Mean State

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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 2.49
CLM4.5SP [-] 2.59 2.64 1.69 2.49 2.68 0.127 0.881 2.92 0.516 0.291 0.500 0.973 0.670 0.540
CLM4SP [-] 2.86 2.91 1.90 2.49 2.68 0.403 0.938 3.04 0.503 0.278 0.472 0.989 0.681 0.534
CLM5SP [-] 2.59 2.64 1.72 2.49 2.68 0.133 0.875 2.96 0.506 0.287 0.490 0.984 0.635 0.532
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 1.21
CLM4.5SP [-] 1.90 1.91 0.766 1.20 2.59 0.703 1.19 1.54 0.569 0.471 0.637 0.894 0.731 0.629
CLM4SP [-] 1.91 1.92 0.786 1.20 2.59 0.715 1.18 1.36 0.561 0.479 0.684 0.922 0.731 0.643
CLM5SP [-] 1.85 1.86 0.733 1.20 2.59 0.652 1.11 1.14 0.568 0.462 0.778 0.904 0.708 0.647
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 1.67
CLM4.5SP [-] 1.95 1.95 1.83 1.67 2.05 0.289 0.872 1.49 0.656 0.492 0.779 0.921 0.699 0.673
CLM4SP [-] 2.02 2.02 1.98 1.67 2.05 0.357 0.873 1.55 0.639 0.503 0.756 0.959 0.704 0.677
CLM5SP [-] 1.95 1.96 1.76 1.67 2.05 0.294 0.852 1.37 0.620 0.507 0.795 0.965 0.711 0.684
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.851
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.547 0.556 0.420 0.851 1.06 -0.298 0.450 0.405 0.689 0.678 0.976 0.911 0.809 0.790
CLM4SP [-] 0.471 0.475 0.429 0.851 1.06 -0.374 0.535 0.216 0.625 0.644 0.988 0.979 0.806 0.781
CLM5SP [-] 0.501 0.509 0.385 0.851 1.06 -0.346 0.540 0.354 0.652 0.633 0.979 0.921 0.813 0.772
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 3.76
CLM4.5SP [-] 3.57 3.57 3.59 3.75 3.91 -0.181 0.526 2.26 0.547 0.320 0.639 0.971 0.754 0.592
CLM4SP [-] 4.12 4.14 4.09 3.75 3.91 0.371 0.672 2.23 0.393 0.285 0.645 0.965 0.730 0.551
CLM5SP [-] 3.59 3.57 3.68 3.75 3.91 -0.160 0.512 2.31 0.551 0.337 0.632 0.998 0.746 0.600
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 1.12
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.912 0.910 0.909 1.12 1.40 -0.205 0.416 0.309 0.814 0.709 0.979 0.974 0.827 0.835
CLM4SP [-] 0.811 0.805 0.922 1.12 1.40 -0.310 0.465 0.297 0.733 0.724 0.980 0.979 0.842 0.830
CLM5SP [-] 0.866 0.865 0.803 1.12 1.40 -0.251 0.502 0.582 0.777 0.660 0.960 0.993 0.737 0.798
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 1.17
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.987 1.10 0.458 1.18 0.658 -0.0587 0.604 1.11 0.695 0.501 0.910 0.932 0.728 0.711
CLM4SP [-] 0.953 1.07 0.445 1.18 0.658 -0.0986 0.612 1.13 0.650 0.512 0.907 0.899 0.732 0.702
CLM5SP [-] 0.867 0.969 0.407 1.18 0.658 -0.196 0.644 1.22 0.633 0.503 0.906 0.882 0.773 0.700
