POP diagnostics for case   g.e15b03p.GECOIAF.T62_gx1v6.e15_gmaniso.002c

Revision: 54303

Surface Fluxes
Lat, Lon
Global Zonal Average

2D Fields
Lat, Lon
Global Zonal Average

3D Fields, Zonally-Averaged

MOC; Meridional Heat & Freshwater Transports

Western Boundary Currents

Seasonal Cycle Plots

Mixed Layer Depth Plots
MLD.125  MLD.03 

T & S at depth
TEMP:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
SALT:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 

Passive Tracers at depth
IAGE:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 

Eulerian Velocity Components at depth
UVEL:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
VVEL:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
WVEL:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 

Bolus Velocity Components at depth
UISOP:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
VISOP:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
WISOP:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 

Diffusion Coefficients at depth
KAPPA_ISOP:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
KAPPA_THIC:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 

Equatorial Upperocean
TEMP (Glo)  SALT (Glo)  UVEL (Pac)  UVEL (Atl)  UVEL (Ind) 
143°E:   TEMP  SALT  PD  UVEL 
156°E:   TEMP  SALT  PD  UVEL 
165°E:   TEMP  SALT  PD  UVEL 
180°E:   TEMP  SALT  PD  UVEL 
190°E:   TEMP  SALT  PD  UVEL 
205°E:   TEMP  SALT  PD  UVEL 
220°E:   TEMP  SALT  PD  UVEL 
235°E:   TEMP  SALT  PD  UVEL 
250°E:   TEMP  SALT  PD  UVEL 
265°E:   TEMP  SALT  PD  UVEL 

Horizontal Vector Fields at depth
VELOCITY:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 

Polar T & S at depth
Arctic_TEMP:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
Arctic_SALT:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
Antarctic_TEMP:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
Antarctic_SALT:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 

Depth Profiles of Basin-average T & S
Canada Basin  Eurasian Basin  Makarov Basin 

Regional average T & S anomaly vs. depth
Regions:   plot 
0-500m:   TEMP  SALT 
500-2000m:   TEMP  SALT 

Ecosystem: Maps
Lat, Lon 
NH4  NO3_excess 
spChl  diatChl  diazChl 
spC  diatC  diazC 
photoC_sp  photoC_diat  photoC_diaz 
diaz_Nfix  DENITRIF  NITRIF  CaCO3_form  bSi_form 

sp_nutlim  diat_nutlim  diaz_nutlim 

pCO2SURF  FG_CO2  totChl  photoC_tot  phytoC  phyto_mu 

Ecosystem: Maps at Depth (with obs where applicable)
NO3:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
PO4:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
SiO3:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
O2:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
DIC:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
ALK:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
Fe:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 

Ecosystem: 3D Fields, Zonally-Averaged
Global  O2  NO3  PO4  SiO3  ALK  DIC  Fe 
Atlantic  O2  NO3  PO4  SiO3  ALK  DIC  Fe 
Pacific  O2  NO3  PO4  SiO3  ALK  DIC  Fe 
Indian  O2  NO3  PO4  SiO3  ALK  DIC  Fe 
Southern  O2  NO3  PO4  SiO3  ALK  DIC  Fe 
Arctic  O2  NO3  PO4  SiO3  ALK  DIC  Fe 

Ecosystem: Seasonal Cycle (zonally-averaged)

