat)/lcldm(i,k) dumi(i,k) = (qi(i,k)+qitend(i,k)*deltat)/icldm(i,k) dumnc(i,k) = max((nc(i,k)+nctend(i,k)*deltat)/lcldm(i,k),0._r8) dumni(i,k) = max((ni(i,k)+nitend(i,k)*deltat)/icldm(i,k),0._r8) dumr(i,k) = (qr(i,k)+qrtend(i,k)*deltat)/precip_frac(i,k) dumnr(i,k) = max((nr(i,k)+nrtend(i,k)*deltat)/precip_frac(i,k),0._r8) dums(i,k) = (qs(i,k)+qstend(i,k)*deltat)/precip_frac(i,k) dumns(i,k) = max((ns(i,k)+nstend(i,k)*deltat)/precip_frac(i,k),0._r8) ! switch for specification of droplet and crystal number if (nccons) then dumnc(i,k)=ncnst/rho(i,k) end if ! switch for specification of cloud ice number if (nicons) then dumni(i,k)=ninst/rho(i,k) end if enddo enddo do k=1,nlev ! obtain new slope parameter to avoid possible singularity call size_dist_param_basic(mg_ice_props, dumi(:,k), dumni(:,k), & lami(:,k), mgncol) call size_dist_param_liq(mg_liq_props, dumc(:,k), dumnc(:,k), rho(:,k), & pgam(:,k), lamc(:,k), mgncol) enddo do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol ! calculate number and mass weighted fall velocity for droplets and cloud ice !------------------------------------------------------------------- if (dumc(i,k).ge.qsmall) then vtrmc(i,k)=acn(i,k)*gamma(4._r8+bc+pgam(i,k))/ & (lamc(i,k)**bc*gamma(pgam(i,k)+4._r8)) fc(i,k) = g*rho(i,k)*vtrmc(i,k) fnc(i,k) = g*rho(i,k)* & acn(i,k)*gamma(1._r8+bc+pgam(i,k))/ & (lamc(i,k)**bc*gamma(pgam(i,k)+1._r8)) else fc(i,k) = 0._r8 fnc(i,k)= 0._r8 end if ! calculate number and mass weighted fall velocity for cloud ice if (dumi(i,k).ge.qsmall) then vtrmi(i,k)=min(ain(i,k)*gamma_bi_plus4/(6._r8*lami(i,k)**bi), & 1.2_r8*rhof(i,k)) fi(i,k) = g*rho(i,k)*vtrmi(i,k) fni(i,k) = g*rho(i,k)* & min(ain(i,k)*gamma_bi_plus1/lami(i,k)**bi,1.2_r8*rhof(i,k)) ! adjust the ice fall velocity for smaller (r < 10 um) ice ! particles (blend over 8-12 um) irad = 1.5_r8 / lami(i,k) * 1e6_r8 ifrac = min(1._r8, max(0._r8, (irad - 18._r8) / 2._r8)) if (ifrac .lt. 1._r8) then vtrmi(i,k) = ifrac * vtrmi(i,k) + & (1._r8 - ifrac) * & min(ajn(i,k)*gamma_bj_plus4/(6._r8*lami(i,k)**bj), & 1.2_r8*rhof(i,k)) fi(i,k) = g*rho(i,k)*vtrmi(i,k) fni(i,k) = ifrac * fni(i,k) + & (1._r8 - ifrac) * & g*rho(i,k)* & min(ajn(i,k)*gamma_bj_plus1/lami(i,k)**bj,1.2_r8*rhof(i,k)) end if else fi(i,k) = 0._r8 fni(i,k)= 0._r8 end if enddo enddo do k=1,nlev ! fallspeed for rain call size_dist_param_basic(mg_rain_props, dumr(:,k), dumnr(:,k), & lamr(:,k), mgncol) enddo do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol if (lamr(i,k).ge.qsmall) then ! 'final' values of number and mass weighted mean fallspeed for rain (m/s) unr(i,k) = min(arn(i,k)*gamma_br_plus1/lamr(i,k)**br,9.1_r8*rhof(i,k)) umr(i,k) = min(arn(i,k)*gamma_br_plus4/(6._r8*lamr(i,k)**br),9.1_r8*rhof(i,k)) fr(i,k) = g*rho(i,k)*umr(i,k) fnr(i,k) = g*rho(i,k)*unr(i,k) else fr(i,k)=0._r8 fnr(i,k)=0._r8 end if ! fallspeed for snow call size_dist_param_basic(mg_snow_props, dums(i,k), dumns(i,k), & lams(i,k)) if (lams(i,k).ge.qsmall) then ! 'final' values of number and mass weighted mean fallspeed for snow (m/s) ums(i,k) = min(asn(i,k)*gamma_bs_plus4/(6._r8*lams(i,k)**bs),1.2_r8*rhof(i,k)) uns(i,k) = min(asn(i,k)*gamma_bs_plus1/lams(i,k)**bs,1.2_r8*rhof(i,k)) fs(i,k) = g*rho(i,k)*ums(i,k) fns(i,k) = g*rho(i,k)*uns(i,k) else fs(i,k)=0._r8 fns(i,k)=0._r8 end if ! redefine dummy variables - sedimentation is calculated over grid-scale ! quantities to ensure conservation dumc(i,k) = (qc(i,k)+qctend(i,k)*deltat) dumnc(i,k) = max((nc(i,k)+nctend(i,k)*deltat),0._r8) dumi(i,k) = (qi(i,k)+qitend(i,k)*deltat) dumni(i,k) = max((ni(i,k)+nitend(i,k)*deltat),0._r8) dumr(i,k) = (qr(i,k)+qrtend(i,k)*deltat) dumnr(i,k) = max((nr(i,k)+nrtend(i,k)*deltat),0._r8) dums(i,k) = (qs(i,k)+qstend(i,k)*deltat) dumns(i,k) = max((ns(i,k)+nstend(i,k)*deltat),0._r8) if (dumc(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumnc(i,k)=0._r8 if (dumi(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumni(i,k)=0._r8 if (dumr(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumnr(i,k)=0._r8 if (dums(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumns(i,k)=0._r8 enddo end do !!! vertical loop do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol pdel_inv(i,k) = 1._r8/pdel(i,k) enddo enddo ! initialize nstep for sedimentation sub-steps ! calculate number of split time steps to ensure courant stability criteria ! for sedimentation calculations !