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 2.11
CLM4.5SP [-] 2.02 2.08 1.55 2.11 3.39 0.0364 0.807 1.57 0.512 0.436 0.736 0.875 0.683 0.613
CLM4SP [-] 2.05 2.11 1.57 2.11 3.39 0.0749 0.776 1.55 0.556 0.437 0.738 0.936 0.704 0.635
CLM5SP [-] 2.08 2.15 1.54 2.11 3.39 0.113 0.838 1.72 0.537 0.407 0.698 0.937 0.701 0.615
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.785
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.446 0.471 0.273 0.785 0.741 -0.314 0.501 0.416 0.671 0.622 0.974 0.989 0.819 0.783
CLM4SP [-] 0.449 0.471 0.298 0.785 0.741 -0.315 0.507 0.297 0.669 0.626 0.983 0.846 0.801 0.758
CLM5SP [-] 0.519 0.551 0.274 0.785 0.741 -0.238 0.593 0.457 0.740 0.522 0.971 0.969 0.635 0.727
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.787
CLM4.5SP [-] 1.23 1.20 1.89 0.779 2.20 0.452 0.768 1.83 0.495 0.431 0.846 0.929 0.599 0.622
CLM4SP [-] 1.23 1.19 1.92 0.779 2.20 0.449 0.755 1.78 0.495 0.439 0.852 0.943 0.576 0.624
CLM5SP [-] 1.18 1.14 1.84 0.779 2.20 0.399 0.650 1.96 0.515 0.479 0.842 0.952 0.701 0.661
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 1.32
CLM4.5SP [-] 1.21 1.21 1.23 1.31 1.43 -0.0909 0.422 0.303 0.797 0.657 0.978 0.988 0.723 0.800
CLM4SP [-] 1.16 1.16 1.19 1.31 1.43 -0.145 0.434 0.444 0.760 0.668 0.968 0.976 0.784 0.804
CLM5SP [-] 1.18 1.19 1.13 1.31 1.43 -0.127 0.453 0.358 0.780 0.650 0.975 0.974 0.832 0.810
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 1.56
CLM4.5SP [-] 1.25 1.60 0.331 1.56 2.29 0.0589 0.687 1.21 0.603 0.456 0.802 0.978 0.711 0.668
CLM4SP [-] 1.27 1.63 0.322 1.56 2.29 0.0938 0.698 1.18 0.598 0.456 0.806 0.972 0.704 0.666
CLM5SP [-] 1.21 1.54 0.304 1.56 2.29 0.00549 0.695 1.26 0.596 0.457 0.807 0.978 0.727 0.670
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.603
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.298 0.787 0.178 0.603 0.485 0.195 0.553 1.12 0.531 0.319 0.879 0.942 0.510 0.583
CLM4SP [-] 0.301 0.823 0.173 0.603 0.485 0.228 0.581 1.10 0.492 0.312 0.881 0.951 0.461 0.568
CLM5SP [-] 0.270 0.708 0.163 0.603 0.485 0.117 0.548 1.84 0.582 0.305 0.804 0.937 0.748 0.613
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.876
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.561 0.622 0.405 0.875 1.04 -0.256 0.456 0.550 0.702 0.620 0.965 0.970 0.752 0.771
CLM4SP [-] 0.459 0.521 0.292 0.875 1.04 -0.349 0.521 0.334 0.616 0.629 0.980 0.920 0.775 0.758
CLM5SP [-] 0.481 0.561 0.276 0.875 1.04 -0.318 0.552 0.580 0.652 0.586 0.962 0.980 0.654 0.737
