module nucleate_ice_cam !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! CAM Interfaces for nucleate_ice module. ! ! B. Eaton - Sept 2014 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use shr_kind_mod, only: r8=>shr_kind_r8 use spmd_utils, only: masterproc use ppgrid, only: pcols, pver use physconst, only: pi, rair, tmelt use constituents, only: pcnst, cnst_get_ind use physics_types, only: physics_state, physics_ptend, physics_ptend_init use physics_buffer, only: physics_buffer_desc, pbuf_get_index, pbuf_old_tim_idx, pbuf_get_field use phys_control, only: use_hetfrz_classnuc use rad_constituents, only: rad_cnst_get_info, rad_cnst_get_aer_mmr, rad_cnst_get_aer_props, & rad_cnst_get_mode_num, rad_cnst_get_mode_props, rad_cnst_get_mode_num_idx, & rad_cnst_get_mam_mmr_idx use physics_buffer, only: pbuf_add_field, dtype_r8, pbuf_old_tim_idx, & pbuf_get_index, pbuf_get_field use cam_history, only: addfld, add_default, outfld use ref_pres, only: top_lev => trop_cloud_top_lev use wv_saturation, only: qsat_water use shr_spfn_mod, only: erf => shr_spfn_erf use cam_logfile, only: iulog use cam_abortutils, only: endrun use nucleate_ice, only: nucleati_init, nucleati implicit none private save public :: & nucleate_ice_cam_readnl, & nucleate_ice_cam_register, & nucleate_ice_cam_init, & nucleate_ice_cam_calc ! Namelist variables logical, public, protected :: use_preexisting_ice = .false. logical :: hist_preexisting_ice = .false. logical :: nucleate_ice_incloud = .false. real(r8) :: nucleate_ice_subgrid real(r8) :: nucleate_ice_strat = 0.0_r8 ! Vars set via init method. real(r8) :: mincld ! minimum allowed cloud fraction real(r8) :: bulk_scale ! prescribed aerosol bulk sulfur scale factor ! constituent indices integer :: & cldliq_idx = -1, & cldice_idx = -1, & numice_idx = -1 integer :: & naai_idx, & naai_hom_idx integer :: & ast_idx = -1, & dgnum_idx = -1 ! Bulk aerosols character(len=20), allocatable :: aername(:) real(r8), allocatable :: num_to_mass_aer(:) integer :: naer_all ! number of aerosols affecting climate integer :: idxsul = -1 ! index in aerosol list for sulfate integer :: idxdst1 = -1 ! index in aerosol list for dust1 integer :: idxdst2 = -1 ! index in aerosol list for dust2 integer :: idxdst3 = -1 ! index in aerosol list for dust3 integer :: idxdst4 = -1 ! index in aerosol list for dust4 integer :: idxbcphi = -1 ! index in aerosol list for Soot (BCPHIL) ! modal aerosols logical :: clim_modal_aero logical :: prog_modal_aero integer :: nmodes = -1 integer :: mode_accum_idx = -1 ! index of accumulation mode integer :: mode_aitken_idx = -1 ! index of aitken mode integer :: mode_coarse_idx = -1 ! index of coarse mode integer :: mode_coarse_dst_idx = -1 ! index of coarse dust mode integer :: mode_coarse_slt_idx = -1 ! index of coarse sea salt mode integer :: coarse_dust_idx = -1 ! index of dust in coarse mode integer :: coarse_nacl_idx = -1 ! index of nacl in coarse mode integer :: coarse_so4_idx = -1 ! index of sulfate in coarse mode logical :: separate_dust = .false. real(r8) :: sigmag_aitken real(r8) :: sigmag_accum logical :: lq(pcnst) = .false. ! set flags true for constituents with non-zero tendencies integer :: cnum_idx, cdst_idx, cso4_idx !=============================================================================== contains !