Polzin/Melet Production Runs

Method Tidal
2D/3D tidal mix max years Notes
P1 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test1.Nb.bugfix Polzin/Melet Jayne E(x,y,t) 2D 100 [1,310] "PS" ("Polzin Simulation" Melet, 2013). Uses Melet's reformulation of the WKB scaling form of Polzin's method with time-varying E(x,y,t). Same roughness and urms as in J3. Comparison of P1 to J3 is intended to be equivalent to M2013
P2 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test4 Polzin/Melet GN13 E(x,y,t) 2D 100 [1,310] Uses Melet's reformulation of the WKB scaling form of Polzin's method with time-invariant 2D Green&Nycander E(x,y).

Polzin/Melet Preliminary Exploratory Cases

Method Tidal
2D/3D tidal mix max years Notes
E.P001 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test1 Polzin/Melet Jayne E(x,y) 2D 100 N/A Exploratory case. Failed: instability in Denmark Strait December year 0001
E.P002 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test1.f1 Polzin/Melet Jayne E(x,y) 2D 100 N/A Same as E.P001, except for new code to print timeseries of individual tidal-mixing terms. Failed: instability in Denmark Strait December year 0001
E.P003 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test1.Nb Polzin/Melet Jayne E(x,y,t)=
2D 100 N/A Same as E.P002, except with time-varying tidal energy E(x,y,t) per discussion w/Melet 2015-03-16
E(x,y,t) = 0.5*rho_sw*Nb(t)*kappa*H^2*2>
NOTE: Incorrect implementation
NOTE: Uses new code base with 18.6-yr lunar cycle code (inactive)
E.P004 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test2 Polzin/Melet Jayne E(x,y) 2D 100 N/A Same as E.P001, except with diagnostics every timestep in December
E.P005 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test2.Nb.0 Polzin/Melet Jayne E(x,y,t) 2D 100 N/A Testbed for efficiency improvements for Polzin/Melet N2 integral computation
E.P006 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test2.Nb.1 Polzin/Melet Jayne E(x,y,t) 2D 100 N/A Same as E.P005 (Testbed for efficiency improvements for Polzin/Melet N2 integral computation), except this case includes modified N2 integral code
E.P007 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test3 Polzin/Melet Jayne E(x,y) 2D 100 N/A Same as E.P001, except test 10% larger background diffusion values.
NOTE: also, U_P minimum value is set to 0.0001 in code
E.P008 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test4.f1 Polzin/Melet 2D Green E(x,y) 2D 100 N/A Same as P2, except generate short-burst nonstandard diagnostics to compare Polzin terms using GN13 with those using Jayne tidal energy
E.P009 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test5 Polzin/Melet Jayne E(x,y) 2D 100 N/A Same as E.P001, except gamma = 0.2 (code mod)
E.P010 giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test6 Polzin/Melet Jayne E(x,y) 2D 100 N/A Same as E.P009, except z*p limited to 100m (code mod). This version first defines z*p=
max(zstar_coeff_polz*ZSTARP,zstarp_min_decay_scale), then forms 1/z*p. Earlier versions form 1/z*p directly where z*p .ne. 0

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