Mean State

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Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 70.6
CESM3_092H [-] 75.3 75.8 70.6 71.2 4.77 14.9 2.26 0.531 0.711 0.645 0.987 0.717
CESM3_098bH [-] 74.9 75.4 70.6 70.5 4.39 14.4 2.32 0.559 0.716 0.632 0.991 0.723
CMIP6_001 [-] 74.4 74.9 70.7 72.8 18.1 3.92 14.2 3.07 0.634 0.682 0.498 0.990 0.697
LE2_001 [-] 74.8 75.3 70.7 73.3 18.1 4.31 14.7 3.45 0.618 0.668 0.430 0.985 0.674
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Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 47.3
CESM3_092H [-] 59.0 58.6 47.3 40.9 10.9 25.3 1.30 0.385 0.348 0.818 0.851 0.550
CESM3_098bH [-] 59.2 58.8 47.3 41.7 11.2 26.0 1.43 0.385 0.340 0.806 0.827 0.540
CMIP6_001 [-] 49.3 48.6 47.3 34.2 34.2 1.17 18.6 1.22 0.601 0.469 0.832 0.982 0.671
LE2_001 [-] 49.6 49.0 47.3 34.0 34.2 1.47 18.7 1.16 0.600 0.464 0.841 0.983 0.670
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Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 52.1
CESM3_092H [-] 55.6 55.5 52.1 55.7 18.9 3.09 18.1 1.26 0.476 0.666 0.838 0.963 0.722
CESM3_098bH [-] 55.6 55.6 52.1 55.3 18.9 3.08 18.3 1.32 0.470 0.667 0.834 0.964 0.720
CMIP6_001 [-] 59.8 59.6 52.2 60.0 23.6 7.23 19.9 1.16 0.445 0.615 0.855 0.976 0.701
LE2_001 [-] 60.4 60.2 52.2 60.6 23.6 7.86 20.2 1.14 0.429 0.619 0.861 0.975 0.701
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 14.9
CESM3_092H [-] 18.2 18.3 14.9 16.8 3.47 7.86 0.343 0.577 0.582 0.973 0.654 0.674
CESM3_098bH [-] 18.4 18.5 14.9 16.6 3.57 7.59 0.291 0.570 0.602 0.977 0.640 0.678
CMIP6_001 [-] 13.8 13.9 15.0 10.5 3.59 -1.15 8.49 0.293 0.540 0.535 0.977 0.699 0.657
LE2_001 [-] 13.5 13.7 15.0 10.5 3.59 -1.40 8.55 0.264 0.540 0.530 0.979 0.684 0.653
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 77.5
CESM3_092H [-] 99.4 98.5 77.7 104. 29.3 22.7 27.8 2.40 0.458 0.821 0.629 0.242 0.594
CESM3_098bH [-] 100. 99.4 77.7 105. 29.3 23.8 28.8 2.31 0.450 0.813 0.643 0.317 0.607
CMIP6_001 [-] 95.7 94.8 80.4 101. 34.5 16.4 23.9 2.51 0.516 0.831 0.603 0.328 0.621
LE2_001 [-] 94.8 93.9 80.4 100. 34.5 15.5 24.0 2.45 0.511 0.817 0.614 0.376 0.627
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Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 26.3
CESM3_092H [-] 33.8 33.8 26.3 37.6 -27.5 7.56 10.8 0.135 0.354 0.602 0.990 0.986 0.707
CESM3_098bH [-] 34.1 34.1 26.3 37.0 -27.5 7.82 10.9 0.173 0.343 0.608 0.988 0.986 0.707
CMIP6_001 [-] 28.2 28.1 26.3 30.2 3.49 1.84 7.04 0.170 0.720 0.673 0.988 0.990 0.809
LE2_001 [-] 28.6 28.5 26.3 30.5 3.49 2.22 7.00 0.165 0.711 0.680 0.988 0.991 0.810
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 28.0
CESM3_092H [-] 36.6 36.3 28.0 40.6 9.00 16.9 0.585 0.430 0.465 0.941 0.963 0.653
CESM3_098bH [-] 36.6 36.4 28.0 40.3 9.03 17.1 0.573 0.427 0.460 0.941 0.960 0.650
CMIP6_001 [-] 33.7 33.5 28.0 36.4 14.6 5.90 16.4 0.633 0.431 0.487 0.939 0.942 0.657
LE2_001 [-] 34.0 33.8 28.0 36.7 14.6 6.17 16.8 0.619 0.413 0.477 0.941 0.941 0.650
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Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 57.0
CESM3_092H [-] 57.5 56.7 57.0 74.5 27.1 2.31 22.9 1.54 0.539 0.502 0.795 0.970 0.662
CESM3_098bH [-] 58.7 57.9 57.0 75.8 27.1 3.57 23.1 1.53 0.540 0.498 0.802 0.966 0.661
CMIP6_001 [-] 57.4 56.6 57.2 75.2 29.3 1.68 23.0 1.59 0.519 0.498 0.785 0.970 0.654