=============================================================================== subroutine nucleate_ice_cam_readnl(nlfile) use namelist_utils, only: find_group_name use units, only: getunit, freeunit use spmd_utils, only: mpicom, masterprocid, mpi_logical, mpi_real8 character(len=*), intent(in) :: nlfile ! filepath for file containing namelist input ! Local variables integer :: unitn, ierr character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'nucleate_ice_cam_readnl' namelist /nucleate_ice_nl/ use_preexisting_ice, hist_preexisting_ice, & nucleate_ice_subgrid, nucleate_ice_strat, nucleate_ice_incloud !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (masterproc) then unitn = getunit() open( unitn, file=trim(nlfile), status='old' ) call find_group_name(unitn, 'nucleate_ice_nl', status=ierr) if (ierr == 0) then read(unitn, nucleate_ice_nl, iostat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) then call endrun(subname // ':: ERROR reading namelist') end if end if close(unitn) call freeunit(unitn) end if ! Broadcast namelist variables call mpi_bcast(use_preexisting_ice, 1, mpi_logical,masterprocid, mpicom, ierr) call mpi_bcast(hist_preexisting_ice, 1, mpi_logical,masterprocid, mpicom, ierr) call mpi_bcast(nucleate_ice_subgrid, 1, mpi_real8, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr) call mpi_bcast(nucleate_ice_strat, 1, mpi_real8, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr) call mpi_bcast(nucleate_ice_incloud, 1, mpi_logical,masterprocid, mpicom, ierr) end subroutine nucleate_ice_cam_readnl !================================================================================================ subroutine nucleate_ice_cam_register() call pbuf_add_field('NAAI', 'physpkg', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pver/), naai_idx) call pbuf_add_field('NAAI_HOM', 'physpkg', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pver/), naai_hom_idx) end subroutine nucleate_ice_cam_register !================================================================================================ subroutine nucleate_ice_cam_init(mincld_in, bulk_scale_in) use phys_control, only: phys_getopts real(r8), intent(in) :: mincld_in real(r8), intent(in) :: bulk_scale_in ! local variables integer :: iaer integer :: m, n, nspec character(len=32) :: str32 character(len=*), parameter :: routine = 'nucleate_ice_cam_init' !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call phys_getopts(prog_modal_aero_out = prog_modal_aero) mincld = mincld_in bulk_scale = bulk_scale_in if( masterproc ) then write(iulog,*) 'nucleate_ice parameters:' write(iulog,*) ' mincld = ', mincld_in write(iulog,*) ' bulk_scale = ', bulk_scale_in write(iulog,*) ' use_preexisiting_ice = ', use_preexisting_ice write(iulog,*) ' hist_preexisiting_ice = ', hist_preexisting_ice write(iulog,*) ' nucleate_ice_subgrid = ', nucleate_ice_subgrid write(iulog,*) ' nucleate_ice_strat = ', nucleate_ice_strat write(iulog,*) ' nucleate_ice_incloud = ', nucleate_ice_incloud end if call cnst_get_ind('CLDLIQ', cldliq_idx) call cnst_get_ind('CLDICE', cldice_idx) call cnst_get_ind('NUMICE', numice_idx) call addfld('NIHF', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', '1/m3', 'Activated Ice Number