- Albedo is computed from the ratio of the average fluxes averaged across the region in question rather than from the average albedo at each point. For example, the global mean albedo is computed from the ratio of the global mean reflected SW flux to the global mean solar insolation rather than from the global mean albedo computed at each gridpoint. {The ratio is always computed in the last step of the derivation.}
- The PD-PI increment is applied to all comparisons of preindustrial control runs with observations and is defined as the difference in the monthly mean climatology as a f(lon,lat) during the time span of observations in the CESM-LE ensemble mean minus the mean of years 1000-1499 in the CESM-LE 1850 control run. All observations shown (generally in the middle left panels) have been adjusted using the PD-PI increment.
- Stippling is used to indicate regions where the model departure from either observations or the reference model exceeds 2-standard deviations of internal variability based on the CESM-LE.
- Hatching indications regions where it exceeds that amount plus observational uncertainty.
- Observational uncertainty is estimated based on expert guidance from community experts and data producers (e.g. the CERES science team). For some fields, uncertainty is best characterized in percentage terms while for other fields, particularly those where both positive and negative values are possible, absolute uncertainty estimates are preferable.
- Observational uncertainty is summarized as in: SOLIN (0.1%), ALBEDO (1%), ALBDS (3%), FSNTOA (5%), FLNT (5%), FLUT (5%), RT (15 W/m2), FS (26 W/m2), FSDS (15 W/m2), FSNS (15 W/m2), FLDS (5%), FLNS (15 W/m2), PR (5%), LHFLX (15 W/m2), SHFLX (5 W/m2), TMQ (5%), PSL (200 hPa), Z500 (100m).
- Regional acronyms includes global mean (GM), northern (NHM) and southern hemisphere means (SHM), ocean (OM) and land means (LM). Area-averages are always based on cosine of latitude weighting.
- Climatological zonal means are averaged over the globe and correspond to ocean (blue), land (red), and all surfaces (black).
- For visual clarity, the Y-axis may differ across individual panels on a particular plot.