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Set 2 Description: Horizontal contour plots of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, and ANN means

Lookup Table: Set 2 Variable Definition

Willmott-Matsuura DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
TSA     2m air temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
PREC     ppt: rain+snow     plot plot plot plot plot

TOTRUNOFF     Total Liquid Runoff     plot plot plot plot plot

SNOWDP     snow height     plot plot plot plot plot

SNOWDP     snow height     plot plot plot plot plot
H2OSNO     total snow water equiv (SNOWICE + SNOWLIQ)     plot plot plot plot plot

FSNO     fraction of ground covered by snow     plot plot plot plot plot

VBSA     visible black-sky albedo     plot plot plot plot plot
NBSA     near-IR black-sky albedo     plot plot plot plot plot
VWSA     visible white-sky albedo     plot plot plot plot plot
NWSA     near-IR white-sky albedo     plot plot plot plot plot
ASA     all-sky albedo:FSR/FSDS     plot plot plot plot plot

LHEAT     latent heat:FCTR+FCEV+FGEV     plot plot plot plot plot
FPSN     photosynthesis     plot plot plot plot plot

TLAI     total one-sided leaf area index     plot plot plot plot plot
ASA     all-sky albedo:FSR/FSDS     plot plot plot plot plot
RNET     net radiation:fsa-fira     plot plot plot plot plot
FPSN     photosynthesis     plot plot plot plot plot
FSH     sensible heat     plot plot plot plot plot
FSH_V     sensible heat from vegetation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSH_G     sensible heat from ground     plot plot plot plot plot
FSH_TO_COUPLER     sensible heat sent to coupler     plot plot plot plot plot
FSH_PRECIP_CONVERSION     SHF from conv of rain/snow atm forcing     plot plot plot plot plot
FSH_RUNOFF_ICE_TO_LIQ     SHF from conv of ice runoff to liquid     plot plot plot plot plot
CPL_ENERGY_BAL     Coupler Energy Balance (Global Area)     plot plot plot plot plot
TV     vegetation temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
TG     ground temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
FSA     absorbed solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
SABV     solar rad absorbed by vegetation     plot plot plot plot plot
SABG     solar rad absorbed by ground     plot plot plot plot plot
FSR     reflected solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FIRA     net infrared (longwave) radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FIRE     emitted infrared (longwave) radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FCTR     canopy transpiration     plot plot plot plot plot
FCEV     canopy evaporation     plot plot plot plot plot
FGEV     ground evaporation     plot plot plot plot plot
FGR     heat flux into snow/soil (includes snow melt)     plot plot plot plot plot
FSM     snow melt heat flux     plot plot plot plot plot
FGNET     net ground heat flux:fgr-fsm     plot plot plot plot plot
TAUX     zonal surface stress     plot plot plot plot plot
TAUY     meridional surface stress     plot plot plot plot plot
ELAI     exposed one-sided leaf area index     plot plot plot plot plot
ESAI     exposed one-sided stem area index     plot plot plot plot plot
TSAI     total one-sided stem area index     plot plot plot plot plot
LAISUN     Sunlit Projected Leaf Area Index     plot plot plot plot plot
LAISHA     Shaded Projected Leaf Area Index     plot plot plot plot plot
BTRAN     transpiration beta factor     plot plot plot plot plot
H2OCAN     intercepted water     plot plot plot plot plot
SNOWLIQ     snow liquid water     plot plot plot plot plot
SNOWICE     snow ice     plot plot plot plot plot
QINFL     infiltration     plot plot plot plot plot
QOVER     surface runoff     plot plot plot plot plot
QRGWL     surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes; also includes melted ice runoff from QSNWCPICE     plot plot plot plot plot
QDRAI     sub-surface drainage     plot plot plot plot plot
QINTR     interception     plot plot plot plot plot
QDRIP     throughfall     --- --- --- --- ---
QSNOMELT     snow melt     plot plot plot plot plot
QSOIL     ground evaporation     plot plot plot plot plot
QVEGE     canopy evaporation     plot plot plot plot plot
QVEGT     canopy transpiration     plot plot plot plot plot
ERRSOI     soil/lake energy conservation error     plot plot plot plot plot
ERRSEB     surface energy conservation error     plot plot plot plot plot
ERRSOL     solar radiation conservation error     plot plot plot plot plot
ERRH2O     total water conservation error     plot plot plot plot plot
RAIN     atmospheric rain     plot plot plot plot plot
SNOW     atmospheric snow     plot plot plot plot plot
TBOT     atmospheric air temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
TLAKE (1)     lake temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
TLAKE (5)     lake temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
TLAKE (10)     lake temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
WIND     atmospheric wind velocity magnitude     plot plot plot plot plot
THBOT     atmospheric air potential temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
QBOT     atmospheric specific humidity     plot plot plot plot plot
ZBOT     atmospheric reference height     plot plot plot plot plot
FLDS     atmospheric longwave radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSDS     atmospheric incident solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSDSND     direct nir incident solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSDSNDLN     direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon     plot plot plot plot plot