Concentation due to homogenous freezing') call addfld('NIDEP', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', '1/m3', 'Activated Ice Number Concentation due to deposition nucleation') call addfld('NIIMM', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', '1/m3', 'Activated Ice Number Concentation due to immersion freezing') call addfld('NIMEY', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', '1/m3', 'Activated Ice Number Concentation due to meyers deposition') call addfld('NIREGM',(/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'C', 'Ice Nucleamtion Temperature Threshold for Regime') if (use_preexisting_ice) then call addfld('fhom', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','fraction', 'Fraction of cirrus where homogeneous freezing occur' ) call addfld ('WICE', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','m/s','Vertical velocity Reduction caused by preexisting ice' ) call addfld ('WEFF', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','m/s','Effective Vertical velocity for ice nucleation' ) call addfld ('INnso4', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','1/m3','Number Concentation so4 (in) to ice_nucleation') call addfld ('INnbc', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','1/m3','Number Concentation bc (in) to ice_nucleation') call addfld ('INndust', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','1/m3','Number Concentation dust (in) ice_nucleation') call addfld ('INondust', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','1/m3','Number Concentation dust (out) from ice_nucleation') call addfld ('INhet', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','1/m3', & 'contribution for in-cloud ice number density increase by het nucleation in ice cloud') call addfld ('INhom', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','1/m3', & 'contribution for in-cloud ice number density increase by hom nucleation in ice cloud') call addfld ('INFrehom', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','frequency','hom IN frequency ice cloud') call addfld ('INFreIN', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','frequency','frequency of ice nucleation occur') if (hist_preexisting_ice) then call add_default ('WSUBI ', 1, ' ') ! addfld/outfld calls are in microp_aero call add_default ('fhom ', 1, ' ') call add_default ('WICE ', 1, ' ') call add_default ('WEFF ', 1, ' ') call add_default ('INnso4 ', 1, ' ') call add_default ('INnbc ', 1, ' ') call add_default ('INndust ', 1, ' ') call add_default ('INhet ', 1, ' ') call add_default ('INhom ', 1, ' ') call add_default ('INFrehom', 1, ' ') call add_default ('INFreIN ', 1, ' ') end if end if ! clim_modal_aero determines whether modal aerosols are used in the climate calculation. ! The modal aerosols can be either prognostic or prescribed. call rad_cnst_get_info(0, nmodes=nmodes) clim_modal_aero = (nmodes > 0) if (clim_modal_aero) then dgnum_idx = pbuf_get_index('DGNUM' ) ! Init indices for specific modes/species ! mode index for specified mode types do m = 1, nmodes call rad_cnst_get_info(0, m, mode_type=str32) select case (trim(str32)) case ('accum') mode_accum_idx = m case ('aitken') mode_aitken_idx = m case ('coarse') mode_coarse_idx = m case ('coarse_dust') mode_coarse_dst_idx = m case ('coarse_seasalt') mode_coarse_slt_idx = m end select end do ! check if coarse dust is in separate mode separate_dust = mode_coarse_dst_idx > 0 ! for 3-mode if (mode_coarse_dst_idx < 0) mode_coarse_dst_idx = mode_coarse_idx if (mode_coarse_slt_idx < 0) mode_coarse_slt_idx = mode_coarse_idx ! Check that required mode types were found if (mode_accum_idx == -1 .or. mode_aitken_idx == -1 .or. & mode_coarse_dst_idx == -1.or. mode_coarse_slt_idx == -1) then write(iulog,*) routine//': ERROR required mode type not found - mode idx:', & mode_accum_idx, mode_aitken_idx, mode_coarse_dst_idx, mode_coarse_slt_idx call endrun(routine//': ERROR required mode type not found') end if ! species indices for specified types ! find indices for the dust, seasalt and sulfate species in the coarse mode call rad_cnst_get_info(0, mode_coarse_dst_idx, nspec=nspec) do n = 1, nspec call rad_cnst_get_info(0, mode_coarse_dst_idx, n, spec_type=str32) select case (trim(str32)) case ('dust') coarse_dust_idx = n end select end do call rad_cnst_get_info(0, mode_coarse_slt_idx, nspec=nspec) do n = 1, nspec call rad_cnst_get_info(0, mode_coarse_slt_idx, n, spec_type=str32) select case (trim(str32)) case ('seasalt') coarse_nacl_idx = n end select end do if (mode_coarse_idx>0) then call rad_cnst_get_info(0, mode_coarse_idx, nspec=nspec) do n = 1, nspec call rad_cnst_get_info(0, mode_coarse_idx, n, spec_type=str32) select case (trim(str32)) case ('sulfate') coarse_so4_idx = n end select end do endif ! Check that required mode specie types were found if ( coarse_dust_idx == -1 .or. coarse_nacl_idx == -1 ) then write(iulog,*) routine//': ERROR required mode-species type not found - indicies:', & coarse_dust_idx, coarse_nacl_idx call endrun(routine//': ERROR required mode-species type not found') end if ! get specific mode properties call rad_cnst_get_mode_props(0, mode_aitken_idx, sigmag=sigmag_aitken) call rad_cnst_get_mode_props(0, mode_accum_idx, sigmag=sigmag_accum) if (prog_modal_aero) then call rad_cnst_get_mode_num_idx(mode_coarse_dst_idx, cnum_idx) call rad_cnst_get_mam_mmr_idx(mode_coarse_dst_idx, coarse_dust_idx, cdst_idx) if (mode_coarse_idx>0) then call rad_cnst_get_mam_mmr_idx(mode_coarse_idx, coarse_so4_idx, cso4_idx) end if lq(cnum_idx) = .true. lq(cdst_idx) = .true. endif else ! Props needed for BAM number concentration calcs. call rad_cnst_get_info(0, naero=naer_all) allocate( & aername(naer_all), & num_to_mass_aer(naer_all) ) do iaer = 1, naer_all call rad_cnst_get_aer_props(0, iaer, & aername = aername(iaer), & num_to_mass_aer = num_to_mass_aer(iaer)) ! Look for sulfate, dust, and soot in this list (Bulk aerosol only) if (trim(aername(iaer)) == 'SULFATE') idxsul = iaer if (trim(aername(iaer)) == 'DUST1') idxdst1 = iaer if (trim(aername(iaer)) == 'DUST2') idxdst2 = iaer if (trim(aername(iaer)) == 'DUST3') idxdst3 = iaer if (trim(aername(iaer)) == 'DUST4') idxdst4 = iaer if (trim(aername(iaer)) == 'BCPHIL') idxbcphi = iaer end do end if call nucleati_init(use_preexisting_ice, use_hetfrz_classnuc, nucleate_ice_incloud, iulog, pi, & mincld, nucleate_ice_subgrid) ! get indices for fields in the physics buffer ast_idx = pbuf_get_index('AST') end subroutine nucleate_ice_cam_init !