Set List


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Set 1 Description: Line plots of annual trends in energy balance, soil water/ice and temperature, runoff, snow water/ice, photosynthesis

Lookup Table: Set 1 Variable Definition

Trend Difference Anomaly
2m air temperature (TSA) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
ppt: rain+snow (PREC) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
Total Liquid Runoff (TOTRUNOFF) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
soil temperature: layers 1,5,10 (TSOI) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
photosynthesis (FPSN) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
exposed one-sided leaf area index (ELAI) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
exposed one-sided stem area index (ESAI) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
total one-sided leaf area index (TLAI) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
total one-sided stem area index (TSAI) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
Sunlit Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISUN) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
Shaded Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISHA) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
transpiration beta factor (BTRAN) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
infiltration (QINFL) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
surface runoff (QOVER) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
0 (QIRRIG) --- --- ---
surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes; also includes melted ice runoff from QSNWCPICE (QRGWL) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
sub-surface drainage (QDRAI) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
interception (QINTR) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
ground evaporation (QSOIL) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
canopy transpiration (QVEGT) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
sensible heat (FSH) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
sensible heat sent to coupler (FSH_TO_COUPLER) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
SHF from conv of rain/snow atm forcing (FSH_PRECIP_CONVERSION) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
SHF from conv of ice runoff to liquid (FSH_RUNOFF_ICE_TO_LIQ) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
Coupler Energy Balance (Global Area) (CPL_ENERGY_BAL) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
soil liquid water: layers 1,5,10 (SOILLIQ) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
soil ice: layers 1,5,10 (SOILICE) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
Soil Water Potential in Each Soil Layer (SOILPSI) --- --- ---
snow liquid water (SNOWLIQ) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
snow ice (SNOWICE) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
fraction of ground covered by snow (FSNO) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
total snow water equiv (SNOWICE + SNOWLIQ) (H2OSNO) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
total soil liquid water (TOTSOILLIQ) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
total soil ice (TOTSOILICE) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
water in the unconfined aquifer (WA) --- --- ---
water table depth (ZWT) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
aquifer recharge rate (QCHARGE) --- --- ---
fractional area with water table at surface (FCOV) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
CO2 concentration (CO2_PPMV) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
total water storage (TWS) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
river channel total water storage (VOLR) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (DSTDEP) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
total surface dust emission (DSTFLXT) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (OCDEP) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (BCDEP) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
direct nir incident solar radiation (FSDSND) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
direct vis incident solar radiation (FSDSVD) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
diffuse nir incident solar radiation (FSDSNI) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
diffuse vis incident solar radiation (FSDSVI) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
atmospheric rain (pre-downscaling) (RAIN_FROM_ATM) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
atmospheric snow (pre-downscaling) (SNOW_FROM_ATM) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
atmospheric longwave radiation (pre-downscaling) (FLDS_NOT_DOWNSCALED) --- --- ---
atmospheric reference height (ZBOT) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot
atmospheric air temperature (pre-downscaling) (Tair_from_atm) --- --- ---
atmospheric air potential temperature (pre-downscaling) (Thair_from_atm) --- --- ---
atmospheric specific humidity (pre-downscaling) (QBOT_NOT_DOWNSCALED) --- --- ---
atm pressure of bottom layer (pre-downscaling) (PBOT_NOT_DOWNSCALED) --- --- ---
atmospheric density of bottom layer (pre-downscaling) (Rho_from_atm) --- --- ---
atmospheric uwind velocity magnitude (UWIND) --- --- ---
atmospheric vwind velocity magnitude (VWIND) --- --- ---
BC deposition (phidry) from atmosphere (BCPHIDRY) --- --- ---
BC deposition (phodry) from atmosphere (BCPHODRY) --- --- ---
BC deposition (phiwet) from atmosphere (BCPHIWET) --- --- ---
OC deposition (phidry) from atmosphere (OCPHIDRY) --- --- ---
OC deposition (phodry) from atmosphere (OCPHODRY) --- --- ---
OC deposition (phiwet) from atmosphere (OCPHIWET) --- --- ---
dust deposition (wet1) from atmosphere (DSTWET1) --- --- ---
dust deposition (dry1) from atmosphere (DSTDRY1) --- --- ---
dust deposition (wet2) from atmosphere (DSTWET2) --- --- ---
dust deposition (dry2) from atmosphere (DSTDRY2) --- --- ---
dust deposition (wet3) from atmosphere (DSTWET3) --- --- ---
dust deposition (dry3) from atmosphere (DSTDRY3) --- --- ---
dust deposition (wet4) from atmosphere (DSTWET4) --- --- ---
dust deposition (dry4) from atmosphere (DSTDRY4) --- --- ---
atmospheric surface height (ATM_TOPO) TrendPlot DifferencePlot AnomalyPlot