------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,mgncol nstep = 1 + int(max( & maxval( fi(i,:)*pdel_inv(i,:)), & maxval(fni(i,:)*pdel_inv(i,:))) & * deltat) ! loop over sedimentation sub-time step to ensure stability !============================================================== do n = 1,nstep if (do_cldice) then falouti = fi(i,:) * dumi(i,:) faloutni = fni(i,:) * dumni(i,:) else falouti = 0._r8 faloutni = 0._r8 end if ! top of model k = 1 ! add fallout terms to microphysical tendencies faltndi = falouti(k)/pdel(i,k) faltndni = faloutni(k)/pdel(i,k) qitend(i,k) = qitend(i,k)-faltndi/nstep nitend(i,k) = nitend(i,k)-faltndni/nstep ! sedimentation tendency for output qisedten(i,k)=qisedten(i,k)-faltndi/nstep dumi(i,k) = dumi(i,k)-faltndi*deltat/nstep dumni(i,k) = dumni(i,k)-faltndni*deltat/nstep do k = 2,nlev ! for cloud liquid and ice, if cloud fraction increases with height ! then add flux from above to both vapor and cloud water of current level ! this means that flux entering clear portion of cell from above evaporates ! instantly ! note: this is not an issue with precip, since we assume max overlap dum1=icldm(i,k)/icldm(i,k-1) dum1=min(dum1,1._r8) faltndqie=(falouti(k)-falouti(k-1))/pdel(i,k) faltndi=(falouti(k)-dum1*falouti(k-1))/pdel(i,k) faltndni=(faloutni(k)-dum1*faloutni(k-1))/pdel(i,k) ! add fallout terms to eulerian tendencies qitend(i,k) = qitend(i,k)-faltndi/nstep nitend(i,k) = nitend(i,k)-faltndni/nstep ! sedimentation tendency for output qisedten(i,k)=qisedten(i,k)-faltndi/nstep ! add terms to to evap/sub of cloud water qvlat(i,k)=qvlat(i,k)-(faltndqie-faltndi)/nstep ! for output qisevap(i,k)=qisevap(i,k)-(faltndqie-faltndi)/nstep tlat(i,k)=tlat(i,k)+(faltndqie-faltndi)*xxls/nstep dumi(i,k) = dumi(i,k)-faltndi*deltat/nstep dumni(i,k) = dumni(i,k)-faltndni*deltat/nstep end do ! Ice flux do k = 1,nlev iflx(i,k+1) = iflx(i,k+1) + falouti(k) / g / real(nstep) end do ! units below are m/s ! sedimentation flux at surface is added to precip flux at surface ! to get total precip (cloud + precip water) rate prect(i) = prect(i)+falouti(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8 preci(i) = preci(i)+falouti(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8 end do ! calculate number of split time steps to ensure courant stability criteria ! for sedimentation calculations !------------------------------------------------------------------- nstep = 1 + int(max( & maxval( fc(i,:)*pdel_inv(i,:)), & maxval(fnc(i,:)*pdel_inv(i,:))) & * deltat) ! loop over sedimentation sub-time step to ensure stability !============================================================== do n = 1,nstep faloutc = fc(i,:) * dumc(i,:) faloutnc = fnc(i,:) * dumnc(i,:) ! top of model k = 1 ! add fallout terms to microphysical tendencies faltndc = faloutc(k)/pdel(i,k) faltndnc = faloutnc(k)/pdel(i,k) qctend(i,k) = qctend(i,k)-faltndc/nstep nctend(i,k) = nctend(i,k)-faltndnc/nstep ! sedimentation tendency for output qcsedten(i,k)=qcsedten(i,k)-faltndc/nstep dumc(i,k) = dumc(i,k)-faltndc*deltat/nstep dumnc(i,k) = dumnc(i,k)-faltndnc*deltat/nstep do k = 2,nlev dum=lcldm(i,k)/lcldm(i,k-1) dum=min(dum,1._r8) faltndqce=(faloutc(k)-faloutc(k-1))/pdel(i,k) faltndc=(faloutc(k)-dum*faloutc(k-1))/pdel(i,k) faltndnc=(faloutnc(k)-dum*faloutnc(k-1))/pdel(i,k) ! add fallout terms to eulerian tendencies qctend(i,k) = qctend(i,k)-faltndc/nstep nctend(i,k) = nctend(i,k)-faltndnc/nstep ! sedimentation tendency for output qcsedten(i,k)=qcsedten(i,k)-faltndc/nstep ! add terms to to evap/sub of cloud water qvlat(i,k)=qvlat(i,k)-(faltndqce-faltndc)/nstep ! for output qcsevap(i,k)=qcsevap(i,k)-(faltndqce-faltndc)/nstep tlat(i,k)=tlat(i,k)+(faltndqce-faltndc)*xxlv/nstep dumc(i,k) = dumc(i,k)-faltndc*deltat/nstep dumnc(i,k) = dumnc(i,k)-faltndnc*deltat/nstep end do !Liquid condensate flux here do k = 1,nlev lflx(i,k+1) = lflx(i,k+1) + faloutc(k) / g / real(nstep) end do prect(i) = prect(i)+faloutc(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8 end do ! calculate number of split time steps to ensure courant stability criteria ! for sedimentation calculations !------------------------------------------------------------------- nstep = 1 + int(max( & maxval( fr(i,:)*pdel_inv(i,:)), & maxval(fnr(i,:)*pdel_inv(i,:))) & * deltat) ! loop over sedimentation sub-time step to ensure stability !============================================================== do n = 1,nstep faloutr = fr(i,:) * dumr(i,:) faloutnr = fnr(i,:) * dumnr(i,:) ! top of model k = 1 ! add fallout terms to microphysical tendencies faltndr = faloutr(k)/pdel(i,k) faltndnr = faloutnr(k)/pdel(i,k) qrtend(i,k) = qrtend(i,k)-faltndr/nstep nrtend(i,k) = nrtend(i,k)-faltndnr/nstep ! sedimentation tendency for output qrsedten(i,k)=qrsedten(i,k)-faltndr/nstep dumr(i,k) = dumr(i,k)-faltndr*deltat/real(nstep) dumnr(i,k) = dumnr(i,k)-faltndnr*deltat/real(nstep) do k = 2,nlev faltndr=(faloutr(k)-faloutr(k-1))/pdel(i,k) faltndnr=(faloutnr(k)-faloutnr(k-1))/pdel(i,k) ! add fallout terms to eulerian tendencies qrtend(i,k) = qrtend(i,k)-faltndr/nstep nrtend(i,k) = nrtend(i,k)-faltndnr/nstep ! sedimentation tendency for output qrsedten(i,k)=qrsedten(i,k)-faltndr/nstep dumr(i,k) = dumr(i,k)-faltndr*deltat/real(nstep) dumnr(i,k) = dumnr(i,k)-faltndnr*deltat/real(nstep) end do ! Rain Flux do k = 1,nlev rflx(i,k+1) = rflx(i,k+1) + faloutr(k) / g / real(nstep) end do prect(i) = prect(i)+faloutr(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8 end do ! calculate number of split time steps to ensure courant stability criteria ! for sedimentation calculations !------------------------------------------------------------------- nstep = 1 + int(max( & maxval( fs(i,:)*pdel_inv(i,:)), & maxval(fns(i,:)*pdel_inv(i,:))) & * deltat) ! loop over sedimentation sub-time step to ensure stability !============================================================== do n = 1,nstep falouts = fs(i,:) * dums(i,:) faloutns = fns(i,:) * dumns(i,:) ! top of model k = 1 ! add fallout terms to microphysical tendencies faltnds = falouts(k)/pdel(i,k) faltndns = faloutns(k)/pdel(i,k) qstend(i,k) = qstend(i,k)-faltnds/nstep nstend(i,k) = nstend(i,k)-faltndns/nstep ! sedimentation tendency for output qssedten(i,k)=qssedten(i,k)-faltnds/nstep dums(i,k) = dums(i,k)-faltnds*deltat/real(nstep) dumns(i,k) = dumns(i,k)-faltndns*deltat/real(nstep) do k = 2,nlev faltnds=(falouts(k)-falouts(k-1))/pdel(i,k) faltndns=(faloutns(k)-faloutns(k-1))/pdel(i,k) ! add fallout terms to eulerian tendencies qstend(i,k) = qstend(i,k)-faltnds/nstep nstend(i,k) = nstend(i,k)-faltndns/nstep ! sedimentation tendency for output qssedten(i,k)=qssedten(i,k)-faltnds/nstep dums(i,k) = dums(i,k)-faltnds*deltat/real(nstep) dumns(i,k) = dumns(i,k)-faltndns*deltat/real(nstep) end do !! k loop ! Snow Flux do k = 1,nlev sflx(i,k+1) = sflx(i,k+1) + falouts(k) / g / real(nstep) end do prect(i) = prect(i)+falouts(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8 preci(i) = preci(i)+falouts(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8 end do !! nstep loop enddo ! end sedimentation !