DIAG SET 5: CN ANNUAL MEANS OVER LAND TEST CASE (case1): CLM4_GSWP3 (yrs 1995-2014) REFERENCE CASE (case2): CLM4_CRUNCEP (yrs 1995-2014) Variable case1 case2 NEE(PgC/y) net ecosys exchange of C;incl fire flx;pos for source -0.579 -0.543 NEP(PgC/y) net ecosystem production;excl fire flx;pos for sink 3.522 3.866 NBP(PgC/y) net biome production, includes fire, landuse and harvest flux 0.560 0.526 GPP(PgC/y) gross primary production 129.789 144.411 CUE(NPP/GPP) carbon use efficiency 0.397 0.408 PSNSUN_TO_CPOOL(PgC/y) GPP from Sunlit Canopy 72.669 78.568 PSNSHADE_TO_CPOOL(PgC/y) GPP from Shaded Canopy 57.119 65.843 NPP(PgC/y) net primary production 44.729 50.506 AGNPP(PgC/y) above ground net primary production 21.814 25.210 BGNPP(PgC/y) below ground net primary production 21.774 24.118 MR(PgC/y) maintenance respiration 71.620 78.734 GR(PgC/y) total growth respiration 13.440 15.170 AR(PgC/y) autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) 85.060 93.904 LITHR(PgC/y) litter hetereotrophic respiration 18.782 21.317 SOMHR(PgC/y) SOM hetereotrophic respiration 22.425 25.324 HR(PgC/y) total hetereotrophic respiration 41.207 46.641 RR(PgC/y) root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) 40.076 43.796 SR(PgC/y) total soil respiration (HR + root resp) 81.283 90.437 ER(PgC/y) total ecosystem respiration (AR + HR) 126.266 140.546 FINUNDATED(unitless) Fractional inundated of veg col -999.000 -999.000 FCH4(PgC/y) Gridcell surface CH4 flux -999.000 -999.000 FCH4TOCO2(PgC/y) Gridcell oxidation of CH4 to CO2 -999.000 -999.000 FCH4_DFSAT(PgC/y) CH4 additional flux -999.000 -999.000 CH4PROD(PgC/y) Gridcell total CH4 production -999.000 -999.000 CH4_SURF_AERE_SAT(Tmol/y) aerenchyma sfc CH4 flx-inundated area -999.000 -999.000 CH4_SURF_AERE_UNSAT(Tmol/y) aerenchyma sfc CH4 flx-non-inundated area -999.000 -999.000 CH4_SURF_DIFF_SAT(Tmol/y) diffusive sfc CH4 flx-inundated/lake area -999.000 -999.000 CH4_SURF_DIFF_UNSAT(Tmol/y) diffusive sfc CH4 flx-non-inundated area -999.000 -999.000 CH4_SURF_EBUL_SAT(Tmol/y) ebullition sfc CH4 flx-inundated/lake area -999.000 -999.000 CH4_SURF_EBUL_UNSAT(Tmol/y) ebullition sfc CH4 flx-non-inundated area -999.000 -999.000 LEAFC(PgC) leaf carbon 13.222 14.975 XSMRPOOL(PgC) Temporary Photosynthate C Pool -8.090 -8.736 SOIL3C(PgC) Soil organic matter C (slow pool) 69.158 85.230 SOIL4C(PgC) Soil organic matter C (slowest pool) 424.312 521.317 FROOTC(PgC) fine root carbon 17.218 19.122 LIVESTEMC(PgC) live stem C 1.292 1.577 DEADSTEMC(PgC) dead stem carbon 310.890 394.564 LIVECROOTC(PgC) live coarse root carbon 0.387 0.473 DEADCROOTC(PgC) dead coarse root carbon 93.267 118.369 CPOOL(PgC) temporary photosynthate C pool 0.000 0.000 TOTVEGC(PgC) total vegetation C, excluding cpool 468.566 584.099 CWDC(PgC) coarse woody debris carbon 54.819 74.670 TOTLITC(PgC) total litter carbon 11.709 14.587 TOTLITC_1m(PgC) total litter carbon to 1m depth -999.000 -999.000 TOTSOMC(PgC) total SOM carbon 500.444 615.123 TOTSOMC_1m(PgC) total SOM carbon to 1 meter depth -999.000 -999.000 TOTLITN(TgN) total litter N 220.071 268.198 TOTLITN_1m(TgN) total litter N to 1m depth -999.000 -999.000 TOTSOMN(TgN) total soil organic matter N 49928.285 61369.469 TOTSOMN_1m(TgN) total soil organic matter N to 1m depth -999.000 -999.000 TOTECOSYSC(PgC) total ecosystem C, incl veg but excl cpool 1042.874 1296.332 TOTCOLC(PgC) total ecosystem C, incl veg and cpool 1034.762 1287.581 