AMWG Variability Diagnostics for Daily Data
Intraseasonal Variability
Daily 200 hPa velocity potential anomalies computed and then averaged
over 5S-5N, 20-70 day bandpass filter then applied. Hovmöller plots.
Bandpass filter response plot
clubb_FAMIP_ne30ne30_UWM_SILHS_001b. Anomalies are relative to the 1979-2005 mean.
Anomalies computed relative to the time period mean.
Madden-Julian Oscillation
Time series of daily 200 hPa zonal wind averaged over 10N-10S.
200 hPa zonal wind bandpass filtered for 20-100 day period.
MJO Index defined as the running variance of the bandpass filtered data.
Histograms of daily precipitation rate for the Tropics and NH Extratropics.
EOF analysis
EOF analysis 30S to 30N (lat-lon map, time series)
The climatological cross correlation plots (clubb_FAMIP_ne30ne30_UWM_SILHS_001b vs obs)
wavenumber - frequency spectra
The wavenumber - frequency spectra plots (clubb_FAMIP_ne30ne30_UWM_SILHS_001b vs obs)
composite life cycles
The composite life cycles (clubb_FAMIP_ne30ne30_UWM_SILHS_001b vs obs)