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! get new update for variables that includes sedimentation tendency ! note : here dum variables are grid-average, NOT in-cloud do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol dumc(i,k) = max(qc(i,k)+qctend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8) dumi(i,k) = max(qi(i,k)+qitend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8) dumnc(i,k) = max(nc(i,k)+nctend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8) dumni(i,k) = max(ni(i,k)+nitend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8) dumr(i,k) = max(qr(i,k)+qrtend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8) dumnr(i,k) = max(nr(i,k)+nrtend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8) dums(i,k) = max(qs(i,k)+qstend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8) dumns(i,k) = max(ns(i,k)+nstend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8) ! switch for specification of droplet and crystal number if (nccons) then dumnc(i,k)=ncnst/rho(i,k)*lcldm(i,k) end if ! switch for specification of cloud ice number if (nicons) then dumni(i,k)=ninst/rho(i,k)*icldm(i,k) end if if (dumc(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumnc(i,k)=0._r8 if (dumi(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumni(i,k)=0._r8 if (dumr(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumnr(i,k)=0._r8 if (dums(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumns(i,k)=0._r8 enddo enddo ! calculate instantaneous processes (melting, homogeneous freezing) !==================================================================== ! melting of snow at +2 C do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol if (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat > snowmelt) then if (dums(i,k) > 0._r8) then ! make sure melting snow doesn't reduce temperature below threshold dum = -xlf/cpp*dums(i,k) if (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp* snowmelt) then dum = (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat-snowmelt)*cpp/xlf dum = dum/dums(i,k) dum = max(0._r8,dum) dum = min(1._r8,dum) else dum = 1._r8 end if qstend(i,k)=qstend(i,k)-dum*dums(i,k)/deltat nstend(i,k)=nstend(i,k)-dum*dumns(i,k)/deltat qrtend(i,k)=qrtend(i,k)+dum*dums(i,k)/deltat nrtend(i,k)=nrtend(i,k)+dum*dumns(i,k)/deltat dum1=-xlf*dum*dums(i,k)/deltat tlat(i,k)=tlat(i,k)+dum1 meltsdttot(i,k)=meltsdttot(i,k) + dum1 end if end if enddo enddo do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol ! freezing of rain at -5 C if (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat < rainfrze) then if (dumr(i,k) > 0._r8) then ! make sure freezing rain doesn't increase temperature above threshold dum = xlf/cpp*dumr(i,k) if (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp* then dum = -(t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat-rainfrze)*cpp/xlf dum = dum/dumr(i,k) dum = max(0._r8,dum) dum = min(1._r8,dum) else dum = 1._r8 end if qrtend(i,k)=qrtend(i,k)-dum*dumr(i,k)/deltat nrtend(i,k)=nrtend(i,k)-dum*dumnr(i,k)/deltat ! get mean size of rain = 1/lamr, add frozen rain to either snow or cloud ice ! depending on mean rain size call size_dist_param_basic(mg_rain_props, dumr(i,k), dumnr(i,k), & lamr(i,k)) if (lamr(i,k) < 1._r8/Dcs) then qstend(i,k)=qstend(i,k)+dum*dumr(i,k)/deltat nstend(i,k)=nstend(i,k)+dum*dumnr(i,k)/deltat else qitend(i,k)=qitend(i,k)+dum*dumr(i,k)/deltat nitend(i,k)=nitend(i,k)+dum*dumnr(i,k)/deltat end if ! heating tendency dum1 = xlf*dum*dumr(i,k)/deltat frzrdttot(i,k)=frzrdttot(i,k) + dum1 tlat(i,k)=tlat(i,k)+dum1 end if end if enddo enddo if (do_cldice) then do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol if (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat > tmelt) then if (dumi(i,k) > 0._r8) then ! limit so that melting does not push temperature below freezing !