FPG(proportion) fraction of potential GPP 0.850 0.846 FPI(proportion) fraction of potential immobilization 0.774 0.770 NDEP_TO_SMINN(TgN/y) nitrogen deposition 63.085 63.085 FERT(TgN/y) fertilizer added -999.000 -999.000 FERT_TO_SMINN(TgN/y) fertilizer to soil mineral N -999.000 -999.000 NFERTILIZATION(TgN/y) fertilizer added -999.000 -999.000 POTENTIAL_IMMOB(TgN/y) Potential Immobilization 2683.767 2979.666 ACTUAL_IMMOB(TgN/y) Actual Immobilization 1274.384 1462.748 GROSS_NMIN(TgN/y) Gross N Mineralization 1984.977 2241.678 NET_NMIN(TgN/y) Net N Mineralization 710.594 778.934 NDEPLOY(TgN/y) Total N Deployed in New Growth 993.109 1091.330 RETRANSN_TO_NPOOL(TgN/y) Retranslocated N to NPool 231.224 256.807 SMINN_TO_NPOOL(TgN/y) Mineral N to NPool 761.883 834.525 DENIT(TgN/y) Total Denitrification 117.802 116.354 SOIL3N(TgN) soil organic matter N (slow pool) 6915.834 8522.973 SOIL4N(TgN) Soil organic matter N (slowest pool) 42431.250 52131.879 NFIX_TO_SMINN(TgN/y) nitrogen fixation 107.664 110.511 NAM(TgN/y) AM-associated N uptake flux -999.000 -999.000 NECM(TgN/y) ECM-associated N uptake flux -999.000 -999.000 NFIX(TgN/y) Symbiotic BNF uptake flux -999.000 -999.000 NRETRANS(TgN/y) Retranslocated N uptake flux -999.000 -999.000 NPP_NUPTAKE(PgC/y) total carbon used by N uptake in FUN -999.000 -999.000 FFIX_TO_SMINN(TgN/y) free living N fixation to soil mineral N -999.000 -999.000 NPP_NFIX(PgC/y) Symbiotic BNF uptake used C -999.000 -999.000 NPP_NACTIVE(PgC/y) Mycorrhizal N uptake used C -999.000 -999.000 NPP_NRETRANS(PgC/y) retranslocated N uptake flux -999.000 -999.000 SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN(TgN/y) supplement to mineral nitrogen 0.000 0.000 SMINN_LEACHED(TgN/y) Nitrogen Leached 0.014 0.009 SMIN_NO3_LEACHED(TgN/y) Soil NO3 pool loss to leaching -999.000 -999.000 SMIN_NO3_RUNOFF(TgN/y) Soil NO3 pool loss to runoff -999.000 -999.000 SMINN(TgN) soil mineral N 0.653 0.646 RETRANSN(TgN) plant pool of retranslocated N 396.289 441.661 COL_CTRUNC(PgC) column-level sink for C truncation 0.000 0.000 PFT_CTRUNC(PgC) pft-level sink for C truncation 0.000 0.000 COL_NTRUNC(TgN) column-level sink for N truncation 0.880 0.803 PFT_NTRUNC(TgN) pft-level sink for N truncation 0.003 0.002 COL_FIRE_CLOSS(PgC/y) total column-level fire C loss 1.775 2.037 PFT_FIRE_CLOSS(PgC/y) total pft-level fire C loss 1.419 1.614 COL_FIRE_NLOSS(TgN/y) total column-level fire N loss 21.826 24.154 PFT_FIRE_NLOSS(TgN/y) total pft-level fire N loss 18.064 19.899 FAREA_BURNED(proportion/y) fractional area burned -999.000 -999.000 BAF_CROP(proportion/y) fractional area burned - crop -999.000 -999.000 CWDC_HR(PgC/y) Coarse Woody Debris C Hetereotrophic respiration 0.000 0.000 CWDC_LOSS(PgC/y) Coarse Woody Debris C Loss 9.960 12.396 FROOTC_ALLOC(PgC/m2y) Fine root C allocation 18.959 20.679 FROOTC_LOSS(PgC/m2y) Fine root C Loss 18.845 20.595 LEAFC_ALLOC(PgC/m2y) Leaf C Allocation 12.429 13.746 LEAFC_LOSS(PgC/m2y) Leaf C Loss 12.359 13.690 LITTERC(PgC) Total Litter C 11.709 14.587 LITTERC_HR(PgC/m2y) Litter Hetereotrophic Respiration 18.782 21.317 LITTERC_LOSS(PgC/m2y) Litter C Loss 41.510 47.001 SOILC(PgC) soil organic matter C (fast pool) 500.444 615.123 SOILC_HR(PgC/y) Soil C hetereotrophic respiration 22.425 25.324 SOILC_LOSS(PgC/y) Soil C Loss 22.425 25.324 WOODC(PgC) Wood C 405.837 514.984 WOODC_ALLOC(PgC/y) Wood C Allocation 12.200 14.903 WOODC_LOSS(PgC/y) Wood C Loss 9.993 12.353