25 June 2015 Tidal Mixing Task List
- Set up and run a 310-year 3DGN lunar-cycle GIAF case, giaf.c112.tidal.3DGN.004.
Stopped. Approx 129 years completed , then vertical instability
in Denmark Strait caused nonconvergence in barotropic solver.
- The 3DGN lunar-cycle GIAF failure led Gokhan to suggest setting up and running
a 2D counterpart experiment. N2 developed new code to support this
option, then tested. The new case, giaf.c112.tidal.2DGN.004,
is running on yellowstone and has completed 60 years.
- Link table of tidal-mixing total energy (Tw) to web page. Done.
- Inspect GN13 "raw data". Is the total energy ~1.2Tw? In progress.
Dave confirmed, and is following up:
Ok, looking at the raw Green data (before regridding to CESM grid)
(GN13 w/bottom drag) dissipation total = 3.7 TW*
(GN13 w/bottom drag) dissipation total = 1.5 TW*
(GN13 NO bottom drag) dissipation total = 1.23 TW (regridding has little effect)
*note these numbers are slightly larger than the regridded values, due to coastline masking
But this confirms that the differences are in the raw data from Mattias. I will have to email him to check on this.
Complete porting tidal-mixing code to CESM1.2.2; provide this code to Keith Moore.
Done. Keith Moore plans to start setting up a tidal-mixing case as early as the week of 6 July.
Check cfc's. In progress, although progress is slow.
Next Skype session: 9 July 2015 12:30pm MDT/11:30pm PDT