================================================================================================ subroutine nucleate_ice_cam_calc( & state, wsubi, pbuf, dtime, ptend) ! arguments type(physics_state), target, intent(in) :: state real(r8), intent(in) :: wsubi(:,:) type(physics_buffer_desc), pointer :: pbuf(:) real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime type(physics_ptend), intent(out) :: ptend ! local workspace ! naai and naai_hom are the outputs shared with the microphysics real(r8), pointer :: naai(:,:) ! number of activated aerosol for ice nucleation real(r8), pointer :: naai_hom(:,:) ! number of activated aerosol for ice nucleation (homogeneous freezing only) integer :: lchnk, ncol integer :: itim_old integer :: i, k, m real(r8), pointer :: t(:,:) ! input temperature (K) real(r8), pointer :: qn(:,:) ! input water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), pointer :: qc(:,:) ! cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), pointer :: qi(:,:) ! cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) real(r8), pointer :: ni(:,:) ! cloud ice number conc (1/kg) real(r8), pointer :: pmid(:,:) ! pressure at layer midpoints (pa) real(r8), pointer :: num_accum(:,:) ! number m.r. of accumulation mode real(r8), pointer :: num_aitken(:,:) ! number m.r. of aitken mode real(r8), pointer :: num_coarse(:,:) ! number m.r. of coarse mode real(r8), pointer :: coarse_dust(:,:) ! mass m.r. of coarse dust real(r8), pointer :: coarse_nacl(:,:) ! mass m.r. of coarse nacl real(r8), pointer :: coarse_so4(:,:) ! mass m.r. of coarse sulfate real(r8), pointer :: aer_mmr(:,:) ! aerosol mass mixing ratio real(r8), pointer :: dgnum(:,:,:) ! mode dry radius real(r8), pointer :: cld_num_coarse(:,:) ! number m.r. of coarse mode real(r8), pointer :: cld_coarse_dust(:,:) ! mass m.r. of coarse dust real(r8), pointer :: ast(:,:) real(r8) :: icecldf(pcols,pver) ! ice cloud fraction real(r8) :: rho(pcols,pver) ! air density (kg m-3) real(r8), allocatable :: naer2(:,:,:) ! bulk aerosol number concentration (1/m3) real(r8), allocatable :: maerosol(:,:,:) ! bulk aerosol mass conc (kg/m3) real(r8) :: qs(pcols) ! liquid-ice weighted sat mixing rat (kg/kg) real(r8) :: es(pcols) ! liquid-ice weighted sat vapor press (pa) real(r8) :: gammas(pcols) ! parameter for cond/evap of cloud water real(r8) :: relhum(pcols,pver) ! relative humidity real(r8) :: icldm(pcols,pver) ! ice cloud fraction real(r8) :: so4_num ! so4 aerosol number (#/cm^3) real(r8) :: soot_num ! soot (hydrophilic) aerosol number (#/cm^3) real(r8) :: dst1_num,dst2_num,dst3_num,dst4_num ! dust aerosol number (#/cm^3) real(r8) :: dst_num ! total dust aerosol number (#/cm^3) real(r8) :: wght real(r8) :: dmc real(r8) :: ssmc real(r8) :: so4mc real(r8) :: oso4_num real(r8) :: odst_num real(r8) :: osoot_num real(r8) :: dso4_num real(r8) :: ramp ! For pre-existing ice real(r8) :: fhom(pcols,pver) ! how much fraction of cloud can reach Shom real(r8) :: wice(pcols,pver) ! diagnosed Vertical velocity Reduction caused by preexisting ice (m/s), at Shom real(r8) :: weff(pcols,pver) ! effective Vertical velocity for ice nucleation (m/s); weff=wsubi-wice real(r8) :: INnso4(pcols,pver) ! #/m3, so4 aerosol number used for ice nucleation real(r8) :: INnbc(pcols,pver) ! #/m3, bc aerosol number used for ice nucleation real(r8) :: INndust(pcols,pver) ! #/m3, dust aerosol number used for ice nucleation real(r8) :: INondust(pcols,pver) ! #/m3, dust aerosol number used for ice nucleation real(r8) :: INhet(pcols,pver) ! #/m3, ice number from het freezing real(r8) :: INhom(pcols,pver) ! #/m3, ice number from hom freezing real(r8) :: INFrehom(pcols,pver) ! hom freezing occurence frequency. 