region global atlantic pacific indian southern arctic
TEMP 1 1 1 1 1 1
SALT 1 1 1 1 1 1
HMXL 1 1 1 1 1 1
HBLT 1 1 1 1 1 1
NH4 1 1 1 1 1 1
NO3 1 1 1 1 1 1
NO3_excess 1 1 1 1 1 1
PO4 1 1 1 1 1 1
SiO3 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fe 1 1 1 1 1 1
O2 1 1 1 1 1 1
DIC 1 1 1 1 1 1
ALK 1 1 1 1 1 1
spChl 1 1 1 1 1 1
diatChl 1 1 1 1 1 1
diazChl 1 1 1 1 1 1
totChl 1 1 1 1 1 1
phytoC 1 1 1 1 1 1
phyto_mu 1 1 1 1 1 1
photoC_sp 1 1 1 1 1 1
photoC_diat 1 1 1 1 1 1
photoC_diaz 1 1 1 1 1 1
photoC_tot 1 1 1 1 1 1
diaz_Nfix 1 1 1 1 1 1
DENITRIF 1 1 1 1 1 1
NITRIF 1 1 1 1 1 1
CaCO3_form 1 1 1 1 1 1
bSi_form 1 1 1 1 1 1
IRON_FLUX 1 1 1 1 1 1
POC_FLUX_IN 1 1 1 1 1 1
CaCO3_FLUX_IN 1 1 1 1 1 1
SiO2_FLUX_IN 1 1 1 1 1 1
pCO2SURF 1 1 1 1 1 1
STF_O2 1 1 1 1 1 1
FG_CO2 1 1 1 1 1 1
FvPER_DIC 1 1 1 1 1 1
FvICE_DIC 1 1 1 1 1 1

ADVS Vertically-Integrated S Advection Tendency
ADVT Vertically-Integrated T Advection Tendency
BSF Diagnostic barotropic streamfunction
EVAP_F Evaporation Flux from Coupler
FW Freshwater Flux
HBLT Boundary-Layer Depth
HDIFS Vertically-Integrated Horz Diff S tendency
HDIFT Vertically-Integrated Horz Diff T tendency
HMXL Mixed-Layer Depth
LWDN_F Longwave Heat Flux (dn) from Coupler
LWUP_F Longwave Heat Flux (up) from Coupler
MELTH_F Melt Heat Flux from Coupler
MELT_F Melt Flux from Coupler
PD Potential Density Ref to Surface
PREC_F Precipitation Flux from Cpl (rain+snow)
Q Static Stability (d(rho(p_r))/dz)
QSW_HBL Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in bndry layer
QSW_HTP Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in top layer
RESID_S Free-Surface Residual Flux (S)
RESID_T Free-Surface Residual Flux (T)
RHO In-Situ Density
ROFF_F Runoff Flux from Coupler
SALT Salinity
SALT_F Salt Flux from Coupler (kg of salt/m^2/s)
SENH_F Sensible Heat Flux from Coupler
SFWF Virtual Salt Flux in FW Flux formulation
SHF Total Surface Heat Flux, Including SW
SHF_QSW Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux
SNOW_F Snow Flux from Coupler
SSH Sea Surface Height
SU Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-x direction
SV Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-y direction
TAUX Windstress in grid-x direction
TAUY Windstress in grid-y direction
TBLT Minimum Boundary-Layer Depth
TEMP Potential Temperature
TFW_S S flux due to freshwater flux (kg of salt/m^2/s)
TFW_T T flux due to freshwater flux
TMXL Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth
UES Salt Flux in grid-x direction
UET Flux of Heat in grid-x direction
UVEL Velocity in grid-x direction
VNS Salt Flux in grid-y direction
VNT Flux of Heat in grid-y direction
VVEL Velocity in grid-y direction
WTS Salt Flux Across Top Face
WTT Heat Flux Across Top Face
WVEL Vertical Velocity
XBLT Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth
XMXL Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth

Ecosystem Glossary
ALK Alkalinity
BATS Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (32°N,64°W)
bSi_form SiO3 Production, a.k.a., Diatom Si Uptake, a.k.a., Silicification
CaCO3_FLUX_IN CaCO3 Flux Into Cell
CaCO3_form CaCO3 Production, a.k.a., Calcification
DENITRIF Denitrification
diatC Diatom Carbon
diatChl Diatom Chlorophyll
diazC Diazotroph Carbon, a.k.a, Trichodesmium
diazChl Diazotroph Chlorophyll
diaz_Nfix Diazotroph Nitrogen Fixation
DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon
DON Dissolved Organic Nitrogen
DOP Dissolved Organic Phosphorus
DpCO2 Delta pCO2, i.e., pCO2ocn - pCO2atm
dust_FLUX_IN Dust Flux Into Cell
EQPAC Equatorial Pacific Time-Series (12°N-12°S,140°W)
Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron
FG_CO2 Air-Sea CO2 Flux, a.k.a., DIC Surface Gas Flux
FvICE_DIC DIC (CO2) Virtual Flux (ice formation & melt)
FvPER_DIC DIC (CO2) Virtual Flux (precip., evap. & runoff)
HOT Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (22°N,138°W)
KERFIX French JGOFS Site Time-Series (50°S,68°E)
NABE North Atlantic Bloom Experiment (47°N,20°W)
NH4 Dissolved Ammonium (NH4)
NITRIF Nitrification
NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate (NO3)
NO3_excess Nitrate Excess
O2 Dissolved Oxygen (O2)
OWSI Ocean Weather Ship Station "I" (59°N,20°W)
pCO2SURF Surface CO2 Pressure
photoC_sp Small Phytoplankton Primary Production (Carbon Fixation)
photoC_diat Diatom Primary Production (Carbon Fixation)
photoC_diaz Diazotroph Primary Production (Carbon Fixation)
photoC_tot Total Primary Production
phytoC Total Phytoplankton Carbon
phyto_mu Total Phytoplankton Specific Growth
PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate (PO4)
POC_FLUX_IN Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) Flux Into Cell
SiO2_FLUX_IN Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) Flux Into Cell
SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate (SiO3)
spC Small Phytoplankton Carbon
spChl Small Phytoplankton Chlorophyll
STF_O2 Air-Sea O2 Flux, a.k.a., Dissolved Oxygen Surface Flux
STNP Canadian JGOFS Ocean Station Papa (P) (50°N,145°W)
totChl Total Chlorophyll

Ecosystem: Maps
Lat, Lon 
NH4  NO3_excess 
spChl  diatChl  diazChl 
spC  diatC  diazC 
photoC_sp  photoC_diat  photoC_diaz 
diaz_Nfix  DENITRIF  NITRIF  CaCO3_form  bSi_form 

sp_nutlim  diat_nutlim  diaz_nutlim 

pCO2SURF  FG_CO2  totChl  photoC_tot  phytoC  phyto_mu 

Ecosystem: Maps at Depth (with obs where applicable)
NO3:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
PO4:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
SiO3:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
O2:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
DIC:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
ALK:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
Fe:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 

ADVS Vertically-Integrated S Advection Tendency
ADVT Vertically-Integrated T Advection Tendency
BSF Diagnostic barotropic streamfunction
EVAP_F Evaporation Flux from Coupler
FW Freshwater Flux
HBLT Boundary-Layer Depth
HDIFS Vertically-Integrated Horz Diff S tendency
HDIFT Vertically-Integrated Horz Diff T tendency
HMXL Mixed-Layer Depth
LWDN_F Longwave Heat Flux (dn) from Coupler
LWUP_F Longwave Heat Flux (up) from Coupler
MELTH_F Melt Heat Flux from Coupler
MELT_F Melt Flux from Coupler
PD Potential Density Ref to Surface
PREC_F Precipitation Flux from Cpl (rain+snow)
Q Static Stability (d(rho(p_r))/dz)
QSW_HBL Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in bndry layer
QSW_HTP Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in top layer
RESID_S Free-Surface Residual Flux (S)
RESID_T Free-Surface Residual Flux (T)
RHO In-Situ Density
ROFF_F Runoff Flux from Coupler
SALT Salinity
SALT_F Salt Flux from Coupler (kg of salt/m^2/s)
SENH_F Sensible Heat Flux from Coupler
SFWF Virtual Salt Flux in FW Flux formulation
SHF Total Surface Heat Flux, Including SW
SHF_QSW Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux
SNOW_F Snow Flux from Coupler
SSH Sea Surface Height
SU Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-x direction
SV Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-y direction
TAUX Windstress in grid-x direction
TAUY Windstress in grid-y direction
TBLT Minimum Boundary-Layer Depth
TEMP Potential Temperature
TFW_S S flux due to freshwater flux (kg of salt/m^2/s)
TFW_T T flux due to freshwater flux
TMXL Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth
UES Salt Flux in grid-x direction
UET Flux of Heat in grid-x direction
UVEL Velocity in grid-x direction
VNS Salt Flux in grid-y direction
VNT Flux of Heat in grid-y direction
VVEL Velocity in grid-y direction
WTS Salt Flux Across Top Face
WTT Heat Flux Across Top Face
WVEL Vertical Velocity
XBLT Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth
XMXL Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth

Ecosystem Glossary
ALK Alkalinity
BATS Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (32°N,64°W)
bSi_form SiO3 Production, a.k.a., Diatom Si Uptake, a.k.a., Silicification
CaCO3_FLUX_IN CaCO3 Flux Into Cell
CaCO3_form CaCO3 Production, a.k.a., Calcification
DENITRIF Denitrification
diatC Diatom Carbon
diatChl Diatom Chlorophyll
diazC Diazotroph Carbon, a.k.a, Trichodesmium
diazChl Diazotroph Chlorophyll
diaz_Nfix Diazotroph Nitrogen Fixation
DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon
DON Dissolved Organic Nitrogen
DOP Dissolved Organic Phosphorus
DpCO2 Delta pCO2, i.e., pCO2ocn - pCO2atm
dust_FLUX_IN Dust Flux Into Cell
EQPAC Equatorial Pacific Time-Series (12°N-12°S,140°W)
Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron
FG_CO2 Air-Sea CO2 Flux, a.k.a., DIC Surface Gas Flux
FvICE_DIC DIC (CO2) Virtual Flux (ice formation & melt)
FvPER_DIC DIC (CO2) Virtual Flux (precip., evap. & runoff)
HOT Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (22°N,138°W)
KERFIX French JGOFS Site Time-Series (50°S,68°E)
NABE North Atlantic Bloom Experiment (47°N,20°W)
NH4 Dissolved Ammonium (NH4)
NITRIF Nitrification
NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate (NO3)
NO3_excess Nitrate Excess
O2 Dissolved Oxygen (O2)
OWSI Ocean Weather Ship Station "I" (59°N,20°W)
pCO2SURF Surface CO2 Pressure
photoC_sp Small Phytoplankton Primary Production (Carbon Fixation)
photoC_diat Diatom Primary Production (Carbon Fixation)
photoC_diaz Diazotroph Primary Production (Carbon Fixation)
photoC_tot Total Primary Production
phytoC Total Phytoplankton Carbon
phyto_mu Total Phytoplankton Specific Growth
PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate (PO4)
POC_FLUX_IN Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) Flux Into Cell
SiO2_FLUX_IN Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) Flux Into Cell
SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate (SiO3)
spC Small Phytoplankton Carbon
spChl Small Phytoplankton Chlorophyll
STF_O2 Air-Sea O2 Flux, a.k.a., Dissolved Oxygen Surface Flux
STNP Canadian JGOFS Ocean Station Papa (P) (50°N,145°W)
totChl Total Chlorophyll

Ecosystem: Maps
Lat, Lon 
NH4  NO3_excess 
spChl  diatChl  diazChl 
spC  diatC  diazC 
photoC_sp  photoC_diat  photoC_diaz 
diaz_Nfix  DENITRIF  NITRIF  CaCO3_form  bSi_form 

sp_nutlim  diat_nutlim  diaz_nutlim 

pCO2SURF  FG_CO2  totChl  photoC_tot  phytoC  phyto_mu 

Ecosystem: Maps at Depth (with obs where applicable)
NO3:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
PO4:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
SiO3:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
O2:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
DIC:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
ALK:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 
Fe:   0m  50m  100m  200m  300m  500m  750m  1000m  1500m  2000m  2500m  3000m  3500m  4000m 

