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Set 6 Description: Line plots of annual trends in regional soil water/ice and temperature, runoff, snow water/ice, photosynthesis

Lookup Table: Set 6 Variable Definition

All Model Data Regions map
Precip Carbon/
Runoff Radiative Turbulent Nitrogen Fire Carbon Soil SoilLiq TotalSoilIce TotalSnowH2O
Map SnowDepth Fluxes Fluxes Fluxes Fluxes Stocks Temp Water SoilIce TotalSoilH2O TotalSnowIce Hydrology
Global Land map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Northern Hemisphere Land map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Southern Hemisphere Land map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Alaskan Arctic map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Antarctica map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Canadian Arctic map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Greenland map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Polar map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Russian Arctic map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Alaska map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Central Canada map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Eastern Canada map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Eastern Siberia map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Lost Boreal Forest map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Northern Europe map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Northwest Canada map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Western Siberia map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Central U.S. map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Eastern U.S. map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Europe map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Mediterranean map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Western U.S. map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Amazonia map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Central Africa map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Central America map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Indonesia map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Brazil map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
India map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Indochina map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Sahel map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Southern Africa map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Arabian Peninsula map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Australia map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Central Asia map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Mongolia map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Sahara Desert map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Tigris_Euphrates map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Tibetan Plateau map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Central Asia map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Eastern China map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Mediterranean and Western Asia map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Central and Eastern Mongolia and NE China map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Sahara Desert and Arabian Peninsula map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Southern Asia map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot
Tibetan_Plateau map plot plot plot -- -- -- plot plot plot plot plot plot