1 occur, 0 not occur. real(r8) :: INFreIN(pcols,pver) ! ice nucleation occerence frequency. 1 occur, 0 not occur. ! history output for ice nucleation real(r8) :: nihf(pcols,pver) !output number conc of ice nuclei due to heterogenous freezing (1/m3) real(r8) :: niimm(pcols,pver) !output number conc of ice nuclei due to immersion freezing (hetero nuc) (1/m3) real(r8) :: nidep(pcols,pver) !output number conc of ice nuclei due to deoposion nucleation (hetero nuc) (1/m3) real(r8) :: nimey(pcols,pver) !output number conc of ice nuclei due to meyers deposition (1/m3) real(r8) :: regm(pcols,pver) !output temperature thershold for nucleation regime !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lchnk = state%lchnk ncol = state%ncol t => state%t qn => state%q(:,:,1) qc => state%q(:,:,cldliq_idx) qi => state%q(:,:,cldice_idx) ni => state%q(:,:,numice_idx) pmid => state%pmid do k = top_lev, pver do i = 1, ncol rho(i,k) = pmid(i,k)/(rair*t(i,k)) end do end do if (clim_modal_aero) then ! mode number mixing ratios call rad_cnst_get_mode_num(0, mode_accum_idx, 'a', state, pbuf, num_accum) call rad_cnst_get_mode_num(0, mode_aitken_idx, 'a', state, pbuf, num_aitken) call rad_cnst_get_mode_num(0, mode_coarse_dst_idx, 'a', state, pbuf, num_coarse) ! mode specie mass m.r. call rad_cnst_get_aer_mmr(0, mode_coarse_dst_idx, coarse_dust_idx, 'a', state, pbuf, coarse_dust) call rad_cnst_get_aer_mmr(0, mode_coarse_slt_idx, coarse_nacl_idx, 'a', state, pbuf, coarse_nacl) if (mode_coarse_idx>0) then call rad_cnst_get_aer_mmr(0, mode_coarse_idx, coarse_so4_idx, 'a', state, pbuf, coarse_so4) endif ! Get the cloudbourne coarse mode fields, so aerosol used for nucleated ! can be moved from interstial to cloudbourne. call rad_cnst_get_mode_num(0, mode_coarse_dst_idx, 'c', state, pbuf, cld_num_coarse) call rad_cnst_get_aer_mmr(0, mode_coarse_dst_idx, coarse_dust_idx, 'c', state, pbuf, cld_coarse_dust) call physics_ptend_init(ptend, state%psetcols, 'nucleatei', lq=lq) else ! init number/mass arrays for bulk aerosols allocate( & naer2(pcols,pver,naer_all), & maerosol(pcols,pver,naer_all)) do m = 1, naer_all call rad_cnst_get_aer_mmr(0, m, state, pbuf, aer_mmr) maerosol(:ncol,:,m) = aer_mmr(:ncol,:)*rho(:ncol,:) if (m .eq. idxsul) then naer2(:ncol,:,m) = maerosol(:ncol,:,m)*num_to_mass_aer(m)*bulk_scale else naer2(:ncol,:,m) = maerosol(:ncol,:,m)*num_to_mass_aer(m) end if end do call physics_ptend_init(ptend, state%psetcols, 'nucleatei') end if itim_old = pbuf_old_tim_idx() call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, ast_idx, ast, start=(/1,1,itim_old/), kount=(/pcols,pver,1/)) icecldf(:ncol,:pver) = ast(:ncol,:pver) if (clim_modal_aero) then call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, dgnum_idx, dgnum) end if ! naai and naai_hom are the outputs from this parameterization