FSDSNI     diffuse nir incident solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSDSVD     direct vis incident solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSDSVDLN     direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon     plot plot plot plot plot
FSDSVI     diffuse vis incident solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSRND     direct nir reflected solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSRNDLN     direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon     plot plot plot plot plot
FSRNI     diffuse nir reflected solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSRVD     direct vis reflected solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSRVDLN     direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon     plot plot plot plot plot
FSRVI     diffuse vis reflected solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
Q2M     2m specific humidity     plot plot plot plot plot
RH2M     2m relative humidity     plot plot plot plot plot
TREFMNAV     daily minimum of average 2m temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
TREFMXAV     daily maximum of average 2m temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
VBSA     visible black-sky albedo     plot plot plot plot plot
NBSA     near-IR black-sky albedo     plot plot plot plot plot
VWSA     visible white-sky albedo     plot plot plot plot plot
NWSA     near-IR white-sky albedo     plot plot plot plot plot
SOILLIQ (1)     soil liquid water     plot plot plot plot plot
SOILLIQ (5)     soil liquid water     plot plot plot plot plot
SOILLIQ (10)     soil liquid water     plot plot plot plot plot
SOILICE (1)     soil ice     plot plot plot plot plot
SOILICE (5)     soil ice     plot plot plot plot plot
SOILICE (10)     soil ice     plot plot plot plot plot
H2OSOI (1)     volumetric soil water     plot plot plot plot plot
H2OSOI (5)     volumetric soil water     plot plot plot plot plot
H2OSOI (10)     volumetric soil water     plot plot plot plot plot
TSOI (1)     soil temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
TSOI (5)     soil temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
TSOI (10)     soil temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
EVAPFRAC     LHEAT/(LHEAT+FSH)     plot plot plot plot plot
XIM     moisture index     plot plot plot plot plot
P-E     PREC-ET     plot plot plot plot plot
WA     water in the unconfined aquifer     --- --- --- --- ---
ZWT     water table depth     plot plot plot plot plot
TWS     total water storage     plot plot plot plot plot
VOLR     river channel total water storage     plot plot plot plot plot
QCHARGE     aquifer recharge rate     --- --- --- --- ---
FCOV     fractional area with water table at surface     plot plot plot plot plot
PCO2     partial pressure of CO2     plot plot plot plot plot
DSTDEP     total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere     plot plot plot plot plot
DSTFLXT     total surface dust emission     plot plot plot plot plot
OCDEP     total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere     plot plot plot plot plot
BCDEP     total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere     plot plot plot plot plot
U10     10-m wind     plot plot plot plot plot
PCT_BSOIL_PFT     Percent Bare Soil on Natural Veg Landunit     plot plot plot plot plot
PCT_TREE_PFT     Percent Tree on Natural Veg Landunit     plot plot plot plot plot
PCT_GRASS_PFT     Percent Grass on Natural Veg Landunit     plot plot plot plot plot
PCT_SHRUB_PFT     Percent Shrub on Natural Veg Landunit     plot plot plot plot plot
PCT_CROP_PFT     Percent Crop on Natural Veg Landunit or Gridcell (CropModel)     plot plot plot plot plot
ZETA     dimensionless stability parameter     --- --- --- --- ---
RAIN_FROM_ATM     atmospheric rain (pre-downscaling)     plot plot plot plot plot
SNOW_FROM_ATM     atmospheric snow (pre-downscaling)     plot plot plot plot plot
FLDS_NOT_DOWNSCALED     atmospheric longwave radiation (pre-downscaling)     --- --- --- --- ---
Tair_from_atm     atmospheric air temperature (pre-downscaling)     --- --- --- --- ---
Thair_from_atm     atmospheric air potential temperature (pre-downscaling)     --- --- --- --- ---
QBOT_NOT_DOWNSCALED     atmospheric specific humidity (pre-downscaling)     --- --- --- --- ---
PBOT_NOT_DOWNSCALED     atm pressure of bottom layer (pre-downscaling)     --- --- --- --- ---
Rho_from_atm     atmospheric density of bottom layer (pre-downscaling)     --- --- --- --- ---
UWIND     atmospheric uwind velocity magnitude     --- --- --- --- ---
VWIND     atmospheric vwind velocity magnitude     --- --- --- --- ---
BCPHIDRY     BC deposition (phidry) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
BCPHODRY     BC deposition (phodry) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
BCPHIWET     BC deposition (phiwet) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
OCPHIDRY     OC deposition (phidry) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
OCPHODRY     OC deposition (phodry) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
OCPHIWET     OC deposition (phiwet) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
DSTWET1     dust deposition (wet1) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
DSTDRY1     dust deposition (dry1) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
DSTWET2     dust deposition (wet2) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
DSTDRY2     dust deposition (dry2) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
DSTWET3     dust deposition (wet3) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
DSTDRY3     dust deposition (dry3) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
DSTWET4     dust deposition (wet4) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
DSTDRY4     dust deposition (dry4) from atmosphere     --- --- --- --- ---
ATM_TOPO     atmospheric surface height     plot plot plot plot plot