Set List


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Set 1 Description: Line plots of annual trends in energy balance, soil water/ice and temperature, runoff, snow water/ice, photosynthesis

Lookup Table: Set 1 Variable Definition

2m air temperature (TSA) plot
ppt: rain+snow (PREC) plot
Runoff:qover+qdrai+qrgwl (TOTRUNOFF) plot
soil temperature: layers 1,5,10 (TSOI) plot
photosynthesis (FPSN) plot
exposed one-sided leaf area index (ELAI) plot
exposed one-sided stem area index (ESAI) plot
total one-sided leaf area index (TLAI) plot
total one-sided stem area index (TSAI) plot
Sunlit Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISUN) plot
Shaded Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISHA) plot
transpiration beta factor (BTRAN) plot
infiltration (QINFL) plot
surface runoff (QOVER) plot
surface runoff at glaciers, wetlands, lakes (QRGWL) plot
sub-surface drainage (QDRAI) plot
interception (QINTR) plot
ground evaporation (QSOIL) plot
canopy transpiration (QVEGT) plot
soil liquid water: layers 1,5,10 (SOILLIQ) plot
soil ice: layers 1,5,10 (SOILICE) plot
Soil Water Potential in Each Soil Layer (SOILPSI) plot
snow liquid water (SNOWLIQ) plot
snow ice (SNOWICE) plot
total soil liquid water (TOTSOILLIQ) plot
total soil ice (TOTSOILICE) plot
water in the unconfined aquifer (WA) plot
water table depth (ZWT) plot
aquifer recharge rate (QCHARGE) plot
fractional area with water table at surface (FCOV) plot
CO2 concentration (CO2_PPMV) plot