call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, naai_idx, naai) call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, naai_hom_idx, naai_hom) naai(1:ncol,1:pver) = 0._r8 naai_hom(1:ncol,1:pver) = 0._r8 ! initialize history output fields for ice nucleation nihf(1:ncol,1:pver) = 0._r8 niimm(1:ncol,1:pver) = 0._r8 nidep(1:ncol,1:pver) = 0._r8 nimey(1:ncol,1:pver) = 0._r8 if (use_preexisting_ice) then fhom(:,:) = 0.0_r8 wice(:,:) = 0.0_r8 weff(:,:) = 0.0_r8 INnso4(:,:) = 0.0_r8 INnbc(:,:) = 0.0_r8 INndust(:,:) = 0.0_r8 INondust(:,:) = 0.0_r8 INhet(:,:) = 0.0_r8 INhom(:,:) = 0.0_r8 INFrehom(:,:) = 0.0_r8 INFreIN(:,:) = 0.0_r8 endif do k = top_lev, pver ! Get humidity and saturation vapor pressures call qsat_water(t(:ncol,k), pmid(:ncol,k), & es(:ncol), qs(:ncol), gam=gammas(:ncol)) do i = 1, ncol relhum(i,k) = qn(i,k)/qs(i) ! get cloud fraction, check for minimum icldm(i,k) = max(icecldf(i,k), mincld) end do end do do k = top_lev, pver do i = 1, ncol if (t(i,k) < tmelt - 5._r8) then ! compute aerosol number for so4, soot, and dust with units #/cm^3 so4_num = 0._r8 soot_num = 0._r8 dst1_num = 0._r8 dst2_num = 0._r8 dst3_num = 0._r8 dst4_num = 0._r8 dst_num = 0._r8 if (clim_modal_aero) then !For modal aerosols, assume for the upper troposphere: ! soot = accumulation mode ! sulfate = aiken mode ! dust = coarse mode ! since modal has internal mixtures. soot_num = num_accum(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1.0e-6_r8 dmc = coarse_dust(i,k)*rho(i,k) ssmc = coarse_nacl(i,k)*rho(i,k) if (dmc > 0._r8) then if ( separate_dust ) then ! 7-mode -- has separate dust and seasalt mode types and ! no need for weighting wght = 1._r8 else so4mc = coarse_so4(i,k)*rho(i,k) ! 3-mode -- needs weighting for dust since dust, seasalt, ! and sulfate are combined in the "coarse" mode type wght = dmc/(ssmc + dmc + so4mc) endif dst_num = wght * num_coarse(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1.0e-6_r8 else dst_num = 0.0_r8 end if so4_num = 0.0_r8 if (.not. use_preexisting_ice) then if (dgnum(i,k,mode_aitken_idx) > 0._r8) then ! only allow so4 with D>0.1 um in ice nucleation so4_num = so4_num + max(0._r8, num_aitken(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1.0e-6_r8 & * (0.5_r8 - 0.5_r8*erf(log(0.1e-6_r8/dgnum(i,k,mode_aitken_idx))/ & (2._r8**0.5_r8*log(sigmag_aitken))))) end if else ! all so4 from aitken so4_num = num_aitken(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1.0e-6_r8 end if else if (idxsul > 0) then so4_num = naer2(i,k,idxsul)/25._r8 *1.0e-6_r8 end if if (idxbcphi > 0) then soot_num = naer2(i,k,idxbcphi)/25._r8 *1.0e-6_r8 end if if (idxdst1 > 0) then dst1_num = naer2(i,k,idxdst1)/25._r8 *1.0e-6_r8 end if if (idxdst2 > 0) then dst2_num = naer2(i,k,idxdst2)/25._r8 *1.0e-6_r8 end if if (idxdst3 > 0) then dst3_num = naer2(i,k,idxdst3)/25._r8 *1.0e-6_r8 end if if (idxdst4 > 0) then dst4_num = naer2(i,k,idxdst4)/25._r8 *1.0e-6_r8 end if dst_num = dst1_num + dst2_num + dst3_num + dst4_num end if ! *** Turn off soot nucleation *** soot_num = 0.0_r8 call nucleati( & wsubi(i,k), t(i,k), pmid(i,k), relhum(i,k), icldm(i,k), & qc(i,k), qi(i,k), ni(i,k), rho(i,k), & so4_num, dst_num, soot_num, & naai(i,k), nihf(i,k), niimm(i,k), nidep(i,k), nimey(i,k), & wice(i,k), weff(i,k), fhom(i,k), regm(i,k), & oso4_num, odst_num, osoot_num) ! Move aerosol