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DIAG Set 11 - Miscellaneous plot types
Warm Pool Scatter Plot
SW/LW Cloud Forcing
| CERES-EBAF March 2000-Feb 2013
| plot
SW/LW Cloud Forcing
| CERES 2000-2003
| plot
SW/LW Cloud Forcing
| ERBE 1985-1989
| plot
Annual Cycle on the Equatorial Pacific
Latent Heat Flux
| WHOI 1958-2006
| plot
Precipitation Rate
| GPCP 1979-2009
| plot
Sea Surface Temperature
| HADISST 1982-2001
| plot
Shortwave Cloud Forcing
| ERBE 1985-1989
| plot
Surface Zonal Stress
| ERS 1992-2000
| plot
Surface Meridional Stress
| ERS 1992-2000
| plot
Surface Zonal Stress
| LARGE-YEAGER 1984-2004
| plot
Surface Meridional Stress
| LARGE-YEAGER 1984-2004
| plot