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 2.12
CLM4.5SP [-] 2.13 2.13 2.17 2.12 2.78 0.0886 0.746 1.36 0.549 0.365 0.786 0.954 0.539 0.593
CLM4SP [-] 2.23 2.23 2.34 2.12 2.78 0.204 0.761 1.34 0.549 0.361 0.797 0.982 0.526 0.596
CLM5SP [-] 2.08 2.08 2.19 2.12 2.78 0.0515 0.665 1.21 0.573 0.401 0.818 0.976 0.656 0.637
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 1.88
CLM4.5SP [-] 2.00 2.01 2.02 1.88 2.11 0.152 0.562 0.366 0.819 0.650 0.967 0.988 0.769 0.807
CLM4SP [-] 1.95 1.94 2.20 1.88 2.11 0.0831 0.561 0.343 0.800 0.664 0.970 0.991 0.800 0.815
CLM5SP [-] 1.76 1.76 1.80 1.88 2.11 -0.0978 0.511 0.366 0.836 0.673 0.966 0.996 0.820 0.827
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 1.14
CLM4.5SP [-] 1.11 1.11 1.23 1.14 1.29 -0.0237 0.436 0.161 0.857 0.631 0.990 0.992 0.709 0.802
CLM4SP [-] 0.934 0.923 1.28 1.14 1.29 -0.204 0.445 0.0767 0.757 0.676 0.995 0.955 0.786 0.808
CLM5SP [-] 0.960 0.958 1.07 1.14 1.29 -0.176 0.474 0.0909 0.799 0.634 0.994 0.992 0.723 0.796
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.787
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.972 0.990 0.957 0.786 1.92 0.211 0.653 1.45 0.546 0.264 0.854 0.968 0.462 0.560
CLM4SP [-] 0.969 0.987 0.932 0.786 1.92 0.209 0.635 1.41 0.539 0.283 0.859 0.965 0.512 0.573
CLM5SP [-] 0.819 0.833 0.879 0.786 1.92 0.0547 0.620 1.66 0.607 0.288 0.826 0.925 0.776 0.618
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 3.61
CLM4.5SP [-] 3.28 3.29 2.98 3.61 3.16 -0.333 0.739 1.79 0.455 0.311 0.750 0.926 0.747 0.583
CLM4SP [-] 3.68 3.69 3.22 3.61 3.16 0.0702 0.719 1.66 0.576 0.286 0.774 0.987 0.667 0.596
CLM5SP [-] 3.36 3.36 3.10 3.61 3.16 -0.258 0.732 1.82 0.482 0.327 0.753 0.959 0.744 0.599
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 1.96
CLM4.5SP [-] 2.38 2.37 2.56 1.96 2.09 0.414 1.09 1.60 0.557 0.456 0.774 0.714 0.719 0.613
CLM4SP [-] 2.40 2.38 2.65 1.96 2.09 0.428 1.04 1.61 0.564 0.474 0.779 0.749 0.715 0.626
CLM5SP [-] 2.30 2.29 2.48 1.96 2.09 0.334 1.10 1.33 0.536 0.459 0.823 0.870 0.711 0.643
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Model Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [mm d-1]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 1.17
CLM4.5SP [-] 1.00 1.12 0.486 1.17 1.34 -0.0672 0.617 1.44 0.515 0.445 0.851 0.929 0.555 0.623
CLM4SP [-] 1.05 1.18 0.494 1.17 1.34 0.00170 0.614 1.49 0.539 0.434 0.849 0.960 0.505 0.620
CLM5SP [-] 0.843 0.950 0.389 1.17 1.34 -0.225 0.647 1.88 0.459 0.453 0.776 0.912 0.640 0.616