----------------------------------------------------------------- dum = -dumi(i,k)*xlf/cpp if (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp* then dum = (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat-tmelt)*cpp/xlf dum = dum/dumi(i,k) dum = max(0._r8,dum) dum = min(1._r8,dum) else dum = 1._r8 end if qctend(i,k)=qctend(i,k)+dum*dumi(i,k)/deltat ! for output melttot(i,k)=dum*dumi(i,k)/deltat ! assume melting ice produces droplet ! mean volume radius of 8 micron nctend(i,k)=nctend(i,k)+3._r8*dum*dumi(i,k)/deltat/ & (4._r8*pi*5.12e-16_r8*rhow) qitend(i,k)=((1._r8-dum)*dumi(i,k)-qi(i,k))/deltat nitend(i,k)=((1._r8-dum)*dumni(i,k)-ni(i,k))/deltat tlat(i,k)=tlat(i,k)-xlf*dum*dumi(i,k)/deltat end if end if enddo enddo ! homogeneously freeze droplets at -40 C !----------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol if (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat < 233.15_r8) then if (dumc(i,k) > 0._r8) then ! limit so that freezing does not push temperature above threshold dum = dumc(i,k)*xlf/cpp if (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp* then dum = -(t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat-233.15_r8)*cpp/xlf dum = dum/dumc(i,k) dum = max(0._r8,dum) dum = min(1._r8,dum) else dum = 1._r8 end if qitend(i,k)=qitend(i,k)+dum*dumc(i,k)/deltat ! for output homotot(i,k)=dum*dumc(i,k)/deltat ! assume 25 micron mean volume radius of homogeneously frozen droplets ! consistent with size of detrained ice in stratiform.F90 nitend(i,k)=nitend(i,k)+dum*3._r8*dumc(i,k)/(4._r8*3.14_r8*1.563e-14_r8* & 500._r8)/deltat qctend(i,k)=((1._r8-dum)*dumc(i,k)-qc(i,k))/deltat nctend(i,k)=((1._r8-dum)*dumnc(i,k)-nc(i,k))/deltat tlat(i,k)=tlat(i,k)+xlf*dum*dumc(i,k)/deltat end if end if enddo enddo ! remove any excess over-saturation, which is possible due to non-linearity when adding ! together all microphysical processes !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! follow code similar to old CAM scheme do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol qtmp=q(i,k)+qvlat(i,k)*deltat ttmp=t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat ! use rhw to allow ice supersaturation call qsat_water(ttmp, p(i,k), esn, qvn) if (qtmp > qvn .and. qvn > 0 .and. allow_sed_supersat) then ! expression below is approximate since there may be ice deposition dum = (qtmp-qvn)/(1._r8+xxlv_squared*qvn/(cpp*rv*ttmp**2))/deltat ! add to output cme cmeout(i,k) = cmeout(i,k)+dum ! now add to tendencies, partition between liquid and ice based on temperature if (ttmp > 268.15_r8) then dum1=0.0_r8 ! now add to tendencies, partition between liquid and ice based on te !------------------------------------------------------- else if (ttmp < 238.15_r8) then dum1=1.0_r8 else dum1=(268.15_r8-ttmp)/30._r8 end if dum = (qtmp-qvn)/(1._r8+(xxls*dum1+xxlv*(1._r8-dum1))**2 & *qvn/(cpp*rv*ttmp**2))/deltat qctend(i,k)=qctend(i,k)+dum*(1._r8-dum1) ! for output qcrestot(i,k)=dum*(1._r8-dum1) qitend(i,k)=qitend(i,k)+dum*dum1 qirestot(i,k)=dum*dum1 qvlat(i,k)=qvlat(i,k)-dum ! for output qvres(i,k)=-dum tlat(i,k)=tlat(i,k)+dum*(1._r8-dum1)*xxlv+dum*dum1*xxls end if enddo enddo end if ! calculate effective radius for pass to radiation code !========================================================= ! if no cloud water, default value is 10 micron for droplets, ! 25 micron for cloud ice ! update cloud variables after instantaneous processes to get effective radius ! variables are in-cloud to calculate size dist parameters do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol dumc(i,k) = max(qc(i,k)+qctend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/lcldm(i,k) dumi(i,k) = max(qi(i,k)+qitend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/icldm(i,k) dumnc(i,k) = max(nc(i,k)+nctend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/lcldm(i,k) dumni(i,k) = max(ni(i,k)+nitend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/icldm(i,k) dumr(i,k) = max(qr(i,k)+qrtend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/precip_frac(i,k) dumnr(i,k) = max(nr(i,k)+nrtend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/precip_frac(i,k) dums(i,k) = max(qs(i,k)+qstend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/precip_frac(i,k) dumns(i,k) = max(ns(i,k)+nstend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/precip_frac(i,k) ! switch