Set List


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Set 1 Description: Line plots of annual trends in energy balance, soil water/ice and temperature, runoff, snow water/ice, photosynthesis

Lookup Table: Set 1 Variable Definition

Trend Difference Anomaly
2m air temperature (TSA) --- --- ---
ppt: rain+snow (PREC) --- --- ---
Total Liquid Runoff (TOTRUNOFF) --- --- ---
soil temperature: layers 1,5,10 (TSOI) --- --- ---
photosynthesis (FPSN) --- --- ---
exposed one-sided leaf area index (ELAI) --- --- ---
exposed one-sided stem area index (ESAI) --- --- ---
total one-sided leaf area index (TLAI) --- --- ---
total one-sided stem area index (TSAI) --- --- ---
Sunlit Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISUN) --- --- ---
Shaded Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISHA) --- --- ---
transpiration beta factor (BTRAN) --- --- ---
infiltration (QINFL) --- --- ---
surface runoff (QOVER) --- --- ---
water added through irrig (QIRRIG) --- --- ---
surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes; also includes melted ice runoff from QSNWCPICE (QRGWL) --- --- ---
sub-surface drainage (QDRAI) --- --- ---
interception (QINTR) --- --- ---
ground evaporation (QSOIL) --- --- ---
canopy transpiration (QVEGT) --- --- ---
sensible heat (FSH) --- --- ---
sensible heat sent to coupler (FSH_TO_COUPLER) --- --- ---
SHF from conv of rain/snow atm forcing (FSH_PRECIP_CONVERSION) --- --- ---
SHF from conv of ice runoff to liquid (FSH_RUNOFF_ICE_TO_LIQ) --- --- ---
Coupler Energy Balance (Land Area) (CPL_ENERGY_BAL) --- --- ---
soil liquid water: layers 1,5,10 (SOILLIQ) --- --- ---
soil ice: layers 1,5,10 (SOILICE) --- --- ---
Soil Water Potential in Each Soil Layer (SOILPSI) --- --- ---
snow liquid water (SNOWLIQ) --- --- ---
snow ice (SNOWICE) --- --- ---
fraction of ground covered by snow (FSNO) --- --- ---
total snow water equiv (SNOWICE + SNOWLIQ) (H2OSNO) --- --- ---
total soil liquid water (TOTSOILLIQ) --- --- ---
total soil ice (TOTSOILICE) --- --- ---
water in the unconfined aquifer (WA) --- --- ---
water table depth (ZWT) --- --- ---
aquifer recharge rate (QCHARGE) --- --- ---
fractional area with water table at surface (FCOV) --- --- ---
CO2 concentration (CO2_PPMV) --- --- ---
total water storage (TWS) --- --- ---
river channel total water storage (VOLR) --- --- ---
total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (DSTDEP) --- --- ---
total surface dust emission (DSTFLXT) --- --- ---
total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (OCDEP) --- --- ---
total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (BCDEP) --- --- ---