ADVS Vertically-Integrated S Advection Tendency
ADVT Vertically-Integrated T Advection Tendency
BSF Diagnostic barotropic streamfunction
EVAP_F Evaporation Flux from Coupler
FW Freshwater Flux
HBLT Boundary-Layer Depth
HDIFS Vertically-Integrated Horz Diff S tendency
HDIFT Vertically-Integrated Horz Diff T tendency
HMXL Mixed-Layer Depth
LWDN_F Longwave Heat Flux (dn) from Coupler
LWUP_F Longwave Heat Flux (up) from Coupler
MELTH_F Melt Heat Flux from Coupler
MELT_F Melt Flux from Coupler
PD Potential Density Ref to Surface
PREC_F Precipitation Flux from Cpl (rain+snow)
Q Static Stability (d(rho(p_r))/dz)
QSW_HBL Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in bndry layer
QSW_HTP Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in top layer
RESID_S Free-Surface Residual Flux (S)
RESID_T Free-Surface Residual Flux (T)
RHO In-Situ Density
ROFF_F Runoff Flux from Coupler
SALT Salinity
SALT_F Salt Flux from Coupler (kg of salt/m^2/s)
SENH_F Sensible Heat Flux from Coupler
SFWF Virtual Salt Flux in FW Flux formulation
SHF Total Surface Heat Flux, Including SW
SHF_QSW Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux
SNOW_F Snow Flux from Coupler
SSH Sea Surface Height
SU Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-x direction
SV Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-y direction
TAUX Windstress in grid-x direction
TAUY Windstress in grid-y direction
TBLT Minimum Boundary-Layer Depth
TEMP Potential Temperature
TFW_S S flux due to freshwater flux (kg of salt/m^2/s)
TFW_T T flux due to freshwater flux
TMXL Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth
UES Salt Flux in grid-x direction
UET Flux of Heat in grid-x direction
UVEL Velocity in grid-x direction
VNS Salt Flux in grid-y direction
VNT Flux of Heat in grid-y direction
VVEL Velocity in grid-y direction
WTS Salt Flux Across Top Face
WTT Heat Flux Across Top Face
WVEL Vertical Velocity
XBLT Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth
XMXL Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth

Ecosystem Glossary
ALK Alkalinity
BATS Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (32°N,64°W)
bSi_form SiO3 Production, a.k.a., Diatom Si Uptake, a.k.a., Silicification
CaCO3_FLUX_IN CaCO3 Flux Into Cell
CaCO3_form CaCO3 Production, a.k.a., Calcification
DENITRIF Denitrification
diatC Diatom Carbon
diatChl Diatom Chlorophyll
diazC Diazotroph Carbon, a.k.a, Trichodesmium
diazChl Diazotroph Chlorophyll
diaz_Nfix Diazotroph Nitrogen Fixation
DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon
DON Dissolved Organic Nitrogen
DOP Dissolved Organic Phosphorus
DpCO2 Delta pCO2, i.e., pCO2ocn - pCO2atm
dust_FLUX_IN Dust Flux Into Cell
EQPAC Equatorial Pacific Time-Series (12°N-12°S,140°W)
Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron
FG_CO2 Air-Sea CO2 Flux, a.k.a., DIC Surface Gas Flux
FvICE_DIC DIC (CO2) Virtual Flux (ice formation & melt)
FvPER_DIC DIC (CO2) Virtual Flux (precip., evap. & runoff)
HOT Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (22°N,138°W)
KERFIX French JGOFS Site Time-Series (50°S,68°E)
NABE North Atlantic Bloom Experiment (47°N,20°W)
NH4 Dissolved Ammonium (NH4)
NITRIF Nitrification
NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate (NO3)
NO3_excess Nitrate Excess
O2 Dissolved Oxygen (O2)
OWSI Ocean Weather Ship Station "I" (59°N,20°W)
pCO2SURF Surface CO2 Pressure
photoC_sp Small Phytoplankton Primary Production (Carbon Fixation)
photoC_diat Diatom Primary Production (Carbon Fixation)
photoC_diaz Diazotroph Primary Production (Carbon Fixation)
photoC_tot Total Primary Production
phytoC Total Phytoplankton Carbon
phyto_mu Total Phytoplankton Specific Growth
PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate (PO4)
POC_FLUX_IN Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) Flux Into Cell
SiO2_FLUX_IN Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) Flux Into Cell
SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate (SiO3)
spC Small Phytoplankton Carbon
spChl Small Phytoplankton Chlorophyll
STF_O2 Air-Sea O2 Flux, a.k.a., Dissolved Oxygen Surface Flux
STNP Canadian JGOFS Ocean Station Papa (P) (50°N,145°W)
totChl Total Chlorophyll