Set List


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Set 11 Description: Horizontal contour plots of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, and ANN means, zoomed in on the Antarctic ice sheet

Lookup Table: Set 11 Variable Definition

RACMO2.3: near-sfc atm & precip DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
TSA     2m air temperature     --- --- --- --- ---
Q2M     2m specific humidity     --- --- --- --- ---
RH2M     2m relative humidity     --- --- --- --- ---
U10     10-m wind     --- --- --- --- ---
SNOW     atmospheric snow     --- --- --- --- ---
RAIN     atmospheric rain     --- --- --- --- ---
PBOT     atm pressure of bottom layer     --- --- --- --- ---

RACMO2.3: Fluxes
FSH     sensible heat     --- --- --- --- ---
QSOIL     ground evaporation     --- --- --- --- ---
FGR     heat flux into snow/soil (includes snow melt)     --- --- --- --- ---
FLDS     atmospheric longwave radiation     --- --- --- --- ---
FIRE     emitted infrared (longwave) radiation     --- --- --- --- ---
FSDS     atmospheric incident solar radiation     --- --- --- --- ---
FSR     reflected solar radiation     --- --- --- --- ---
ASA     all-sky albedo:FSR/FSDS     --- --- --- --- ---

RACMO2.3: SMB and components
QICE_FRZ     ice growth     --- --- --- --- ---
QICE_MELT     ice melt     --- --- --- --- ---
QSNOMELT     snow melt     --- --- --- --- ---
QICE     ice growth/melt     --- --- --- --- ---
TSA     2m air temperature     --- --- --- --- ---
PREC     ppt: rain+snow     --- --- --- --- ---
ASA     all-sky albedo:FSR/FSDS     --- --- --- --- ---
RNET     net radiation:fsa-fira     --- --- --- --- ---
LHEAT     latent heat:FCTR+FCEV+FGEV     --- --- --- --- ---
TOTRUNOFF     Total Liquid Runoff     --- --- --- --- ---
QOVER     surface runoff     --- --- --- --- ---
QRGWL     surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes; also includes melted ice runoff from QSNWCPICE     --- --- --- --- ---
QRUNOFF_RAIN_TO_SNOW_CONVERSION     liquid runoff from rain-to-snow conversion when this conversion leads to immediate runoff     --- --- --- --- ---
QDRAI     sub-surface drainage     --- --- --- --- ---
QFLX_LIQ_DYNBAL     liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux     --- --- --- --- ---
QFLX_ICE_DYNBAL     ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux     --- --- --- --- ---
QRUNOFF_ICE     total liquid runoff not incl correction for LULCC (ice landunits only)     --- --- --- --- ---
SNOWDP     snow height     --- --- --- --- ---
FSH     sensible heat     --- --- --- --- ---
FSH_TO_COUPLER     sensible heat sent to coupler     --- --- --- --- ---
FSH_PRECIP_CONVERSION     SHF from conv of rain/snow atm forcing     --- --- --- --- ---
FSH_RUNOFF_ICE_TO_LIQ     SHF from conv of ice runoff to liquid     --- --- --- --- ---
TV     vegetation temperature     --- --- --- --- ---
TG     ground temperature     --- --- --- --- ---
FSA     absorbed solar radiation     --- --- --- --- ---
FSR     reflected solar radiation     --- --- --- --- ---
FIRA     net infrared (longwave) radiation     --- --- --- --- ---
FIRE     emitted infrared (longwave) radiation     --- --- --- --- ---
FGR     heat flux into snow/soil (includes snow melt)     --- --- --- --- ---
FSM     snow melt heat flux     --- --- --- --- ---
H2OSNO     total snow water equiv (SNOWICE + SNOWLIQ)     --- --- --- --- ---
H2OSNO_ICE     total snow water equiv (SNOWICE + SNOWLIQ) over glacier units     --- --- --- --- ---
QSNOMELT     snow melt     --- --- --- --- ---
QSNOMELT_ICE     snow melt over glacier units     --- --- --- --- ---
QSNOFRZ     column-integrated snow freezing rate     --- --- --- --- ---
QSNOFRZ_ICE     column-integrated snow freezing rate (ice landunits only)     --- --- --- --- ---
QSOIL     ground evaporation     --- --- --- --- ---
QSOIL_ICE     ground evaporation over glacier units     --- --- --- --- ---
QICE_FRZ     ice growth     --- --- --- --- ---
QICE_MELT     ice melt     --- --- --- --- ---
QICE     ice growth/melt     --- --- --- --- ---
FSNO     fraction of ground covered by snow     --- --- --- --- ---
SNOWDP     snow height     --- --- --- --- ---
RAIN     atmospheric rain     --- --- --- --- ---
SNOW     atmospheric snow     --- --- --- --- ---
RAIN_REPARTITIONED     atmospheric rain after repartitioning     --- --- --- --- ---
SNOW_REPARTITIONED     atmospheric snow after repartitioning     --- --- --- --- ---
P-E     PREC-ET     --- --- --- --- ---
WIND     atmospheric wind velocity magnitude     --- --- --- --- ---
FLDS     atmospheric longwave radiation     --- --- --- --- ---
FSDS     atmospheric incident solar radiation     --- --- --- --- ---
Q2M     2m specific humidity     --- --- --- --- ---
RH2M     2m relative humidity     --- --- --- --- ---
TSOI (1)     soil temperature     --- --- --- --- ---
TSOI (5)     soil temperature     --- --- --- --- ---
TSOI (10)     soil temperature     --- --- --- --- ---
TWS     total water storage     --- --- --- --- ---
U10     10-m wind     --- --- --- --- ---
PBOT     atm pressure of bottom layer     --- --- --- --- ---