Set 4


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DIAG Set 4 - Vertical contour plots of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON and ANN zonal means

Basic Variables DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
OMEGA * Pressure vertical velocity plot plot plot plot plot
QRL Longwave heating rate plot plot plot plot plot
QRS Shortwave heating rate plot plot plot plot plot
RELHUM * Relative humidity plot plot plot plot plot
SHUM * Specific humidity plot plot plot plot plot
T * Temperature plot plot plot plot plot
TDH * Total diabatic heating plot plot plot plot plot
TDM * Total diabatic moistening plot plot plot plot plot
U * Zonal wind plot plot plot plot plot
VQ Meridional moisture transport plot plot plot plot plot
VT Meridional heat transport plot plot plot plot plot
ZMMSF * Meridional stream function plot plot plot plot plot

EKE * transient eddy kinetic energy plot plot plot plot plot
OBSTAR*TBSTAR * stationary eddy vertical heat flux plot plot plot plot plot
OPTP BAR * transient eddy vertical heat flux plot plot plot plot plot
VBSTAR*QBSTAR * meridional stationary eddy moisture flux plot plot plot plot plot
VPQP BAR * meridional transient eddy moisture flux plot plot plot plot plot
VBSTAR*TBSTAR * meridional stationary eddy heat flux plot plot plot plot plot
VPTP BAR * meridional transient eddy heat flux plot plot plot plot plot
VBSTAR*UBSTAR * meridional stationary eddy momentum flux plot plot plot plot plot
VPUP BAR * meridional transient eddy momentum flux plot plot plot plot plot

Cloud Variables DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
CLOUD * cloud fraction plot plot plot plot plot
CWAT grid-box cloud water plot plot plot plot plot
CLDLIQ grid-box cloud liquid plot plot plot plot plot
CLDICE grid-box cloud ice plot plot plot plot plot
GCLDLWP ICE grid-box cloud ice water path plot plot plot plot plot
GCLDLWP LIQUID grid-box cloud liquid water path plot plot plot plot plot
ICLDTWP in-cloud ice+liquid water path plot plot plot plot plot
ICWMR in-cloud water mixing ratio (liquid) plot plot plot plot plot
ICIMR in-cloud water mixing ratio (ice) plot plot plot plot plot

Microphysics Variables DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
SIWC Snow + Ice Water Content plot plot plot plot plot
WSUB Sub-grid Scale Vertical Velocity plot plot plot plot plot
CCN3 Cloud Condensation Nuclei plot plot plot plot plot
AWNC Avg. Cloud Water Number Concentration plot plot plot plot plot
AWNI Avg. Cloud Ice Number Concentration plot plot plot plot plot
AREL Avg. Droplet Effective Radius plot plot plot plot plot
AREI Avg. Ice Effective Radius plot plot plot plot plot
AQRAIN Avg. Rain Mixing Ratio plot plot plot plot plot
AQSNOW Avg. Snow Mixing Ratio plot plot plot plot plot
ANRAIN Avg. Rain Number Concentration plot plot plot plot plot
ANSNOW Avg. Snow Number Concentration plot plot plot plot plot

CFMIP Observation Simulator Package (COSP)

CFAD_DBZE94_CS Hydrometeor occurrence (dBZe > -25) (COSP) plot plot plot plot plot

*WGNE diagnostic variable