AMWG Variability Diagnostics for 3-Hourly Data

Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation

Diurnal cycle of precipitation by the model simulation is compared with TRIMM Observations

DIURNAL CYCLE OF PRECT (precipitation rate) unicon_amip_1deg_A129 TRIMM
regional DJF (DEC-JAN-FEB) plot
regional JJA (JUN-JUL-AUG) plot
Global ANN (annual average) plot plot
Global DJF (DEC-JAN-FEB) plot plot
Global JJA (JUN-JUL-AUG) plot plot
Global MAM (MAR-APR-MAY) plot plot
Global SON (SEP-OCT-NOV) plot plot
USA ANN (annual average) plot plot
USA DJF (DEC-JAN-FEB) plot plot
USA JJA (JUN-JUL-AUG) plot plot
USA MAM (MAR-APR-MAY) plot plot
USA SON (SEP-OCT-NOV) plot plot
Histogram OF 3-hourly precipitation rate unicon_amip_1deg_A129 TRIMM
the Tropics and NH Extratropics unicon_amip_1deg_A129 TRIMM