for specification of droplet and crystal number if (nccons) then dumnc(i,k)=ncnst/rho(i,k) end if ! switch for specification of cloud ice number if (nicons) then dumni(i,k)=ninst/rho(i,k) end if ! limit in-cloud mixing ratio to reasonable value of 5 g kg-1 dumc(i,k)=min(dumc(i,k),5.e-3_r8) dumi(i,k)=min(dumi(i,k),5.e-3_r8) ! limit in-precip mixing ratios dumr(i,k)=min(dumr(i,k),10.e-3_r8) dums(i,k)=min(dums(i,k),10.e-3_r8) enddo enddo ! cloud ice effective radius !----------------------------------------------------------------- if (do_cldice) then do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol if (dumi(i,k).ge.qsmall) then dum_2D(i,k) = dumni(i,k) call size_dist_param_basic(mg_ice_props, dumi(i,k), dumni(i,k), & lami(i,k), dumni0) if (dumni(i,k) /=dum_2D(i,k)) then ! adjust number conc if needed to keep mean size in reasonable range nitend(i,k)=(dumni(i,k)*icldm(i,k)-ni(i,k))/deltat end if effi(i,k) = 1.5_r8/lami(i,k)*1.e6_r8 sadice(i,k) = 2._r8*pi*(lami(i,k)**(-3))*dumni0*rho(i,k)*1.e-2_r8 ! m2/m3 -> cm2/cm3 else effi(i,k) = 25._r8 sadice(i,k) = 0._r8 end if ! ice effective diameter for david mitchell's optics deffi(i,k)=effi(i,k)*rhoi/rhows*2._r8 enddo enddo else do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol ! NOTE: If CARMA is doing the ice microphysics, then the ice effective ! radius has already been determined from the size distribution. effi(i,k) = re_ice(i,k) * 1.e6_r8 ! m -> um deffi(i,k)=effi(i,k) * 2._r8 sadice(i,k) = 4._r8*pi*(effi(i,k)**2)*ni(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1e-2_r8 enddo enddo end if ! cloud droplet effective radius !----------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol if (dumc(i,k).ge.qsmall) then ! switch for specification of droplet and crystal number if (nccons) then ! make sure nc is consistence with the constant N by adjusting tendency, need ! to multiply by cloud fraction ! note that nctend may be further adjusted below if mean droplet size is ! out of bounds nctend(i,k)=(ncnst/rho(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)-nc(i,k))/deltat end if dum = dumnc(i,k) call size_dist_param_liq(mg_liq_props, dumc(i,k), dumnc(i,k), rho(i,k), & pgam(i,k), lamc(i,k)) if (dum /= dumnc(i,k)) then ! adjust number conc if needed to keep mean size in reasonable range nctend(i,k)=(dumnc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)-nc(i,k))/deltat end if effc(i,k) = (pgam(i,k)+3._r8)/lamc(i,k)/2._r8*1.e6_r8 !assign output fields for shape here lamcrad(i,k)=lamc(i,k) pgamrad(i,k)=pgam(i,k) ! recalculate effective radius for constant number, in order to separate ! first and second indirect effects !====================================== ! assume constant number of 10^8 kg-1 dumnc(i,k)=1.e8_r8 ! Pass in "false" adjust flag to prevent number from being changed within ! size distribution subroutine. call size_dist_param_liq(mg_liq_props, dumc(i,k), dumnc(i,k), rho(i,k), & pgam(i,k), lamc(i,k)) effc_fn(i,k) = (pgam(i,k)+3._r8)/lamc(i,k)/2._r8*1.e6_r8 else effc(i,k) = 10._r8 lamcrad(i,k)=0._r8 pgamrad(i,k)=0._r8 effc_fn(i,k) = 10._r8 end if enddo enddo ! recalculate 'final' rain size distribution parameters ! to ensure that rain size is in bounds, adjust rain number if needed do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol if (dumr(i,k).ge.qsmall) then dum = dumnr(i,k) call size_dist_param_basic(mg_rain_props, dumr(i,k), dumnr(i,k), & lamr(i,k)) if (dum /= dumnr(i,k)) then ! adjust number conc if needed to keep mean size in reasonable range nrtend(i,k)=(dumnr(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)-nr(i,k))/deltat end if end if enddo enddo ! recalculate 'final' snow size distribution parameters ! to ensure that snow size is in bounds, adjust snow number if needed