Mean State

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Period Mean (original grids) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Bias [kg m-2]
Bias Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 76.5
CLM4 [-] 7.93 7.01 1.05 76.1 0.362 -24.3 0.408 0.198 0.303
CLM4.5 [-] 93.5 83.8 9.89 76.1 0.362 3.99 0.536 0.388 0.462
CLM5 [-] 248. 232. 16.7 76.1 0.362 57.1 0.241 0.0749 0.158
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Period Mean (original grids) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Bias [kg m-2]
Bias Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 113.
CLM4 [-] 85.6 45.5 38.1 113. 0.00185 -14.1 0.546 0.295 0.421
CLM4.5 [-] 156. 84.4 68.2 113. 0.00185 -6.10 0.619 0.831 0.725
CLM5 [-] 294. 194. 94.1 113. 0.00185 16.5 0.520 0.552 0.536
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Period Mean (original grids) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Bias [kg m-2]
Bias Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 12.2
CLM4 [-] 86.3 3.55 84.7 12.2 -8.82 0.499 0.783 0.641
CLM4.5 [-] 118. 6.54 115. 12.2 -5.53 0.602 0.854 0.728
CLM5 [-] 122. 13.3 113. 12.2 1.52 0.534 0.265 0.400
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Period Mean (original grids) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Bias [kg m-2]
Bias Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 97.3
CLM4 [-] 5.53 5.24 0.729 97.2 0.0996 -29.1 0.391 0.111 0.251
CLM4.5 [-] 95.5 87.9 8.96 97.2 0.0996 -2.82 0.620 0.628 0.624
CLM5 [-] 254. 242. 14.9 97.2 0.0996 46.5 0.406 0.104 0.255
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Period Mean (original grids) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Bias [kg m-2]
Bias Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 5.12
CLM4 [-] 24.8 0.594 23.8 5.12 -16.8 0.413 0.0760 0.245
CLM4.5 [-] 57.3 2.92 53.6 5.12 -8.21 0.593 0.438 0.516
CLM5 [-] 67.9 4.90 62.0 5.12 -0.930 0.698 0.894 0.796
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Period Mean (original grids) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Bias [kg m-2]
Bias Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 475.
CLM4 [-] 614. 99.9 514. 474. 1.51 -16.4 0.456 0.214 0.335
CLM4.5 [-] 1.27e+03 418. 853. 474. 1.51 -2.02 0.572 0.772 0.672
CLM5 [-] 1.92e+03 1.08e+03 836. 474. 1.51 27.6 0.429 0.188 0.308
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Period Mean (original grids) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Bias [kg m-2]
Bias Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 116.
CLM4 [-] 23.0 21.4 1.40 116. 0.373 -15.4 0.437 0.148 0.292
CLM4.5 [-] 126. 117. 8.33 116. 0.373 1.37 0.525 0.721 0.623
CLM5 [-] 326. 313. 14.0 116. 0.373 34.5 0.413 0.146 0.279
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Period Mean (original grids) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Bias [kg m-2]
Bias Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.0131
CLM4 [-] 33.2 0.0213 32.7 0.0131 3.77 0.529 4.04e-23 0.264
CLM4.5 [-] 53.3 0.0389 52.5 0.0131 11.6 0.139 6.24e-23 0.0697
CLM5 [-] 42.8 0.0285 42.1 0.0131 6.98 0.306 3.26e-20 0.153
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Period Mean (original grids) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Bias [kg m-2]
Bias Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 46.1
CLM4 [-] 41.7 16.2 25.7 46.1 0.00725 -14.4 0.507 0.126 0.317
CLM4.5 [-] 75.3 32.9 42.8 46.1 0.00725 -6.41 0.557 0.334 0.445
CLM5 [-] 145. 81.7 61.9 46.1 0.00725 16.6 0.544 0.683 0.614
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Period Mean (original grids) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Model Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [Pg]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [Pg]
Bias [kg m-2]
Bias Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.232
CLM4 [-] 11.8 0.309 11.9 0.232 1.08 0.493 0.453 0.473
CLM4.5 [-] 14.5 0.310 14.9 0.232 1.08 0.493 0.720 0.607
CLM5 [-] 12.9 0.398 13.2 0.232 1.94 0.597 0.713 0.655

Temporally integrated period mean

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Spatially integrated regional mean

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Data Information

  Approach: I just read the data from the original data file and converted the latitude arrange from original 90N->90S to 90S->90N. The unit was convert from original 0.1 KgC/m2 to KgC/m2

  Temporal resolution: yearly

  General information: This product was derived from Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database V2.2 (NCSCDv22) in top 1m.

  Spatial resolution: 0.5x0.5 degree

  Derived data code:

  history: Tue Mar 19 20:16:17 2019: ncrename -v soilc,cSoilAbove1m