LE2_001 [-] 57.3 56.4 57.2 74.9 29.3 1.54 23.4 1.69 0.520 0.483 0.767 0.972 0.645
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Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 15.7
CESM3_092H [-] 19.8 20.2 15.7 13.3 0.112 4.23 7.61 0.0997 0.556 0.617 0.990 0.783 0.713
CESM3_098bH [-] 19.6 20.0 15.7 13.5 0.112 4.01 7.49 0.161 0.571 0.625 0.987 0.801 0.722
CMIP6_001 [-] 12.1 12.4 15.8 6.61 -6.07 -3.49 11.0 0.355 0.464 0.365 0.973 0.742 0.582
LE2_001 [-] 12.5 12.9 15.8 7.05 -6.07 -3.03 10.4 0.270 0.492 0.399 0.979 0.765 0.607
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Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 26.8
CESM3_092H [-] 42.1 41.6 26.8 50.5 9.96 16.1 20.3 0.728 0.281 0.626 0.936 0.945 0.683
CESM3_098bH [-] 40.2 39.7 26.8 49.1 9.96 14.3 18.9 0.693 0.333 0.641 0.938 0.936 0.698
CMIP6_001 [-] 36.6 36.0 26.9 47.9 19.3 10.3 15.6 0.643 0.420 0.666 0.938 0.957 0.729
LE2_001 [-] 35.0 34.4 26.9 47.7 19.3 8.69 15.2 0.668 0.468 0.643 0.943 0.944 0.728
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Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 31.2
CESM3_092H [-] 38.8 39.0 31.3 37.1 17.5 7.23 15.4 0.362 0.514 0.531 0.972 0.790 0.667
CESM3_098bH [-] 38.9 39.0 31.3 37.1 17.5 7.33 15.6 0.346 0.507 0.524 0.973 0.757 0.657
CMIP6_001 [-] 34.9 35.0 31.7 34.1 9.65 3.31 14.1 0.503 0.606 0.537 0.963 0.814 0.691
LE2_001 [-] 34.8 34.9 31.7 33.6 9.65 3.16 14.1 0.447 0.606 0.539 0.966 0.790 0.688
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Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 39.3
CESM3_092H [-] 39.7 46.4 39.3 11.7 17.1 7.37 17.5 1.03 0.440 0.547 0.865 0.962 0.672
CESM3_098bH [-] 39.7 46.4 39.3 12.0 17.1 7.33 17.7 1.05 0.432 0.547 0.861 0.960 0.669
CMIP6_001 [-] 36.7 43.3 39.5 9.23 18.1 4.15 15.5 1.09 0.526 0.576 0.860 0.973 0.702
LE2_001 [-] 36.8 43.3 39.5 9.25 18.1 4.18 15.7 1.08 0.521 0.569 0.860 0.972 0.698
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Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 8.45
CESM3_092H [-] 12.4 17.6 8.45 7.84 3.70 9.27 15.2 1.50 0.464 0.551 0.796 0.910 0.654
CESM3_098bH [-] 13.2 18.2 8.45 8.81 3.70 9.80 15.6 1.55 0.442 0.552 0.787 0.906 0.648
CMIP6_001 [-] 9.74 15.2 8.48 4.93 5.26 6.82 13.2 1.39 0.529 0.589 0.819 0.922 0.690
LE2_001 [-] 9.89 15.4 8.48 4.97 5.26 7.11 13.7 1.40 0.516 0.574 0.819 0.921 0.681
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Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 14.0
CESM3_092H [-] 19.7 20.1 14.0 12.0 5.40 11.0 0.293 0.455 0.438 0.977 0.925 0.647
CESM3_098bH [-] 20.2 20.6 14.0 12.2 5.88 11.2 0.256 0.420 0.436 0.979 0.927 0.640
CMIP6_001 [-] 14.5 15.0 14.0 6.97 1.27 0.536 8.79 0.717 0.614 0.514 0.948 0.895 0.697
LE2_001 [-] 14.7 15.2 14.0 7.07 1.27 0.772 8.86 0.689 0.609 0.512 0.950 0.903 0.697
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 50.4
CESM3_092H [-] 64.4 64.0 50.5 69.0 19.0 14.4 23.2 1.65 0.365 0.668 0.761 0.928 0.678
CESM3_098bH [-] 64.9 64.7 50.5 68.5 19.0 14.8 24.9 1.71 0.333 0.631 0.756 0.884 0.647
CMIP6_001 [-] 60.3 60.4 50.9 62.0 20.2 10.6 23.0 1.98 0.372 0.627 0.709 0.960 0.659
LE2_001 [-] 60.9 61.0 50.9 62.4 20.2 11.2 23.0 1.87 0.372 0.626 0.731 0.960 0.663
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 49.7
CESM3_092H [-] 56.2 56.1 49.7 66.7 2.15 6.75 18.2 0.749 0.499 0.481 0.947 0.916 0.665
