Set 5&6


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DIAG Sets 5 & 6 - Horizontal contour/vector plots of DJF, JJA and ANN means

Surface Variables DJF JJA ANN
ALBSURF Albedo at surface plot plot plot
PBLH Planetary boundary layer height plot plot plot
PS Surface pressure plot plot plot
PSL * Sea level pressure plot plot plot
TREFHT * 2-meter air temperature plot plot plot
TS * Surface temperature plot plot plot
SST Sea Surface temperature plot plot plot

Vector Variables DJF JJA ANN
SURF STRESS * Surface wind stress (ocean) plot plot plot
SURF STRESS TROP Tropical surface wind stress (ocean) plot plot plot
SURF WIND Near surface wind plot plot plot

Constant Pressure Levels DJF JJA ANN
CHI 200 * 200 mb velocity potential plot plot plot
EKE 850 * 850 mb transient eddy kinetic energy plot plot plot
PSI 200 * 200 mb stream function plot plot plot
TTRP Tropopause temperature plot plot plot
T 850 * 850 mb temperature plot plot plot
T 200 200 mb temperature plot plot plot
U 200 * 200 mb zonal wind plot plot plot
VT 850 * 850 mb meridional heat transport plot plot plot
Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot plot plot
Z 300 * 300 mb geopotential height plot plot plot

Hydrologic Cycle DJF JJA ANN
EP * Evaporation - precipitation plot plot plot
PRECIP Cumulative precipitation plot plot plot
PRECT * Precipitation rate plot plot plot
PRECT TROP Tropical precipitation rate plot plot plot
PREH2O * Total precipitable water plot plot plot
PREH2O TROP Tropical total precipitable water plot plot plot
QFLX Surface water flux plot plot plot

Surface Energy Fluxes DJF JJA ANN
FLDS Longwave downwelling flux plot plot plot
FLDSC Clearsky longwave downwelling flux plot plot plot
FLNS * Net longwave flux plot plot plot
FLNSC Clearsky net longwave flux plot plot plot
FSDS * Shortwave downwelling flux plot plot plot
FSNS * Net shortwave flux plot plot plot
FSNS TROP Tropical net shortwave flux plot plot plot
FSNSC Clearsky net shortwave flux plot plot plot
LHFLX * Latent heat flux plot plot plot
RESSURF * Residual energy flux plot plot plot
RESSURF TROP Tropical residual energy flux plot plot plot
SHFLX * Sensible heat flux plot plot plot

Top of Model Energy Fluxes DJF JJA ANN
ALBEDO TOA albedo plot plot plot
ALBEDOC TOA clearsky albedo plot plot plot
FLNT * Net longwave flux plot plot plot
FLNTC Clearsky net longwave flux plot plot plot
FSNT * Net shortwave flux plot plot plot
FSNTC Clearsky net shortwave flux plot plot plot
LWCF * Longwave cloud forcing plot plot plot
SOLIN Incoming solar radiation plot plot plot
SWCF * Shortwave cloud forcing plot plot plot
SWCF TROP Tropical shortwave cloud forcing plot plot plot

Cloud Variables DJF JJA ANN
CLDHGH High-level cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDLOW Low-level cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDMED Mid-level cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDTOT * Total cloud amount plot plot plot
TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud ice water path plot plot plot
TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path plot plot plot
TGCLDLWP TROP Tropical Total grid-box cloud LWP plot plot plot
TICLDIWP Integrated in-cloud ice WP plot plot plot
TICLDLIQWP Integrated in-cloud liquid WP plot plot plot
TICLDTWP Integrated in-cloud ice+liquid WP plot plot plot

ISCCP Cloud Simulator DJF JJA ANN
MEANPTOP Mean Cloud Top Pressure plot plot plot
MEANTTOP Mean Cloud Top Temperature plot plot plot
MEANTAU Mean Cloud Optical Thickness plot plot plot
TCLDAREA Total cloud area plot plot plot

Cloud Microphysics Variables DJF JJA ANN
SIWC Grid-box Average Snow + Ice Water Content plot plot plot
CDNUMC Vertically-Integrated Cloud Droplet Concentration plot plot plot

Aerosols DJF JJA ANN
AODVIS Aerosol Optical Depth plot plot plot
AODDUST Dust Optical Depth plot plot plot

CFMIP Observation Simulator Package (COSP) Primary Diagnostics

CLDTOT_CAL Total cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDLOW_CAL Low-level cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDMED_CAL Mid-level cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDHGH_CAL High-level cloud amount plot plot plot

ISCCP-COSP From D1 Daytime Jul1983-Sep2008 DJF JJA ANN
CLDTOT_ISCCPCOSP Total cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDTHICK_ISCCPCOSP Optically thick cloud amount (tau > 23.0) plot plot plot

MISR L3 CTH-OD V5 Mar2000-Nov2009 DJF JJA ANN
CLDTOT_MISR Total cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDTHICK_MISR Optically thick cloud amount (tau > 23.0) plot plot plot

CLDTOT_MODIS Total cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDTHICK_MODIS Optically thick cloud amount (tau > 23.0) plot plot plot

Additional COSP Diagnostics

CLDTOT_CAL Total cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDLOW_CAL Low-level cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDMED_CAL Mid-level cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDHGH_CAL High-level cloud amount plot plot plot

CLDTOT_CS2 Total cloud amount plot plot plot

ISCCP-COSP From D1 Daytime Jul1983-Sep2008 DJF JJA ANN
CLDTOT_ISCCPCOSP Total cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDLOW_ISCCPCOSP Low-topped cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDMED_ISCCPCOSP Mid-topped cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDHGH_ISCCPCOSP High-topped cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDTHICK_ISCCPCOSP Optically thick cloud amount (tau > 23.0) plot plot plot
MEANPTOP_ISCCPCOSP Mean cloud top pressure plot plot plot
MEANCLDALB_ISCCPCOSP Mean cloud albedo plot plot plot

MISR L3 CTH-OD V5 Mar2000-Nov2009 DJF JJA ANN
CLDTOT_MISR Total cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDLOW_MISR Low-topped cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDMED_MISR Mid-topped cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDHGH_MISR High-topped cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDTHICK_MISR Optically thick cloud amount (tau > 23.0) plot plot plot

CLDTOT_MODIS Total cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDLOW_MODIS Low-topped cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDMED_MODIS Mid-topped cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDHGH_MODIS High-topped cloud amount (tau > 0.3) plot plot plot
CLDTHICK_MODIS Optically thick cloud amount (tau > 23.0) plot plot plot
CLIMODIS Total ice cloud amount plot plot plot
CLWMODIS Total liquid cloud amount plot plot plot
IWPMODIS Mean ice water path plot plot plot
LWPMODIS Mean liquid water path plot plot plot
PCTMODIS Mean cloud top pressure plot plot plot
REFFCLIMODIS Mean effective radius (ice clouds) plot plot plot
REFFCLWMODIS Mean effective radius (liquid clouds) plot plot plot
TAUILOGMODIS Log-weighted mean optical thickness (ice clouds) plot plot plot
TAUWLOGMODIS Log-weighted mean optical thickness (liquid clouds) plot plot plot
TAUTLOGMODIS Log-weighted mean optical thickness (all clouds) plot plot plot
TAUIMODIS Mean optical thickness (ice clouds) plot plot plot
TAUWMODIS Mean optical thickness (liquid clouds) plot plot plot
TAUTMODIS Mean optical thickness (all clouds) plot plot plot

*WGNE diagnostic variable