Mean State

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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.000892
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.00152 0.000632 0.00105 1.01 0.584 0.419 0.933 0.623 0.596
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.00178 0.000891 0.00107 0.983 0.494 0.380 0.937 0.446 0.527
WATCH [-] 0.00210 0.000929 0.00138 1.52 0.495 0.381 0.669 0.479 0.481
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.000513
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.000519 6.48e-06 0.000443 2.05 0.985 0.362 0.745 0.875 0.666
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.000759 0.000247 0.000580 0.00 0.567 0.310 1.00 0.854 0.608
WATCH [-] 0.000793 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.00569
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.0106 0.00487 0.00686 2.03 0.302 0.377 0.749 0.925 0.546
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.0109 0.00525 0.00712 1.03 0.275 0.358 0.930 0.903 0.565
WATCH [-] 0.0111 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.00102
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.00141 0.000381 0.00111 1.02 0.740 0.388 0.932 0.751 0.640
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.00141 0.000382 0.00113 1.02 0.767 0.393 0.933 0.854 0.668
WATCH [-] 0.00153 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.00411
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.00340 -0.000706 0.00248 1.53 0.818 0.591 0.781 0.774 0.711
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.00344 -0.000667 0.00227 1.53 0.824 0.622 0.781 0.755 0.721
WATCH [-] 0.00371 0.000651 0.00176 1.02 0.460 0.431 0.932 0.566 0.564
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.00424
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.00215 -0.00208 0.00567 1.75 0.676 0.425 0.813 0.557 0.579
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.00232 -0.00191 0.00553 1.67 0.685 0.442 0.817 0.586 0.594
WATCH [-] 0.00248 -0.00300 0.00492 1.48 0.455 0.420 0.896 0.548 0.548
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.00308
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.00224 -0.000841 0.00359 1.48 0.698 0.442 0.816 0.635 0.607
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.00242 -0.000659 0.00354 1.43 0.692 0.455 0.826 0.646 0.615
WATCH [-] 0.00253 -0.000802 0.00300 2.14 0.510 0.413 0.804 0.597 0.547
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.000883
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.000910 2.65e-05 0.000695 1.03 0.980 0.594 0.930 0.974 0.814
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.00117 0.000289 0.000956 1.03 0.803 0.538 0.930 0.714 0.705
WATCH [-] 0.000906 0.000348 0.000613 0.983 0.695 0.608 0.937 0.712 0.712
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.00229
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.00270 0.000377 0.00156 1.12 0.806 0.480 0.839 0.835 0.688
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.00295 0.000629 0.00160 1.22 0.738 0.491 0.858 0.840 0.683
WATCH [-] 0.00299 0.000727 0.00180 2.85 0.672 0.388 0.538 0.793 0.556
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.00124
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.00159 0.000353 0.00131 1.46 0.733 0.410 0.695 0.712 0.592
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.00175 0.000515 0.00125 1.39 0.747 0.440 0.792 0.683 0.621
WATCH [-] 0.00162 0.000591 0.00131 3.92 0.718 0.325 0.432 0.460 0.452
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.00165
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.00148 -0.000170 0.00104 0.844 0.918 0.608 0.920 0.900 0.791
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.00146 -0.000197 0.000987 0.172 0.905 0.626 0.993 0.879 0.806
WATCH [-] 0.00182 0.000428 0.00168 1.01 0.704 0.487 0.918 0.730 0.665
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Period Mean (original grids) [mm d-1]
Bias [mm d-1]
RMSE [mm d-1]
Phase Shift [months]
Bias Score [1]
RMSE Score [1]
Seasonal Cycle Score [1]
Interannual Variability Score [1]
Overall Score [1]
Benchmark [-] 0.00319
CRUNCEPv7 [-] 0.00538 0.00219 0.00239 0.00 0.361 0.421 1.00 0.537 0.548
GSWP3v1 [-] 0.00495 0.00176 0.00279 1.02 0.439 0.320 0.933 0.419 0.486
WATCH [-] 0.00575 0.00265 0.00231 0.983 0.326 0.426 0.937 0.671 0.557

Temporally integrated period mean

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Spatially integrated regional mean

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All Models

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Data Information


  site_name: AU-Tum,ZA-Kru,BW-Ma1,AU-How,BR-Sa3,ID-Pag,US-SP1,US-SP3,US-SP2,IL-Yat,US-Aud,US-Goo,US-WBW,US-ARM,US-Var,US-Ton,PT-Mi1,PT-Esp,US-Blo,US-MMS,ES-ES1,ES-LMa,US-Bo1,US-Ne2,US-Ne1,US-Ne3,IT-Cpz,IT-Col,IT-Amp,ES-VDA,IT-Ro2,IT-Ro1,US-Ha1,IT-Pia,IT-SRo,FR-Pue,US-Bar,US-Me4,IT-Non,FR-LBr,IT-PT1,US-Ho1,US-Ho2,CA-Mer,US-UMB,IT-LMa,FR-Lq2,FR-Lq1,US-WCr,US-PFa,IT-Lav,IT-MBo,US-Los,IT-Mal,US-Syv,IT-Ren,HU-Bug,US-Wi4,CH-Oe1,HU-Mat,US-FPe,FR-Hes,CA-Qcu,CZ-BK1,CA-Qfo,DE-Bay,BE-Vie,DE-Wet,DE-Tha,DE-Hai,DE-Geb,UK-Ham,DE-Meh,BE-Bra,NL-Ca1,IE-Dri,NL-Loo,IE-Ca1,CA-SF3,CA-SF2,CA-SF1,RU-Ha1,DK-Sor,DK-Ris,CA-NS5,CA-NS1,CA-Man,CA-NS2,UK-ESa,CA-NS4,CA-NS3,CA-NS6,UK-Gri,CA-NS7,SE-Nor,SE-Sk2,RU-Zot,FI-Hyy,IS-Gun,SE-Fla,SE-Deg,FI-Sod,FI-Kaa,RU-Cok

  creation_date: Thu Jul 30 15:35:45 PDT 2015

  Conventions: Please contact Prof. James Randerson (Email: or Dr. Mingquan Mu ( for any question

  source_file: This product is generated from monthly FluxNet observations

  title: derived FluxNet

  Approach: I read this variable from individual site data files, then organized those sites with valid data, and save the data in NetCDF format by each month and each year.

  Temporal resolution: monthly

  General information: This product was derived from site level estimates of GPP and TER from FLUXNET eddy covariance stations.

  Spatial resolution: site observation

  Derived data code: