AMWG Variability Diagnostics
Dave Williamson's Draft of the WGNE Standard Diagnostics of Variability.
3-Hourly Data plots
Diurnal cycle of precipitation plots
Amplitude and phase of 1st harmonic of the diurnal cycle of precipitation
6-Hourly Data plots
Wavenumber-frequency power spectra plots
Equatorial Hovmöller plots of U200, U850, OLR, and anomalies
Daily Data plots
Hovmöller plots of 200 mb velocity potential
Madden-Julian Oscillation index plots
Precipitation rate histograms
EOF analysis
wavenumber-frequency spectra
composite life cycles
Monthly/Seasonal Data plots
Equatorial Pacific Hovmöller plots of anomalies
Timeseries of surface temperature anomalies
Timeseries of Niño 1&2, Niño 3, Niño 4 anomalies
Timeseries of precipitation anomalies
Timeseries of total cloud amount anomalies
Timeseries of sea-level pressure anomalies
EOFs of N Pacific and Atlantic winter 500 mb geopotential height
Amplitude and phase of annual cycle of precip and 2-meter temp
Developers: Mark Stevens, Rich Neale, Julie Caron, Dani Coleman, Jadwiga
Richter, and Jack Chen
send questions and comments to
Jack Chen (