CESM3_098bH [-] 56.8 56.7 49.7 66.5 2.15 7.36 17.6 0.705 0.501 0.507 0.950 0.897 0.672
CMIP6_001 [-] 51.1 50.9 49.8 63.6 19.0 1.60 16.5 0.649 0.548 0.513 0.952 0.930 0.691
LE2_001 [-] 50.9 50.7 49.8 63.3 19.0 1.32 17.1 0.692 0.542 0.490 0.948 0.925 0.679
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 25.2
CESM3_092H [-] 38.4 38.4 25.2 48.3 13.3 18.0 0.176 0.219 0.446 0.988 0.980 0.616
CESM3_098bH [-] 38.8 38.7 25.2 48.7 13.6 18.0 0.185 0.204 0.461 0.987 0.979 0.619
CMIP6_001 [-] 31.8 31.7 25.4 41.5 10.7 6.35 11.5 0.358 0.531 0.602 0.974 0.979 0.738
LE2_001 [-] 32.1 32.0 25.4 41.8 10.7 6.65 11.7 0.246 0.522 0.596 0.982 0.979 0.735
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 27.2
CESM3_092H [-] 34.0 34.1 27.2 39.0 7.19 13.6 0.835 0.498 0.577 0.925 0.913 0.698
CESM3_098bH [-] 35.6 35.9 27.2 36.4 8.86 15.1 0.812 0.441 0.546 0.929 0.929 0.678
CMIP6_001 [-] 28.7 28.9 27.2 31.6 14.3 1.88 11.7 0.967 0.603 0.614 0.901 0.864 0.719
LE2_001 [-] 29.3 29.5 27.2 33.1 14.3 2.51 12.1 0.926 0.584 0.601 0.905 0.876 0.713
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 90.0
CESM3_092H [-] 89.4 89.6 90.0 77.1 -1.09 22.4 3.04 0.534 0.524 0.493 0.980 0.611
CESM3_098bH [-] 88.8 89.1 90.0 74.5 -1.70 23.0 3.23 0.515 0.514 0.457 0.962 0.593
CMIP6_001 [-] 94.5 94.6 90.2 86.3 27.7 4.04 17.8 2.87 0.606 0.633 0.530 0.985 0.677
LE2_001 [-] 94.5 94.6 90.2 87.1 27.7 4.10 17.9 2.88 0.605 0.629 0.527 0.982 0.674
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 69.7
CESM3_092H [-] 64.9 64.7 69.7 70.3 9.64 -5.07 19.6 1.01 0.514 0.583 0.885 0.964 0.706
CESM3_098bH [-] 61.6 61.5 69.7 65.5 9.64 -8.33 20.5 1.07 0.456 0.596 0.879 0.984 0.702
CMIP6_001 [-] 62.4 62.4 69.8 67.1 17.5 -7.25 18.9 1.01 0.491 0.631 0.892 0.978 0.725
LE2_001 [-] 61.4 61.4 69.8 65.8 17.5 -8.30 19.7 0.917 0.473 0.626 0.900 0.982 0.722
Download Data
Period Mean (original grids) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) [W/m2]
Model Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Benchmark Period Mean (complement) [W/m2]
Bias [W/m2]
RMSE [W/m2]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Spatial Distribution Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 22.7
CESM3_092H [-] 43.0 43.2 22.7 34.2 6.70 20.1 23.8 0.782 0.194 0.559 0.914 0.930 0.631
CESM3_098bH [-] 43.3 43.5 22.7 35.2 6.70 20.3 24.2 0.786 0.193 0.546 0.912 0.931 0.625
CMIP6_001 [-] 37.6 37.6 23.0 28.5 8.02 14.2 19.4 0.902 0.305 0.568 0.898 0.931 0.654
LE2_001 [-] 37.5 37.5 23.0 29.0 8.02 14.1 19.5 0.923 0.307 0.563 0.897 0.933 0.653

Temporally integrated period mean

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Spatially integrated regional mean

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Data Information

derived FluxNet MTE in 0.5x0.5

This product is generated from monthly FluxNet MTE observations

Please contact Prof. James Randerson (Email: or Dr. Mingquan Mu ( for any question

Thu Dec 5 00:02:00 PST 2013

I read this variable from data file, and then save the data in NetCDF format by each month and each year. Meanwhile, I also converted the unit from g C m-2 day-1 to Kg C m-2 s-1.

  Temporal resolution:

  General information:
This product was derived from Fluxnet-MTE originally from Monthly estimates of global biosphere-atmosphere fluxes from Biogeochemistry group at Max Planck Institute in Jena, Germany.

  Spatial resolution:
0.5x0.5 degree

  Derived data code: