Set 3 Description:
Line plots of monthly climatology: regional air temperature, precipitation, runoff, snow depth, radiative fluxes, and turbulent fluxes
'D_' denotes a variable derived from two or more history file variables (lnd_func.ncl)
'C_' denotes a CASA model variable.
Variable Name
| Long Name
| NativeUnits
| ReportedUnits
VBSA | visible black-sky albedo
| proportion
| % reflected
NBSA | near-IR black-sky albedo
| proportion
| % reflected
VWSA | visible white-sky albedo
| proportion
| % reflected
NWSA | near-IR white-sky albedo
| proportion
| % reflected
ASA | all-sky albedo:FSR/FSDS
| proportion
| % reflected
NEE | net ecosys exchange of C;incl fire flx;pos for source
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
GPP | gross primary production
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
NPP | net primary production
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
AR | autotrophic respiration (MR + GR)
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
HR | total hetereotrophic respiration
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
NEP | net ecosystem production;excl fire flx;pos for sink
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
NEE | net ecosys exchange of C;incl fire flx;pos for source
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
GPP | gross primary production
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
NPP | net primary production
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
AR | autotrophic respiration (MR + GR)
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
HR | total hetereotrophic respiration
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
ER | total ecosystem respiration (AR + HR)
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
FCH4 | Gridcell surface CH4 flux
| kgC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
SMINN_LEACHED | Nitrogen Leached
| gN/m^2/s
| gN/m^2/d
SMIN_NO3_LEACHED | Soil NO3 pool loss to leaching
| gN/m^2/s
| gN/m^2/d
SMIN_NO3_RUNOFF | Soil NO3 pool loss to runoff
| gN/m^2/s
| gN/m^2/d
TSA | 2m air temperature
| K
| K
PREC | ppt: rain+snow
| mm/s
| mm/d
TOTRUNOFF | Total Liquid Runoff
| mm/s
| mm/d
SNOWDP | snow height
| m
| m
LHEAT | latent heat:FCTR+FCEV+FGEV
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
GPP | gross primary production
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
TLAI | total one-sided leaf area index
| m2/m2
| m2/m2
COL_FIRE_CLOSS | total column-level fire C loss
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
COL_FIRE_NLOSS | total column-level fire N loss
| gN/m^2/s
| gN/m^2/d
PFT_FIRE_CLOSS | total pft-level fire C loss
| gC/m^2/s
| gC/m^2/d
PFT_FIRE_NLOSS | total pft-level fire N loss
| gN/m^2/s
| gN/m^2/d
FAREA_BURNED | fractional area burned
| proportion/s
| proportion/d
BAF_CROP | fractional area burned - crop
| proportion/s
| proportion/d
WA | water in the unconfined aquifer
| mm
| mm
ZWT | water table depth
| m
| m
QCHARGE | aquifer recharge rate
| mm/s
| mm/d
FCOV | fractional area with water table at surface
| unitless [0-1]
| unitless [0-1]
TWS | total water storage
| mm
| mm
TSA | 2m air temperature
| K
| K
PREC | ppt: rain+snow
| mm/s
| mm/d
TOTRUNOFF | Total Liquid Runoff
| mm/s
| mm/d
SNOWDP | snow height
| m
| m
LHEAT | latent heat:FCTR+FCEV+FGEV
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
FPSN | photosynthesis
| umol/m^2/s
| gC/m2d
TLAI | total one-sided leaf area index
| m2/m2
| m2/m2
PREC | ppt: rain+snow
| mm/s
| mm/d
RNET | net radiation:fsa-fira
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
ET | Evapotranspiration
| mm/s
| mm/d
FSDS | atmospheric incident solar radiation
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
ALBEDO | all-sky albedo:FSR/FSDS
| proportion
| % reflected
FSA | absorbed solar radiation
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
FLDS | atmospheric longwave radiation
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
FIRE | emitted infrared (longwave) radiation
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
FIRA | net infrared (longwave) radiation
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
RNET | net radiation:fsa-fira
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
SNOWDP | snow height
| m
| m
FSNO | fraction of ground covered by snow
| unitless
| unitless
H2OSNO | total snow water equiv (SNOWICE + SNOWLIQ)
| mm
| mm
RNET | net radiation:fsa-fira
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
FSH | sensible heat
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
LHEAT | latent heat:FCTR+FCEV+FGEV
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
FCTR | canopy transpiration
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
FCEV | canopy evaporation
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
FGEV | ground evaporation
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
FGR | heat flux into snow/soil (includes snow melt)
| W/m^2
| W/m^2
BTRAN | transpiration beta factor
| unitless
| unitless
| unitless
| unitless