do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol if (dums(i,k).ge.qsmall) then dum = dumns(i,k) call size_dist_param_basic(mg_snow_props, dums(i,k), dumns(i,k), & lams(i,k), n0=dumns0) if (dum /= dumns(i,k)) then ! adjust number conc if needed to keep mean size in reasonable range nstend(i,k)=(dumns(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)-ns(i,k))/deltat end if sadsnow(i,k) = 2._r8*pi*(lams(i,k)**(-3))*dumns0*rho(i,k)*1.e-2_r8 ! m2/m3 -> cm2/cm3 end if end do ! vertical k loop enddo do k=1,nlev do i=1,mgncol ! if updated q (after microphysics) is zero, then ensure updated n is also zero !================================================================================= if (qc(i,k)+qctend(i,k)* nctend(i,k)=-nc(i,k)/deltat if (do_cldice .and. qi(i,k)+qitend(i,k)* nitend(i,k)=-ni(i,k)/deltat if (qr(i,k)+qrtend(i,k)* nrtend(i,k)=-nr(i,k)/deltat if (qs(i,k)+qstend(i,k)* nstend(i,k)=-ns(i,k)/deltat end do end do ! DO STUFF FOR OUTPUT: !================================================== ! qc and qi are only used for output calculations past here, ! so add qctend and qitend back in one more time qc = qc + qctend*deltat qi = qi + qitend*deltat ! averaging for snow and rain number and diameter !-------------------------------------------------- ! drout2/dsout2: ! diameter of rain and snow ! dsout: ! scaled diameter of snow (passed to radiation in CAM) ! reff_rain/reff_snow: ! calculate effective radius of rain and snow in microns for COSP using Eq. 9 of COSP v1.3 manual where (qrout .gt. 1.e-7_r8 & .and. qrout2 = qrout * precip_frac nrout2 = nrout * precip_frac ! The avg_diameter call does the actual calculation; other diameter ! outputs are just drout2 times constants. drout2 = avg_diameter(qrout, nrout, rho, rhow) freqr = precip_frac reff_rain=1.5_r8*drout2*1.e6_r8 elsewhere qrout2 = 0._r8 nrout2 = 0._r8 drout2 = 0._r8 freqr = 0._r8 reff_rain = 0._r8 end where where (qsout .gt. 1.e-7_r8 & .and. qsout2 = qsout * precip_frac nsout2 = nsout * precip_frac ! The avg_diameter call does the actual calculation; other diameter ! outputs are just dsout2 times constants. dsout2 = avg_diameter(qsout, nsout, rho, rhosn) freqs = precip_frac dsout=3._r8*rhosn/rhows*dsout2 reff_snow=1.5_r8*dsout2*1.e6_r8 elsewhere dsout = 0._r8 qsout2 = 0._r8 nsout2 = 0._r8 dsout2 = 0._r8 freqs = 0._r8 reff_snow=0._r8 end where ! analytic radar reflectivity !-------------------------------------------------- ! formulas from Matthew Shupe, NOAA/CERES ! *****note: radar reflectivity is local (in-precip average) ! units of mm^6/m^3 do i = 1,mgncol do k=1,nlev if (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall .and. (nc(i,k)+nctend(i,k)*deltat).gt.10._r8) then dum=(qc(i,k)/lcldm(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1000._r8)**2 & /(0.109_r8*(nc(i,k)+nctend(i,k)*deltat)/lcldm(i,k)*rho(i,k)/1.e6_r8)*lcldm(i,k)/precip_frac(i,k) else dum=0._r8 end if if (qi(i,k).ge.qsmall) then dum1=(qi(i,k)*rho(i,k)/icldm(i,k)*1000._r8/0.1_r8)**(1._r8/0.63_r8)*icldm(i,k)/precip_frac(i,k) else dum1=0._r8 end if if (qsout(i,k).ge.qsmall) then dum1=dum1+(qsout(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1000._r8/0.1_r8)**(1._r8/0.63_r8) end if refl(i,k)=dum+dum1 ! add rain rate, but for 37 GHz formulation instead of 94 GHz ! formula approximated from data of Matrasov (2007) ! rainrt is the rain rate in mm/hr ! reflectivity (dum) is in DBz if (rainrt(i,k).ge.0.001_r8) then dum=log10(rainrt(i,k)**6._r8)+16._r8 ! convert from DBz to mm^6/m^3 dum = 10._r8**(dum/10._r8) else ! don't include rain rate in R calculation for values less than 0.001 mm/hr dum=0._r8 end if ! add to refl refl(i,k)=refl(i,k)+dum !output reflectivity in Z. areflz(i,k)=refl(i,k) * precip_frac(i,k) ! convert back to DBz if (refl(i,k).gt.minrefl) then refl(i,k)=10._r8*log10(refl(i,k)) else refl(i,k)=-9999._r8 end if !set averaging flag if (refl(i,k).gt.mindbz) then