Temporally integrated period mean

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Spatially integrated regional mean

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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.342 0.191 0.872 0.841 0.857
CLM4SP [-] 0.381 0.304 0.839 0.774 0.807
CLM5SP [-] 0.300 0.209 0.895 0.908 0.902
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.327 0.388 0.641 0.698 0.669
CLM4SP [-] 0.339 0.356 0.634 0.665 0.649
CLM5SP [-] 0.333 0.384 0.656 0.722 0.689
Download Data
Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.399 0.240 0.803 0.812 0.807
CLM4SP [-] 0.386 0.233 0.782 0.787 0.784
CLM5SP [-] 0.372 0.251 0.813 0.865 0.839
Download Data
Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.383 0.402 0.665 0.651 0.658
CLM4SP [-] 0.502 0.465 0.618 0.626 0.622
CLM5SP [-] 0.360 0.434 0.629 0.598 0.614
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.296 0.284 0.911 0.955 0.933
CLM4SP [-] 0.312 0.292 0.908 0.878 0.893
CLM5SP [-] 0.329 0.260 0.925 0.968 0.947
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.472 0.508 0.857 0.823 0.840
CLM4SP [-] 0.581 0.624 0.779 0.760 0.769
CLM5SP [-] 0.528 0.531 0.803 0.790 0.796
Download Data
Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.376 0.232 0.853 0.842 0.848
CLM4SP [-] 0.362 0.256 0.819 0.815 0.817
CLM5SP [-] 0.364 0.248 0.794 0.772 0.783
Download Data
Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.345 0.325 0.824 0.868 0.846
CLM4SP [-] 0.353 0.304 0.836 0.876 0.856
CLM5SP [-] 0.340 0.300 0.830 0.822 0.826
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.474 0.490 0.641 0.628 0.635
CLM4SP [-] 0.475 0.376 0.665 0.653 0.659
CLM5SP [-] 0.422 0.442 0.725 0.646 0.685
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.477 0.405 0.745 0.732 0.739
CLM4SP [-] 0.476 0.409 0.739 0.725 0.732
CLM5SP [-] 0.461 0.390 0.743 0.735 0.739
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.317 0.336 0.876 0.830 0.853
CLM4SP [-] 0.350 0.350 0.852 0.803 0.827
CLM5SP [-] 0.307 0.389 0.846 0.795 0.820
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.463 0.311 0.905 0.800 0.852
CLM4SP [-] 0.469 0.342 0.930 0.781 0.856
CLM5SP [-] 0.455 0.331 0.908 0.769 0.838
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.482 0.437 0.704 0.784 0.744
CLM4SP [-] 0.456 0.446 0.672 0.752 0.712
CLM5SP [-] 0.456 0.436 0.772 0.832 0.802
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.435 0.536 0.700 0.731 0.715
CLM4SP [-] 0.519 0.546 0.680 0.684 0.682
CLM5SP [-] 0.417 0.519 0.633 0.634 0.633
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.329 0.267 0.906 0.914 0.910
CLM4SP [-] 0.313 0.261 0.879 0.897 0.888
CLM5SP [-] 0.299 0.279 0.910 0.929 0.919
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.353 0.251 0.874 0.875 0.875
CLM4SP [-] 0.320 0.239 0.899 0.873 0.886
CLM5SP [-] 0.281 0.304 0.971 0.922 0.946
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.246 0.176 0.863 0.973 0.918
CLM4SP [-] 0.352 0.386 0.775 0.866 0.820
CLM5SP [-] 0.225 0.315 0.768 0.833 0.801
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.390 0.300 0.796 0.705 0.751
CLM4SP [-] 0.392 0.313 0.783 0.704 0.744
CLM5SP [-] 0.282 0.257 0.833 0.727 0.780
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.408 0.454 0.894 0.886 0.890
CLM4SP [-] 0.293 0.196 0.917 0.922 0.919
CLM5SP [-] 0.375 0.387 0.897 0.855 0.876
Download Data
Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.405 0.389 0.784 0.794 0.789
CLM4SP [-] 0.406 0.391 0.781 0.784 0.783
CLM5SP [-] 0.389 0.356 0.812 0.842 0.827
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Precipitation Hellinger Distance [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature Hellinger Distance [1]
Precipitation RMSE Score [1]
SurfaceAirTemperature RMSE Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
CLM4.5SP [-] 0.376 0.339 0.748 0.600 0.674
CLM4SP [-] 0.356 0.331 0.750 0.680 0.715
CLM5SP [-] 0.344 0.348 0.772 0.586 0.679


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Data Information

  creation_date: Fri May 16 15:29:34 PDT 2014

  Conventions: Please contact Prof. James Randerson (Email: or Dr. Mingquan Mu ( for any question

  source_file: This product is generated from monthly MODIS ET in 0.5x0.5 observations

  title: derived MODIS ET in 0.5x0.5

  Approach: I used gdal tool to convert the original tif file to netcdf file. Meanwhile I also converted the original unit to the standard one (Kg/m2/mon --> Kg/m2/s) and saved the final file in netcdf format. Derived Data Code:

  Temporal resolution: monthly

  General information: This product was derived from MODIS MOD16A2 monthly 0.5 degree CMG dataset.

  Spatial resolution: 0.5x0.5 degree