used for nucleation from interstial to cloudborne, ! otherwise the same coarse mode aerosols will be available again ! in the next timestep and will supress homogeneous freezing. if (prog_modal_aero .and. use_preexisting_ice) then if (separate_dust) then call endrun('nucleate_ice_cam: use_preexisting_ice is not supported in separate_dust mode (MAM7)') endif ptend%q(i,k,cnum_idx) = -(odst_num * icldm(i,k))/rho(i,k)/1e-6_r8/dtime cld_num_coarse(i,k) = cld_num_coarse(i,k) + (odst_num * icldm(i,k))/rho(i,k)/1e-6_r8 ptend%q(i,k,cdst_idx) = - odst_num / dst_num * icldm(i,k) * coarse_dust(i,k) / dtime cld_coarse_dust(i,k) = cld_coarse_dust(i,k) + odst_num / dst_num *icldm(i,k) * coarse_dust(i,k) end if ! Liu&Penner does not generate enough nucleation in the polar winter ! startosphere, which affects surface area density, dehydration and ! ozone chemistry. As a short term work around, assume a larger ! fraction of the sulfates nucleate in the polar stratosphere. if (pmid(i,k) <= 12500._r8 .and. pmid(i,k) > 100._r8 .and. abs(state%lat(i)) >= 60._r8 * pi / 180._r8) then ramp = 1._r8 - min(1._r8, max(0._r8, (pmid(i,k) - 10000._r8) / 2500._r8)) if (oso4_num > 0._r8) then dso4_num = (max(oso4_num, ramp * nucleate_ice_strat * so4_num) - oso4_num) * 1e6_r8 / rho(i,k) naai(i,k) = naai(i,k) + dso4_num nihf(i,k) = nihf(i,k) + dso4_num end if end if naai_hom(i,k) = nihf(i,k) ! output activated ice (convert from #/kg -> #/m3) nihf(i,k) = nihf(i,k) *rho(i,k) niimm(i,k) = niimm(i,k)*rho(i,k) nidep(i,k) = nidep(i,k)*rho(i,k) nimey(i,k) = nimey(i,k)*rho(i,k) if (use_preexisting_ice) then INnso4(i,k) =so4_num*1e6_r8 ! (convert from #/cm3 -> #/m3) INnbc(i,k) =soot_num*1e6_r8 INndust(i,k)=dst_num*1e6_r8 INondust(i,k)=odst_num*1e6_r8 INFreIN(i,k)=1.0_r8 ! 1,ice nucleation occur INhet(i,k) = (niimm(i,k) + nidep(i,k)) ! #/m3, nimey not in cirrus INhom(i,k) = nihf(i,k) ! #/m3 if (INhom(i,k).gt.1e3_r8) then ! > 1/L INFrehom(i,k)=1.0_r8 ! 1, hom freezing occur endif ! exclude no ice nucleaton if ((INFrehom(i,k) < 0.5_r8) .and. (INhet(i,k) < 1.0_r8)) then INnso4(i,k) =0.0_r8 INnbc(i,k) =0.0_r8 INndust(i,k)=0.0_r8 INondust(i,k)=0.0_r8 INFreIN(i,k)=0.0_r8 INhet(i,k) = 0.0_r8 INhom(i,k) = 0.0_r8 INFrehom(i,k)=0.0_r8 wice(i,k) = 0.0_r8 weff(i,k) = 0.0_r8 fhom(i,k) = 0.0_r8 endif end if end if end do end do if (.not. clim_modal_aero) then deallocate( & naer2, & maerosol) end if call outfld('NIHF', nihf, pcols, lchnk) call outfld('NIIMM', niimm, pcols, lchnk) call outfld('NIDEP', nidep, pcols, lchnk) call outfld('NIMEY', nimey, pcols, lchnk) call outfld('NIREGM', regm, pcols, lchnk) if (use_preexisting_ice) then call outfld( 'fhom' , fhom, pcols, lchnk) call outfld( 'WICE' , wice, pcols, lchnk) call outfld( 'WEFF' , weff, pcols, lchnk) call outfld('INnso4 ',INnso4 , pcols,lchnk) call outfld('INnbc ',INnbc , pcols,lchnk) call outfld('INndust ',INndust, pcols,lchnk) call outfld('INondust ',INondust, pcols,lchnk) call outfld('INhet ',INhet , pcols,lchnk) call outfld('INhom ',INhom , pcols,lchnk) call outfld('INFrehom',INFrehom,pcols,lchnk) call outfld('INFreIN ',INFreIN, pcols,lchnk) end if end subroutine nucleate_ice_cam_calc !================================================================================================ end module nucleate_ice_cam