DIAG SET 5: CLM ANNUAL MEANS OVER LAND - DIFFERENCE (case1 - case2) TEST CASE (case1): d160_CRUJRA_ACDE_blk_A5BCD (yrs 391-400) REFERENCE CASE (case2): d160_CRUJRA_ABCDE_blk_A5BCD (yrs 471-480) DIFFERENCE: (d160_CRUJRA_ACDE_blk_A5BCD) - (d160_CRUJRA_ABCDE_blk_A5BCD) Variable case1-case2 TSA(K) 2m air temperature 0.004 PREC(mm/d) ppt: rain+snow 0.000 RAIN(mm/d) atmospheric rain 0.000 SNOW(mm/d) atmospheric snow 0.000 SNOWDP(m) snow height 0.000 FSNO(unitless) fraction of ground covered by snow 0.000 H2OSNO(mm) total snow water equiv (SNOWICE + SNOWLIQ) 0.052 VBSA(% reflected) visible black-sky albedo 0.118 NBSA(% reflected) near-IR black-sky albedo -0.035 VWSA(% reflected) visible white-sky albedo 0.115 NWSA(% reflected) near-IR white-sky albedo -0.034 RNET(W/m^2) net radiation:fsa-fira -0.098 LHEAT(W/m^2) latent heat:FCTR+FCEV+FGEV -0.073 FSH(W/m^2) sensible heat -0.026 FSH_TO_COUPLER(W/m^2) sensible heat sent to coupler -0.026 FSH_PRECIP_CONVERSION(W/m^2) Sensible heat flux from conversion of rain/snow atm forcing0.000 FSDS(W/m^2) atmospheric incident solar radiation 0.000 FSA(W/m^2) absorbed solar radiation -0.040 FLDS(W/m^2) atmospheric longwave radiation 0.000 FIRE(W/m^2) emitted infrared (longwave) radiation 0.058 FCTR(W/m^2) canopy transpiration -0.158 FCEV(W/m^2) canopy evaporation -0.059 FGEV(W/m^2) ground evaporation 0.143 FGR(W/m^2) heat flux into snow/soil (includes snow melt) 0.002 FSM(W/m^2) snow melt heat flux 0.006 TLAI(m2/m2) total one-sided leaf area index -0.036 TSAI(m2/m2) total one-sided stem area index -0.012 LAISUN(m^2/m^2) Sunlit Projected Leaf Area Index -0.003 LAISHA(m^2/m^2) Shaded Projected Leaf Area Index -0.033 FPSN(PgC/y) photosynthesis -2.031 ET(mm/d) Evapotranspiration -999.000 QOVER(mm/d) surface runoff 0.001 QIRRIG(mm/d) water added through irrig -999.000 QDRAI(mm/d) sub-surface drainage 0.001 QRGWL(mm/d) surface runoff at glaciers, wetlands, lakes 0.000 WA(mm) water in the unconfined aquifer -999.000 ZWT(m) water table depth -0.001 TWS(mm) total water storage 4.396 VOLR(m3) river channel total water storage 0.000 QCHARGE(mm/d) aquifer recharge rate -999.000 FCOV(unitless [0-1]) fractional area with water table at surface 0.000 CO2_PPMV(ppmv) CO2 concentration 0.000 DSTDEP(Pg/y) total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere 0.000 DSTFLXT(Pg/y) total surface dust emission 0.219 OCDEP(Pg/y) total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere 0.000 BCDEP(Pg/y) total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere 0.000