Task Lists
Tidal Dissipation
Selected CESM GIAF Tidal Mixing Experiments
This section summarizes a subset of CESM1.1.2 coupled ocean-ice tidal mixing experiments
and contains links to the standard CESM POP2 diagnostics for each case.
Unless otherwise noted, each case exectuted for a total of 310 years, forced by five repeating
62-year CORE II cycles. Cross-case and specialized diagnostics appear in the next section.
- Jayne/St Laurent
- J1. giaf.c112.000 "control"
CESM out-of-the-box. Jayne vertical profile, Jayne E(x,y)
- J2. giaf.c112.000.br1 Same physics as J2, except this is only a
20-year segment to
harvest time-averaged TIDAL_DIFF, N2, and TEMP layers
- J3. giaf.c112.000.Nb Same as J1, except E(x,y,t), a function of Nb,
evolves over time
- Polzin
- P1. giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test1.Nb.bugfix "PS"
("Polzin Simulation" Melet, 2013).
uses Melet's reformulation of the WKB scaling form of Polzin's method
with time-varying E(x,y,t). Same roughness and urms as in
J3. Comparison of P1 to J3 is intended to be equivalent to M2013
- P2. giaf.c112.tidal.2DPM.test4 "2DPM" . This case
uses Melet's reformulation of the WKB scaling form of Polzin's method,
except with time-invariant E(x,y) that is the same as in "2DGN" case S3.
- Schmittner
- S1. giaf.c112.tidal.2DE10 "2DE" with
tidal_mix_max = 10.0 (standard value in J and P cases is 100.0)
- S2. giaf.c112.tidal.3DE10 "3DE" with tidal_mix_max=10
- S3. giaf.c112.tidal.2DGN.001 "2DGN", newer GN dataset (Ullman 20141027)
- S4. giaf.c112.tidal.3DGN.001 "3DGN", newer GN dataset
- S5. giaf.c112.tidal.3DGN.002 same as S4, except with 18.6-year lunar cycle imposed over the fifth forcing cycles (years 249-310)
- S6. giaf.c112.tidal.2DGN.005 same as S5, except
- 2D
- 18.6-year lunar cycle imposed over all five forcing cycles (years 1-310)
- tidal-diffusion "floor" value 1.0 in Denmark Strait over lowest two active levels.
This section contains a collection of analyses of the CESM1.1.2 coupled ocean-ice tidal mixing experiments.