arefl(i,k)=refl(i,k) * precip_frac(i,k) frefl(i,k)=precip_frac(i,k) else arefl(i,k)=0._r8 areflz(i,k)=0._r8 frefl(i,k)=0._r8 end if ! bound cloudsat reflectivity csrfl(i,k)=min(csmax,refl(i,k)) !set averaging flag if (csrfl(i,k).gt.csmin) then acsrfl(i,k)=refl(i,k) * precip_frac(i,k) fcsrfl(i,k)=precip_frac(i,k) else acsrfl(i,k)=0._r8 fcsrfl(i,k)=0._r8 end if end do end do !redefine fice here.... dum_2D = qsout + qrout + qc + qi dumi = qsout + qi where (dumi .gt. qsmall .and. dum_2D .gt. qsmall) nfice=min(dumi/dum_2D,1._r8) elsewhere nfice=0._r8 end where end subroutine micro_mg_tend !======================================================================== !OUTPUT CALCULATIONS !======================================================================== subroutine calc_rercld(lamr, n0r, lamc, pgam, qric, qcic, ncic, rercld, mgncol) integer, intent(in) :: mgncol real(r8), dimension(mgncol), intent(in) :: lamr ! rain size parameter (slope) real(r8), dimension(mgncol), intent(in) :: n0r ! rain size parameter (intercept) real(r8), dimension(mgncol), intent(in) :: lamc ! size distribution parameter (slope) real(r8), dimension(mgncol), intent(in) :: pgam ! droplet size parameter real(r8), dimension(mgncol), intent(in) :: qric ! in-cloud rain mass mixing ratio real(r8), dimension(mgncol), intent(in) :: qcic ! in-cloud cloud liquid real(r8), dimension(mgncol), intent(in) :: ncic ! in-cloud droplet number concentration real(r8), dimension(mgncol), intent(inout) :: rercld ! effective radius calculation for rain + cloud ! combined size of precip & cloud drops real(r8) :: Atmp integer :: i do i=1,mgncol ! Rain drops if (lamr(i) > 0._r8) then Atmp = n0r(i) * pi / (2._r8 * lamr(i)**3._r8) else Atmp = 0._r8 end if ! Add cloud drops if (lamc(i) > 0._r8) then Atmp = Atmp + & ncic(i) * pi * rising_factorial(pgam(i)+1._r8, 2)/(4._r8 * lamc(i)**2._r8) end if if (Atmp > 0._r8) then rercld(i) = rercld(i) + 3._r8 *(qric(i) + qcic(i)) / (4._r8 * rhow * Atmp) end if enddo end subroutine calc_rercld !======================================================================== !UTILITIES !======================================================================== pure subroutine micro_mg_get_cols(ncol, nlev, top_lev, qcn, qin, & qrn, qsn, mgncol, mgcols) ! Determines which columns microphysics should operate over by ! checking for non-zero cloud water/ice. integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! Number of columns with meaningful data integer, intent(in) :: nlev ! Number of levels to use integer, intent(in) :: top_lev ! Top level for microphysics real(r8), intent(in) :: qcn(:,:) ! cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: qin(:,:) ! cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: qrn(:,:) ! rain mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: qsn(:,:) ! snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) integer, intent(out) :: mgncol ! Number of columns MG will use integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: mgcols(:) ! column indices integer :: lev_offset ! top_lev - 1 (defined here for consistency) logical :: ltrue(ncol) ! store tests for each column integer :: i, ii ! column indices if (allocated(mgcols)) deallocate(mgcols) lev_offset = top_lev - 1 ! Using "any" along dimension 2 collapses across levels, but ! not columns, so we know if water is present at any level ! in each column. ltrue = any(qcn(:ncol,top_lev:(nlev+lev_offset)) >= qsmall, 2) ltrue = ltrue .or. any(qin(:ncol,top_lev:(nlev+lev_offset)) >= qsmall, 2) ltrue = ltrue .or. any(qrn(:ncol,top_lev:(nlev+lev_offset)) >= qsmall, 2) ltrue = ltrue .or. any(qsn(:ncol,top_lev:(nlev+lev_offset)) >= qsmall, 2) ! Scan for true values to get a usable list of indices. mgncol = count(ltrue) allocate(mgcols(mgncol)) i = 0 do ii = 1,ncol if (ltrue(ii)) then i = i + 1 mgcols(i) = ii end if end do end subroutine micro_mg_get_cols end module micro_mg2_0